Download the PHP package nntmux/newznab-tmux without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package nntmux/newznab-tmux. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package newznab-tmux
NNTmux automatically scans usenet, similar to the way google search bots scan the internet. It does this by collecting usenet headers and temporarily storing them in a database until they can be collated into posts/releases. It provides a web-based front-end providing search, browse, and programmable (API) functionality.
This project is a fork of the open source usenet indexer newznab plus: and open source nZEDb usenet indexer
NNTmux improves upon the original design, implementing several new features including:
- Optional multi-threaded processing (header retrieval, release creation, post-processing etc)
- Advanced search features (name, subject, category, post-date etc)
- Intelligent local caching of metadata
- Tmux (terminal session multiplexing) engine that provides thread, database and performance monitoring
- Image and video samples
System Administration know-how. NNTmux is not plug-n-play software. Installation and operation requires a moderate amount of administration experience. NNTmux is designed and developed with GNU/Linux operating systems. Certain features are not available on other platforms. A competent Windows administrator should be able to run NNTmux on a Windows OS.
64GB RAM, 8 cores(16 threads) and 320GB disk space minimum.
If you wish to use more than 5 threads an eight core CPU is beneficial.
The overall speed of NNTmux is largely governed by performance of the database. As many of the database tables should be held within system RAM as possible. See Database Section below.
PHP 8.2+ (and various modules)
MariaDB 10+ or MySQL 8+ (Postgres is not supported)
The installation guides have more detailed software requirements.
Most (if not all) distributions ship MySQL with a default configuration that will perform well on a Raspberry Pi. If you wish to store more that 500K releases, these default settings will quickly lead to poor performance. Expect this.
As a general rule of thumb the database will need a minimum of 1-2G buffer RAM for every million releases you intend to store. That RAM should be assigned to this parameter:
- innodb_buffer_pool_size
Use for recommendations for these and other important tuner parameters. Also refer to the nZEDb project's wiki page: This is particularly important before you start any large imports or backfills.
Follow NNTmux Ubuntu install guide:
For composer install and getting NNTmux follow this guide:
NNTmux uses Laravel Sail to manage docker container. To start docker container, edit your .env and then run:
Support is given on discord:
NNTmux is GPL v3. See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
All external libraries will have their full licenses in their respective folders.
All versions of newznab-tmux with dependencies
ext-bcmath Version *
ext-ctype Version *
ext-curl Version *
ext-exif Version *
ext-fileinfo Version *
ext-filter Version *
ext-gd Version *
ext-hash Version *
ext-iconv Version *
ext-intl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
ext-mysqlnd Version *
ext-openssl Version *
ext-pcre Version *
ext-pdo Version *
ext-pdo_mysql Version *
ext-session Version *
ext-simplexml Version *
ext-sockets Version *
ext-sodium Version *
ext-spl Version *
ext-xmlwriter Version *
ext-zlib Version *
aharen/omdbapi Version ^2.1
anhskohbo/no-captcha Version dev-master
b3rs3rk/steamfront Version dev-master
bacon/bacon-qr-code Version ^3.0
bhuvidya/laravel-countries Version dev-master
brick/math Version ^0.11
canihavesomecoffee/thetvdbapi Version ^2.0
dariusiii/php-itunes-api Version ^1.0
dariusiii/rarinfo Version ^2.7
dariusiii/tmdb-laravel Version ^7.0
dborsatto/php-giantbomb Version ^2.2
divineomega/php-cli-progress-bar Version ^2.1
fakerphp/faker Version ^1.23
genealabs/laravel-caffeine Version ^11.0
geoip2/geoip2 Version ^3.0
google/recaptcha Version ^1.3
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.2
imdbphp/imdbphp Version ^8.1
intervention/image Version ^3.3
joshpinkney/tv-maze-php-api Version dev-master
jrean/laravel-user-verification Version ^12.0
junaidnasir/larainvite Version ^7.0
kevinlebrun/colors.php Version ^1.0
laravel/framework Version ^11.5
laravel/horizon Version ^5.23
laravel/pulse Version dev-validation-errors
laravel/sanctum Version ^4.0
laravel/scout Version ^10.8
laravel/telescope Version ^5.0
laravel/tinker Version ^2.9
laravel/ui Version ^4.4
laravelcollective/html Version ^6.4
league/climate Version ^3.8
livewire/livewire Version ^3.4
livewire/volt Version ^1.0
mailerlite/laravel-elasticsearch Version ^11.1
manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php Version ^3.0
marcreichel/igdb-laravel Version ^4.2
mhor/php-mediainfo Version ^5.6
monicahq/laravel-cloudflare Version ^3.6
monolog/monolog Version ^3.5
mtownsend/xml-to-array Version ^2.0
nesbot/carbon Version ^3.3
opis/closure Version ^3.6
pear/net_nntp Version ^1.6.0
php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg Version ^1.2
php-http/guzzle7-adapter Version ^1.0
php-http/message Version ^1.16
pragmarx/google2fa-laravel Version ^2.2
predis/predis Version ^2.2
propaganistas/laravel-disposable-email Version ^2.3
ramsey/uuid Version ^4.7
riari/laravel-forum Version ^6.0
sentry/sentry-laravel Version ^4.3
smarty/smarty Version ^4.3
spatie/async Version ^1.6
spatie/laravel-backup Version ^8.6
spatie/laravel-directory-cleanup Version ^1.10
spatie/laravel-fractal Version ^6.1
spatie/laravel-ignition Version ^2.4
spatie/laravel-image-optimizer Version ^1.8
spatie/laravel-permission Version ^6.3
sspat/es-query-sanitizer Version ^1.0
stechstudio/laravel-zipstream Version ^4.14
symfony/http-client Version ^7.0
symfony/postmark-mailer Version ^7.0
symfony/process Version ^7.0
vlucas/phpdotenv Version ^5.6
voku/simple_html_dom Version ^4.8
ytake/laravel-smarty Version ^8.0