Download the PHP package trms/carousel without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package trms/carousel. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package carousel

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PHP Package for the Carousel API

This package is designed to be a fluent interface for Tightrope Media Systems' Carousel API. For more information on TRMS and the Carousel software please visit

Carousel API

This package requires ownership of Carousel software version 7 or greater. General information about the Carousel API can be found on your carousel server at your_carousel_server/carouselapi.

Package Installation

This package should be installed with composer and requires PHP 7+


Servers & Requests

The Server Instance

Model Requests

File Upload Requests

Bulletin Order Requests

Carousel Models



Bulletin & Template Blocks





Bulletin Sorting

Thrown Exceptions

Basic Usage Examples

Creating a server instance

Server methods that return more than one object will return a collection, which can be treated like an array.

Requesting Carousel Resources

All of the requests for Carousel resources are created by instantiating a ModelRequest with the appropriate Model class name and passing that to the server's get method. Passing an array of parameters to the ModelRequest is also important so that your query is limited to the items you want to get.

For example, to get a set of bulletins in a given zone:

Saving a Resource

New or existing resources can be saved by passing them to the save method on a server instance.

Creating a Bulletin From A Template

Usually you will be creating new bulletins from existing templates. More information on Bulletins below.

Creating Content from File Uploads

You can create new Media and Bulletins by uploading a file to the Carousel Server. This is done by instantiating a FileUploadRequest with the appropriate Model class name and an array of parameters passed to the request. ZoneID is required. You will then add the files you wish to upload by chaining addFile methods and then pass the request to the server's upload method. This will return an array of models, one for each file that was added.


Servers and Requests



This represents the Carousel server itself


Method Parameters Returns Description
connect server origin, username, password self - chainable Connect to the server with a url and authentication information. be sure to include the scheme (ie:http://)
whoAmI none User Object Gets the currently connected user.
get ModelRequest Model or Collection of Models Get a specified resource or set of resources from the server
save Model null Save a model
delete Model null Delete a model. Note that most resources in Carousel are soft deleted on the server and the result will be the property IsDeleted will be set to true.
upload FileUploadRequest Collection of Models Upload a file or set of files to the server to create content with.



Model requests are used to get models from the server.


Method Parameters Returns Description
constructor Model ClassName, associative array Request Object Pass this the class name of the Model you would like to retrieve (ie: Bulletin::class) and an associative array of values to filter the request with. (ie: either [id=>'some_id_value'] or ['ZoneID'=>'5',IsDeleted=>false])



File upload requests are used to post images video or audio to the server in order to create content with it either as Media assets or as Bulletins.


Method Parameters Returns Description
constructor Model ClassName, associative array Request Object Pass this the class name of the Model you would like to retrieve (ie: Bulletin::class) and an associative array that determines the values to create the resource with. (ie: ['ZoneID'=>'5']) (currently only ZoneID is supported and its also required)
addFile string self - chainable The URL or file path of the file to upload to the server



Bulletin order requests are used to get the Group/Bulletin order for a given Zone. A ZoneID is required as a parameter when creating the request. For more information see the section on bulletin sorting below.


Method Parameters Returns Description
constructor associative array Request Object Pass this an associative array of values to filter the request with. (ie:['ZoneID'=>'5'])


Method Parameters Returns Description
constructor associative array self Constructor for the class, properties passed to it will be used to define the Model.
save none none This is a convenience method for saving previously persisted models. For newly instantiated models this function will throw a CarouselModelException. Use the API's save method to save new models.
delete none none This is a convenience method for deleting previously persisted models. For newly instantiated models this function will throw a CarouselModelException.



A Bulletin is a piece of content displayed in Carousel. The closest analogy would be a slide in a power point deck.


Method Parameters Returns Description
fromTemplate (static) Template Object Bulletin Object Create a new unsaved bulletin from a template.
resolvePartial none none Resolves partial bulletins by getting them by id from the server. See the property PartialBulletin for more information. This function is called when trying to save partial bulletins.
setBackground Media Object self - chainable Sets the background Media to be used in this model.
getBackground none Media Object Gets the related background Media model.
addBlock Block Object self - chainable Add a Block relationship to the model.
removeBlock Block Object self - chainable Remove a Block relationship from the model.
setGroup Group Object self - chainable Sets the Group for this bulletin
getGroup none Group Object Gets the group for this bulletin
addTag Tag Object self - chainable Add a Tag relationship to the model.
removeTag Tag Object self - chainable Remove a Tag relationship from the model.
setUser User Object self - chainable Sets the User to be used in this model.
getUser none User Object Gets the related User model.
resetScheduled none self - chainable Resets the DateTimeOn and DateTimeOff to today and IsScheduled to false.
setSchedule DateTime, DateTime self - chainable Sets the DateTimeOn and DateTimeOff properties
setDateTimeOn DateTime self - chainable Sets the DateTimeOn property.
setDateTimeOff DateTime self - chainable Sets the DateTimeOff property.
resetCycleTimes none self - chainable Resets the CycleTimeOn and CycleTimeOff to be 'on all day'.
setCycleTimes DateTime, DateTime self - chainable Sets the CycleTimeOn and CycleTimeOff properties.
setCycleTimeOn DateTime self - chainable Sets the CycleTimeOn property.
setCycleTimeOff DateTime self - chainable Sets the CycleTimeOff property.
setDaysOnAll boolean (default true) self - chainable Sets display property for all days.
setDaysOnWeekend boolean (default true) self - chainable Sets display property for weekends.
setDaysOnWeekdays boolean (default true) self - chainable Sets display property for weekdays.
setDaysOn{Dayname} boolean (default true) self - chainable Sets display property for a single day of the week (ie: setDaysOnSaturday()).


Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
Blocks array An array of Block objects
Description string The description of the Bulletin
DwellTime int How long the bulletin displays each rotation.
UseSystemDwellTime boolean Should the system decide how long this bulletin displays each rotation, if false use the defined dwell time.
IsAlert boolean Is this Bulletin an alert bulletin? Alerts will override any non-alert content in a zone.
IsDeleted boolean Soft deletion property, soft deleted bulletins will be cleaned up and permanently deleted after a time.
IsScheduled boolean Does this bulletin respect the DateTimeOn and DateTimeOff values
DateTimeOn string The date and time the bulletin will begin playing. (there are helper methods for setting this value)
DateTimeOff string The date and time the bulletin will stop playing. (there are helper methods for setting this value)
CycleTimeOn string The time the bulletin will begin playing each day it is scheduled Only the time portion of this is used by the server. (there are helper methods for setting this value)
CycleTimeOff string The time the bulletin will stop playing each day it is scheduled Only the time portion of this is used by the server. (there are helper methods for setting this value)
WeekdayOnOff int A bit-field representation of the days of the week that this bulletin will play during its schedule. (there are helper methods for setting this value)
WeekdayOnOffDescription string (read only) A human readable representation of the WeekdayOnOff value.
IsRepeating boolean Does this bulletin repeat playback every Nth bulletin.
RepeatInterval int How often a repeating bulletin repeats.
LastUpdate string Date and time of the last rendering of this bulletin.
LastError string The last error encountered when rendering this bulletin
PartialBulletin boolean (read only) Getting bulletins from the server via any query other than id will result in a partial bulletin. Partial bulletins do not contain some relationship data including Blocks and many of the properties for dynamic bulletins, if you need to act on these properties call resolvePartial() in order to get those properties from the server.
Status enumerable (read only) One of the following values: Current, Queued, Hold, Old, Saved, Current-Null (no dynamic content), Current-Error
Tags array An Array of Tag Objects
TrackImpressions boolean Should the service track each time this bulletin is played on a player
ImpressionCount int The number of times a tracked bulletin has played on a player
Type enumerable The type of bulletin, Bulletins created from templates are Standard. There are several dynamic Bulletin types that all have their own set of properties related to the dynamic content. (future updates may outline these better)
PreviewImageUrl string A low resolution rendering of the template
FullImageUrl string A full resolution rendering of the template



A template is the starting point for a standard Bulletin and is comprised of a background image and a series of content Blocks.


Method Parameters Returns Description
setBackground Media Object self - chainable Sets the background Media to be used in this model
getBackground none Media Object Gets the related background Media model
addBlock Block Object self - chainable Add a Block relationship to the model
removeBlock Block Object self - chainable Remove a Block relationship from the model
setUser User Object self - chainable Sets the User to be used in this model
getUser none User Object Gets the related User model
setZone Zone Object self - chainable Sets the Zone to be used in this model
getZone none Zone Object Gets the related Zone model


Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
Name string The name of the template
Tags array An Array of Tag Objects
IsPublic boolean Is this template viewable by all users in the Carousel UI
Blocks array An array of Block objects
PreviewImageUrl string A low resolution rendering of the template
FullImageUrl string A full resolution rendering of the template



A BulletinBlock is an area of content within a Bulletin or a Template. Blocks can be Text, Picture, Video, or WebPicture. Text blocks are just that, blocks containing text. Picture and Video blocks will take a Media Object. WebPicture blocks take the URL of an image. There are many properties on a block some of which apply to only one of the four BlockTypes. Many have several properties that are used to make an effect, like a drop shadow or a text glow.


Method Parameters Returns Description
setMedia Media Object self - chainable Sets the Media to be used in this model and sets the blockType to the corresponding Media type.
getMedia none Media Object Gets the related Media model.


Property type Description
BlockType enumerable Indicates the type of the block: Rectangle, Ellipse, Text, Picture, WebPicture, Video
Name string The name of the block
Size and Position
X int The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the block.
Y int The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the block.
Width int The width in pixels of the block.
Height int The height in pixels of the block.
RotateDegrees: int The rotation of the block in degrees
Text Basic
Text string The text to be displayed in a text block
AutoSizeText boolean If the block should auto size the text to fill the available block. If false the TextSize will be used
TextSize int The font size in points
Text Style
TextFont string The font name of an installed font. (this is a relationship, getting the installed fonts is not currently supported in this package)
TextBold boolean Bold styling
TextItalic boolean Italic styling
TextStrikeout boolean Strikeout styling
TextUnderline boolean Underline styling
Text Color
TextColor css color value The text color
TextColorOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the text
Text Alignment
TextHorizAlignment enumerable The horizontal alignment of the text: Near,Far,Center
TextVertAlignment enumerable The horizontal alignment of the text: Near,Far,Center
TextRightToLeft boolean Draw the text right to left
TextWrap boolean Should the text line wrap
Text Gradient Fill
TextGradient boolean Enable text gradient
TextGradientColor css color value The color of the gradient
TextGradientMode enumerable The direction of the gradient: Horizontal,Vertical,ForwardDiagonal,BackwardDiagonal
TextGradientOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the gradient
Text Stroke
TextOutline boolean Enable text stroke
TextOutlineColor css color value The color of the stroke
TextOutlineOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the stroke
Text Drop Shadow
TextShadow boolean Enable text shadow
TextShadowColor css color value The color of the shadow
TextShadowDepth int Value in pixels of the shadow depth
TextShadowOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the shadow
Text Glow
TextGlow boolean Enable text glow
TextGlowColor css color value The color of the text glow
Block Color Fill
RectColor css color value The background fill of the block
RectColorOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the fill
Block Gradient
RectGradient boolean Enable block gradient
RectGradientColor css color value The color of the gradient
RectGradientMode enumerable The direction of the gradient: Horizontal,Vertical,ForwardDiagonal,BackwardDiagonal
RectGradientOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the gradient
Block Stroke
RectOutline boolean Enable block stroke
RectOutlineColor css color value The color of the stroke
RectOutlineWidth int The width in pixels of the stroke
RectOutlineOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the stroke
Block Drop Shadow
RectShadow boolean Enable block shadow
RectShadowColor css color value The color of the shadow
RectShadowDepth int Value in pixels of the shadow depth
RectShadowOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the shadow
Block Reflection
Reflection boolean Enable block reflection
ReflectionOffset int Value in pixels of the reflection offset
ReflectionHeight int Value in pixels of the reflection height
ReflectionOpacity float 0-1 The opacity of the reflection
Picture Block
HorizAlignment enumerable The horizontal position of the image in the block: Left,Center,Right
VertAlignment enumerable The vertical position of the image in the block: Top,Center,Bottom
MaintainAspectRatio boolean Should the image stretch to fill the block
Web Picture Block
ImageURL string URL of a remote image asset



A group is a container for Bulletins that allows for easier viewing sorting and ordering. Of important note is that every Bulletin is contained in a Group and must have a saved Group assigned before saving. (full support of editing groups is a work in progress for this package.)


Method Parameters Returns Description
setZone Zone Object self - chainable Sets the Zone to be used in this model
getZone none Zone Object Gets the related Zone model


Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
Description string The name of the Group
Bulletins array An array of Bulletin Objects



Media represents audio, video images and backgrounds to be used in Bulletins and Templates. This content is Zone specific for Carousel UI users. When uploading backgrounds the media type must be specified or the system will assume that it is an image. Backgrounds should also be sized for the Zone they are intended for to avoid distorting the image. Video content should be mp4.


Method Parameters Returns Description
setUser User Object self - chainable Sets the User to be used in this model
getUser none User Object Gets the related User model
addTag Tag Object self - chainable Add a Tag relationship to the model.
removeTag Tag Object self - chainable Remove a Tag relationship from the model.
setZone Zone Object self - chainable Sets the Zone to be used in this model
getZone none Zone Object Gets the related Zone model


Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
Name string The name of the Media
Type enumerable The type of media it is: Background,Picture,Sound,Video
Tags array An Array of Tag Objects
IsDeleted boolean Soft deletion property, soft deleted media will remain on the system until no Bulletins or Templates use it.
IsPublic boolean Is this media viewable by all users in the Carousel UI
PreviewImageUrl string A low resolution rendering of the Media. For video and audio this is simply an icon.
FullUrl string The url of the asset



A Zone is an area of real estate on screen where bulletins are displayed. The screen (Channel) can be comprised of one or more Zones.


Method Parameters Returns Description
addTag ZoneTag Object self - chainable Add a Tag relationship to the model
removeTag ZoneTag Object self - chainable Remove a Tag relationship from the model


Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
AlertsActive boolean (read only) Are there active alerts in this zone.
DaylightSavings boolean Is daylight savings time respected
DefaultTransition string the id of the default transition used in this zone (future updates may make this a model relationship)
Description string The description of the Zone.
ExcludedWords string A comma separated list of words that shouldnt be allowed to be shown in the Zone.
ForceMonitorOn boolean Should the monitor be forced on during full screen alerts.
GraphicsHeight integer The height of the Zone in pixels
GraphicsWidth integer The width of the Zone in pixels
Pacing float A number from 0 to 1 that represents the relative pacing of bulletins when the system decides dwell time.
Tags array An array of ZoneTag objects
TimezoneID string The id of the timezone used by this Zone (future updates may make this a model relationship)
ZoneName string The name of the Zone
ZoneType enumerable The zone type: 'Bulletin','Crawl' or 'FullAlert'. More information can be found in Carousel Help


Tags are metadata that can be added to the associated model. They are used for searching and sorting content in Carousel.









Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
TagName string The text of the tag

Bulletin Sorting

These objects are used for ordering the Bulletins in a Zone.



This represents the order of the Groups in a Zone. Each BulletinOrderEntry represents a Group. The order of the OrderEntries array will be the order of the Groups in the Zone.


Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
OrderEntries array An ordered array of BulletinOrderEntry objects. Their order represents the order of Groups in a Zone.



This represents a Group and the order of its Bulletins. The order of the Bulletins array will be the order of the Bulletins in the Group.


Property type Description
id string This is set by the server and not editable.
Bulletins array An ordered array of Bulletin ids. Their order represents the order of Bulletins in the Group.


You can expect the following exceptions to be thrown if things go off the rails with the server, or if you attempt to do things that are unsupported or not allowed.

TRMS\Carousel\Exceptions\CarouselAPIException TRMS\Carousel\Exceptions\CarouselModelException TRMS\Carousel\Exceptions\CarouselRequestException

All versions of carousel with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires nesbot/carbon Version ^1.22
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ~6.0
tightenco/collect Version ^5.4
larapack/dd Version 1.*
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package trms/carousel contains the following files

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