Download the PHP package habeuk/wb_horizon_stable without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package habeuk/wb_horizon_stable. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package wb_horizon_stable

All versions of wb_horizon_stable with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires asm89/stack-cors Version v2.2.0
behat/mink Version v1.11.0
behat/mink-browserkit-driver Version v2.2.0
chi-teck/drupal-code-generator Version 3.6.1
colinodell/psr-testlogger Version v1.3.0
commerceguys/addressing Version v2.2.1
commerceguys/intl Version v2.0.5
consolidation/annotated-command Version 4.10.0
consolidation/config Version 2.1.2
consolidation/filter-via-dot-access-data Version 2.0.2
consolidation/log Version 3.1.0
consolidation/output-formatters Version 4.5.0
consolidation/robo Version 4.0.6
consolidation/self-update Version 2.2.0
consolidation/site-alias Version 4.1.0
consolidation/site-process Version 5.4.0
cweagans/composer-patches Version 1.7.3
dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer Version v1.0.0
dflydev/dot-access-data Version v3.0.3
doctrine/annotations Version 1.14.3
doctrine/collections Version 2.2.2
doctrine/deprecations Version 1.1.3
doctrine/instantiator Version 2.0.0
doctrine/lexer Version 2.1.1
drupal/address Version 2.0.2
drupal/admin_toolbar Version 3.4.2
drupal/apivuejs Version 1.2.28
drupal/better_exposed_filters Version 6.0.6
drupal/bootstrap_layout_builder Version 2.1.2
drupal/bootstrap_styles Version 1.1.6
drupal/coder Version 8.3.24
drupal/colorapi Version 1.2.0
drupal/commerce Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_autosku Version 2.1.0
drupal/commerce_cart Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_cart_api Version 1.8.0
drupal/commerce_number_pattern Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_order Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_payment Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_price Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_product Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_promotion Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_shipping Version 2.9.0
drupal/commerce_stock Version 1.3.0
drupal/commerce_store Version 2.39.0
drupal/commerce_stripe Version 1.1.0
drupal/core Version 10.3.1
drupal/core-composer-scaffold Version 10.3.1
drupal/core-dev Version 10.3.1
drupal/core-project-message Version 10.3.1
drupal/core-recommended Version 10.3.1
drupal/ctools Version 4.1.0
drupal/domain Version dev-2.0.x#15980e5
drupal/domain_language Version 2.0.0-alpha1
drupal/entity Version 1.4.0
drupal/entity_block Version 1.1.0
drupal/entity_reference_revisions Version 1.11.0
drupal/field_formatter_class Version 1.6.0
drupal/filesmanager Version 1.0.9
drupal/formatage_models Version 4.1.31
drupal/fullswiperoptions Version 1.2.39
drupal/generate_style_theme Version 4.0.6
drupal/geolocation Version 3.13.0
drupal/imce Version 3.1.0
drupal/inline_entity_form Version 1.0.0-rc17
drupal/jquery_ui Version 1.7.0
drupal/jquery_ui_autocomplete Version 2.1.0
drupal/jquery_ui_datepicker Version 2.1.0
drupal/jquery_ui_menu Version 2.1.0
drupal/jquery_ui_slider Version 2.1.0
drupal/jquery_ui_touch_punch Version 1.1.1
drupal/jsonapi_resources Version 1.0.0
drupal/lang_dropdown Version 2.1.0
drupal/languageicons Version 2.0.0-beta5
drupal/layout_custom_style Version 1.0.3
drupal/layoutgenentitystyles Version 3.1.1
drupal/mail_login Version 3.0.0
drupal/mailsystem Version 4.4.0
drupal/media_library_form_element Version 2.1.0
drupal/menu_item_extras Version 2.19.0
drupal/migrate_file Version 2.1.2
drupal/migrate_plus Version 6.0.2
drupal/migrate_tools Version 6.0.4
drupal/migrate_upgrade Version 4.0.2
drupal/mimemail Version 1.0.0-alpha6
drupal/more_fields Version 2.2.21
drupal/paragraph_view_mode Version 3.1.5
drupal/paragraphs Version 1.17.0
drupal/pathauto Version 1.12.0
drupal/phone_international Version 3.3.1
drupal/physical Version 1.3.0
drupal/profile Version 1.10.0
drupal/restui Version 1.21.0
drupal/search_api Version 1.35.0
drupal/search_api_autocomplete Version 1.9.0
drupal/select2 Version 1.15.0
drupal/state_machine Version 1.11.0
drupal/token Version 1.14.0
drupal/transliterate_filenames Version 2.0.2
drupal/twig_vardumper Version 3.1.1
drupal/video Version 3.0.5
drupal/view_filter_promotion Version 1.0.0-alpha4
drupal/votingapi Version dev-3.x#42283be
drupal/wb_universe Version 4.2.11
drupal/webform Version 6.2.3
drush/drush Version 12.5.2
egulias/email-validator Version 4.0.2
evenement/evenement Version v3.0.2
firebase/php-jwt Version v6.10.1
fzaninotto/faker Version dev-master#5ffe7db
giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php Version 8.13.40
giggsey/locale Version 2.6
google/apiclient Version v2.17.0
google/apiclient-services Version v0.364.0
google/auth Version v1.41.0
google/protobuf Version v3.25.3
grasmash/expander Version 3.0.0
grasmash/yaml-cli Version 3.2.1
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version 7.8.2
guzzlehttp/promises Version 2.0.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version 2.6.3
habeuk/apivuejs Version 1.2.28|1.x-dev
habeuk/bestlayouts Version 1.0.4
habeuk/bks_schedule Version 1.0.0
habeuk/blockscontent Version 1.1.4
habeuk/booking_system Version 2.0.5
habeuk/bookingsystem_autoecole Version 1.0.11|dev-1x
habeuk/buildercv Version 1.1.4
habeuk/buildercvlayouts Version
habeuk/clothingslayouts Version 1.1.8
habeuk/commerceformatage Version 1.1.15
habeuk/contextual_more_links Version 1.0.2
habeuk/debug Version 2.0.7
habeuk/drupal_utility Version dev-1x#55151ab
habeuk/export_entities_wbhorizon Version 1.0.9
habeuk/fast_models Version 1.2.7
habeuk/formatage_models Version 4.1.30
habeuk/fullswiperoptions Version 1.2.39
habeuk/habeuk_utilitaire Version 1.0.4
habeuk/hbkcolissimochrono Version 1.0.8
habeuk/hot_models Version 1.2.4
habeuk/htmlbootstrap Version 1.5.0
habeuk/language_lighter Version 1.0.4|1.x-dev
habeuk/layoutscommerce Version 1.8.10
habeuk/login_rx_vuejs Version 2.3.4
habeuk/manage_module_config Version 1.0.8|dev-1x
habeuk/mit_models Version 1.1.3
habeuk/mitor Version 1.1.4
habeuk/spaker_mod Version 2.1.6
habeuk/stripe Version dev-1x#0963f0a
habeuk/stripebyhabeuk Version 1.1.4
habeuk/vixcon Version 1.1.4
habeuk/votings_renders Version 1.2.1
habeuk/wb_commerce Version 1.0.22|1.x-dev
jawira/case-converter Version v3.5.1
justinrainbow/json-schema Version 5.3.0
kint-php/kint Version 5.1.1
krepysh-spec/currency Version 1.0.1
league/container Version 4.2.2
lullabot/mink-selenium2-driver Version v1.7.3
lullabot/php-webdriver Version v2.0.5
masterminds/html5 Version 2.9.0
mck89/peast Version v1.16.2
mglaman/phpstan-drupal Version 1.2.11
micheh/phpcs-gitlab Version 1.1.0
mikey179/vfsstream Version v1.6.11
monolog/monolog Version 3.7.0
myclabs/deep-copy Version 1.12.0
nikic/php-parser Version v5.1.0
open-telemetry/api Version 1.0.3
open-telemetry/context Version 1.0.2
open-telemetry/exporter-otlp Version 1.0.4
open-telemetry/gen-otlp-protobuf Version 1.1.0
open-telemetry/sdk Version 1.0.8
open-telemetry/sem-conv Version 1.25.0
ovh/ovh Version v3.3.0
paragonie/constant_time_encoding Version v3.0.0
paragonie/random_compat Version v9.99.100
pear/archive_tar Version 1.5.0
pear/console_getopt Version v1.4.3
pear/pear-core-minimal Version v1.10.15
pear/pear_exception Version v1.0.2
phar-io/manifest Version 2.0.4
phar-io/version Version 3.2.1
phootwork/collection Version v3.2.2
phootwork/lang Version v3.2.2
php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg Version v1.2.0
php-http/discovery Version 1.19.4
php-http/guzzle7-adapter Version 1.0.0
php-http/httplug Version 2.4.0
php-http/promise Version 1.3.1
phpdocumentor/reflection-common Version 2.2.0
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock Version 5.4.1
phpdocumentor/type-resolver Version 1.8.2
phpmailer/phpmailer Version v6.9.1
phpowermove/docblock Version v4.0
phpseclib/phpseclib Version 3.0.39
phpspec/prophecy Version v1.19.0
phpspec/prophecy-phpunit Version v2.2.0
phpstan/extension-installer Version 1.4.1
phpstan/phpdoc-parser Version 1.29.1
phpstan/phpstan Version 1.11.7
phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules Version 1.2.0
phpstan/phpstan-phpunit Version 1.4.0
phpunit/php-code-coverage Version 9.2.31
phpunit/php-file-iterator Version 3.0.6
phpunit/php-invoker Version 3.1.1
phpunit/php-text-template Version 2.0.4
phpunit/php-timer Version 5.0.3
phpunit/phpunit Version 9.6.20
politsin/jquery-ui-touch-punch Version 1.0
psr/cache Version 3.0.0
psr/container Version 2.0.2
psr/event-dispatcher Version 1.0.0
psr/http-client Version 1.0.3
psr/http-factory Version 1.1.0
psr/http-message Version 2.0
psr/log Version 3.0.0
psy/psysh Version v0.12.4
ralouphie/getallheaders Version 3.0.3
react/promise Version v3.2.0
sebastian/cli-parser Version 1.0.2
sebastian/code-unit Version 1.0.8
sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup Version 2.0.3
sebastian/comparator Version 4.0.8
sebastian/complexity Version 2.0.3
sebastian/diff Version 4.0.6
sebastian/environment Version 5.1.5
sebastian/exporter Version 4.0.6
sebastian/global-state Version 5.0.7
sebastian/lines-of-code Version 1.0.4
sebastian/object-enumerator Version 4.0.4
sebastian/object-reflector Version 2.0.4
sebastian/recursion-context Version 4.0.5
sebastian/resource-operations Version 3.0.4
sebastian/type Version 3.2.1
sebastian/version Version 3.0.2
seld/jsonlint Version 1.11.0
seld/phar-utils Version 1.2.1
seld/signal-handler Version 2.0.2
sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis Version v2.11.19
slevomat/coding-standard Version 8.15.0
spatie/temporary-directory Version 2.2.1
squizlabs/php_codesniffer Version 3.10.1
stephane888/creation_site_virtuel Version
stephane888/fielditem_renderby_view Version 2.0.3
stephane888/formatter_render_field Version 1.0.2
stephane888/generate_domain_vps Version 1.0.14
stephane888/get_data_field_from_url Version 1.0.1
stephane888/hbktemplateuser Version 1.1.10|dev-wbh
stephane888/migrationwbh Version 1.4.40|dev-1x
stephane888/modeldessange Version 1.0.2
stephane888/ovh_api_rest Version 1.1.1
stephane888/owlcarousel Version 1.1.3
stephane888/prise_rendez_vous Version 1.4.0
stephane888/terms_display Version 2.0.3
stephane888/view_formatter_layouts Version 1.0.5
stephane888/wb_horizon_public Version 1.1.15|dev-1x
stephane888/webform_domain_access Version 0.0.1
stripe/stripe-php Version v7.128.0
symfony/browser-kit Version v6.4.8
symfony/cache Version v7.1.2
symfony/cache-contracts Version v3.5.0
symfony/console Version v6.4.9
symfony/css-selector Version v6.4.8
symfony/dependency-injection Version v6.4.9
symfony/deprecation-contracts Version v3.5.0
symfony/dom-crawler Version v6.4.8
symfony/error-handler Version v6.4.9
symfony/event-dispatcher Version v6.4.8
symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts Version v3.5.0
symfony/filesystem Version v6.4.9
symfony/finder Version v6.4.8
symfony/http-foundation Version v6.4.8
symfony/http-kernel Version v6.4.9
symfony/lock Version v6.4.8
symfony/mailer Version v6.4.9
symfony/mime Version v6.4.9
symfony/phpunit-bridge Version v6.4.9
symfony/polyfill-ctype Version v1.29.0
symfony/polyfill-iconv Version v1.29.0
symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme Version v1.29.0
symfony/polyfill-intl-idn Version v1.29.0
symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer Version v1.29.0
symfony/polyfill-mbstring Version v1.29.0
symfony/polyfill-php72 Version v1.30.0
symfony/polyfill-php73 Version v1.30.0
symfony/polyfill-php80 Version v1.30.0
symfony/polyfill-php81 Version v1.30.0
symfony/polyfill-php82 Version v1.30.0
symfony/polyfill-php83 Version v1.29.0
symfony/process Version v6.4.8
symfony/psr-http-message-bridge Version v6.4.8
symfony/routing Version v6.4.8
symfony/serializer Version v6.4.9
symfony/service-contracts Version v3.5.0
symfony/stopwatch Version v6.4.8
symfony/string Version v6.4.9
symfony/translation-contracts Version v3.5.0
symfony/validator Version v6.4.9
symfony/var-dumper Version v6.4.9
symfony/var-exporter Version v6.4.9
symfony/yaml Version v6.4.8
theseer/tokenizer Version 1.2.3
twig/twig Version v3.10.3
webflo/drupal-finder Version 1.3.1
webmozart/assert Version 1.11.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package habeuk/wb_horizon_stable contains the following files

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