Download the PHP package pagely/atomic-client without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package pagely/atomic-client. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download pagely/atomic-client
More information about pagely/atomic-client
Files in pagely/atomic-client
Package atomic-client
Short Description CLI for accessing public-facing Pagely APIs
License GPL3
Informations about the package atomic-client
PHP Library to access the Pagely atomic APIs
Note that PHP 8.1+ is required
Installation assumes you already have git, PHP 8.1+, and composer installed.
Optionally, enable tab-completion and add the atomic
client to your $PATH
Using the client
You can authenticate either as your Atomic user or with an API client key.
Authenticating as your Atomic user
This saves an auth token to ~/.atomiclogin
Authenticating with an API key
This saves a token to ~/.atomicclientlogin
Regardless of how you authenticate, when you are done you can use the auth:logout
command or simply remove the ~/.atomiclogin
NOTE: If both are present, Atomic user tokens take precedence over API client tokens. If you have a user token you need to run auth:logout
or manually remove the ~/.atomiclogin
file before you can run commands with your API client credentials.
Executing the atomic
command by itself will show the commands available.
To get usage help for any command, simply prefix the command name with help
What is my Account ID?
You can get your account ID by logging into and looking at the address in your browser. Your account ID will be the number directly following
in the address. - If you are a collaborator and need the ID for another account, log in to Atomic (link above) and use the account switcher (click your name in the upper right) and switch to the account in question. The address in your browser will change to reflect the account ID you are now looking at.
All versions of atomic-client with dependencies
rdlowrey/auryn Version ^1.4
duncan3dc/console Version ^2.3
symfony/console Version ^5.3.16 || ^6.0.19
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.8
vlucas/phpdotenv Version ^5.0
monolog/monolog Version ^1.21
octoper/cuzzle Version ^3.0
ramsey/uuid Version ^3.5