Download the PHP package jahwin/wecodefy without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package jahwin/wecodefy. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package wecodefy


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About Wecodefy

Wecodefy is framework for making web application, you can build frontend by using modern javascript framework both Angular, React and Vue at the same time but it is optional you can choose one of them. Also it can be used to create Rest API. if you are not familiar with those JS framework you can use Twig templating engine.

This framework combine Angular, Vue and React

Wecodefy has Dev management tool

By this tool you will be able to generate Views,Controllers,Models. Also this tool will be used to manage database by making migration and able to run seeder without commands, as it will be mentioned below.

This tool will also able to generate Angular, Vue, React components, Then at end you can build your JavaScript codes

# Documentation expectations

We have made this documentation to be very simple to be understood even by those with little programming proficiency who want to make applications

# Table of content * [Getting started](#getting-started--man-technologist-) - [Requirement](#requirement) * [Installation](#installation) - [`1:` USING COMPOSER](#using-composer) - [`2:` USING DOWNLOAD OPTION](#using-download-option) * [Lets talk about wecodefy structure](#lets-talk-about-wecodefy-structure) * [Routing](#routing) + [Group routing](#group-routing) + [Single routing](#single-routing) + [Set not Found routing](#set-not-found-page-or-not-found-rest-api-responce) * [Middleware](#middleware) * [Controllers](#controllers) * [Views](#views) + [Creating custom twig filter and function](#creating-custom-twig-filter-and-function) * [Models](#models) - [You can generate Models,Views,Controller by using Dev Management Tool](#you-can-generate-models-views-controller-by-using-dev-management-tool) - [Database](#database) * [Database connection](#database-connection) * [Database migration](#database-migration) * [Creating or updating table columns rules](#creating-or-updating-table-columns-rules) + [Available Column Types](#available-column-types) + [Column Modifiers](#column-modifiers) + [Modifying Columns](#modifying-columns) + [Creating Indexes](#creating-indexes) + [Dropping Indexes](#dropping-indexes) + [Foreign Key Constraints](#foreign-key-constraints) - [Seeding](#seeding) * [This is a list of generator](#this-is-a-list-of-generator) + [Basic generator](#-basic-generator-) + [Lorem generator](#-lorem-generator-) + [en_US Person generator](#-en-us-person-generator-) + [en_US Address generator](#-en-us-address-generator-) + [en_US PhoneNumber generator](#-en-us-phonenumber-generator-) + [en_US Company generator](#-en-us-company-generator-) + [en_US Text generator](#-en-us-text-generator-) + [DateTime generator](#-datetime-generator-) + [Internet generator](#-internet-generator-) + [UserAgent generator](#-useragent-generator-) + [Payment generator](#-payment-generator-) + [Color generator](#-color-generator-) + [File generator](#-file--generator-) + [Image generator](#-image-generator-) + [Uuid generator](#-uuid--generator-) + [Barcode generator](#-barcode-generator-) + [Miscellaneous generator](#-miscellaneous-generator-) + [Biased generator](#-biased-generator-) + [HtmlLorem generator](#-htmllorem-generator-) - [You can also run migration and seeding by using Dev Management Tool](#you-can-also-run-migration-and-seeding-by-using-dev-management-tool) - [Lets talk about some important functionality](#lets-talk-about-some-important-functionality) * [Cookies](#cookies) * [Session](#session) * [Upload](#upload) * [Send email](#send-email) * [Localization](#localization) * [Getting language index](#getting-language-index) * [Cors](#cors) * [FlashData](#flashdata) - [Some useful functions](#some-useful-functions) * [Urls](#urls) * [Input & parameters](#input---parameters) + [Get single parameter value](#get-single-parameter-value) + [Get parameter object](#get-parameter-object) + [Get all parameters](#get-all-parameters) * [Cut text](#cut-text) * [is Contain](#is-contain) * [Paginate](#paginate) * [getToken](#gettoken) * [Responce](#responce) * [.env](#env) - [Let's talk about JS framework](#let-s-talk-about-js-framework) * [Angular](#-angular-) * [Vue](#-vue-) * [React](#-react-) * [JSBuild](#jsbuild) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Security Vulnerabilities](#security-vulnerabilities) - [License](#license) ## Getting started :man_technologist:

After installation you will get this page:

#### Requirement - [x] OS: This framework can work on every operating system wich is able to run php script language. - [x] PHP: php >= 7.2.5 is required to run on this framework. - [x] Node: v12.14.0 is required - [x] Npm: v6.13.4 is required - [x] Composer: Composer is required to install php packages - [x] Internet: Internet will be used to install php and npm dependencies

To install Wecodefy, first make sure that PHP and Node are installed in the local computer. In case node is not installed in your computer click here to install it.

To check if PHP, node and npm, are successfully installed in your computer, run the following commands in your terminal or command prompt:

You can run Wecodefy framework by using XAMP , WAMP, LAMP or PHP server

`Note:` For those who will use XAMP, WAMP, LAMP make sure to set local domain on your wecodefy project (``), If you don't know how to do it please refer to this link # Installation

Then after checking everything is fine, you have two option to get started to this framework:

### USING COMPOSER Paste this command to create blog project This command will set everything for you, then navigate to your project folder Ex: `cd Blog` and run this command to start server After running above command you will get project link (
`Note:` Make sure no other apps which are using 8000 or set your own port by running this command. ### USING DOWNLOAD OPTION Click on link below to download framework zip file


After download extract downloaded zip file where you run web server projects [htdocs, www,...].

After extracting run the following commands:

:runner::runner::runner::runner::runner::runner: Now you are able to go.

Use the following command to start server:

After running above command you will get project link (
`Note:` Make sure no other apps which are using 8000 or set your own port by running this command. For other who are using wamp,xamp,lamp they can access it by there configured local domain
`` ---

After running your project you will get starter page we mentioned above.

# Lets talk about wecodefy structure

This is normal MVC pattern based, That means you can deal with Views, Controllers and Models

- [x] Views: This is where your will put your design thinking - [x] Controllers: This is where your will put your business logics - [x] Models: This is where your will manage your data from database But there is something we have to talk about called Routing ## Routing

This routing functionality will help you to map URL with different options like controller and call some functions, Lets take look on some examples

You will config routing in the following file below: Here is example of routes in array inside that file. Lets understand the code above :point_up_2: path: key in array is where your will put your path url, you can also pass data from path see example below: method: key in array is where your will put request method like POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH folder: key in array this where your will put folder name where controller is located. That means you have to use folder name based on folder of your controller are saved to. return: key in array is where your will return anything you want. `Note:` Class name must have the same name with controller file name. ### Group routing You can also group routes on prefix path. ### Single routing Some time you may need to locate every request to the same controller in case you want to use Vue,Angular,React in order to make that frameworks to handle route themselves. In our route config file there some change you have to make. Let understand the above codes:
ENABLE: key will enable us to use that condition or not
ALL_TO: key will help to set folder , controller and function we want to view on every request
EXCEPT: key is array of path we don't need to redirect to the same controller or view ### Set not Found page or Not Found Rest Api responce Some time you can need to add not found page or Not Found Rest Api, add the following code to your route array located in `/config/routes.php`. After placing that code you can set everything in your controller function, you can return your not found or you can check if your url containt api so then you can return json responce of not found.
Ex: ## Middleware You can setup different authorization on your routes. The only thing you need is to add `middleware` key on any routes: Then you can set value initialized in `config/middleware.php`, in this example we have used `web` as value.
This is example of `config/middleware.php` file look like. Then create middleware file (`Ex: AuthMiddleware.php file`), Middlewares files found in `app/middlewares` folder, So then your middleware class look like this. ## Controllers

This is were you will put your business logics, see directory below to see were it can be created manual.

This is example of how it look like: Replace `folder name` with any folder your controller located. ## Views

This is were you will put your design thinking.

This is example of how it look like: For more information about using twig templating refer to this link ### Creating custom twig filter and function There is many default filters and functions create by twig team found on this link. But sometimes you can create your own custom filter and function, This is the simple way in wecodefy to do it. Open `config/twig.php`, In that file is where you will put your filter and function. See example below. So then you can use your filters and functions in your template any where. ## Models

This is were you will get data from database and that data will be processed on controller after that will be viewed on views.

Model location: This is example of how it look like: For more information about Query Builder refer to this link # You can generate Models,Views,Controller by using Dev Management Tool Before use below url make sure your app is in development mode [.env]

# Database Here we are going to talk about database connection, migration and seeding. ## Database connection You have to set database connection in .env file, if file not exist create it, this file must have the same content with .env.example, so then you can set you database connection ## Database migration This the way of manipulating database schema. You don't need to generate every file that can be used for making migration. Let see how it works. Let's understand the above code: - [x] key: This is the unique identifier for that migration - [x] table: This is the name of table. - [x] todo: This is the action will take place - create : This will be only used to create table with its fields - update : This will be only used to update fields structure in table - delete : This will be only used to delete table - rename : This will be only used to rename table - [x] run: This is what will be executed, but there are something you have to pay attention. - if you want to rename table you have to enter new table name here. - If you want to drop table you have to enter 'drop' keyword. - If you want create or update table you have to use Blueprint function initialization - [x] reason: This is the reason you are making that migration. ## Creating or updating table columns rules ### Available Column Types This is a variety of column types that you may specify when building your tables: ### Column Modifiers In addition to the column types listed above, there are several column "modifiers" you may use while adding a column to a database table. For example, to make the column "nullable", you may use the nullable method: Below is a list of all the available column modifiers. ### Modifying Columns The method allows you to modify some existing column types to a new type or modify the column's attributes. ### Creating Indexes To create the index, we can chain the unique method onto the column definition: ### Dropping Indexes To drop an index, you must specify the index's name. ### Foreign Key Constraints wecodefy provides support for creating foreign key constraints, which are used to force referential integrity at the database level. For example, let's define a user_id column on the posts table that references the id column on a users table You may also specify the desired action for the "on delete" and "on update" properties of the constraint: To drop a foreign key, you may use the dropForeign method. Foreign key constraints use the same naming convention as indexes. So, we will concatenate the table name and the columns in the constraint then suffix the name with "_foreign": # Seeding This is the way of auto entering fake data into the database, here we use `Faker\Factory` namespace to auto generate some information. Let see how it works. ## This is a list of generator ##### `Basic generator` ##### `Lorem generator` ##### `en_US Person generator` ##### `en_US Address generator` ##### `en_US PhoneNumber generator` ##### `en_US Company generator` ##### `en_US Text generator` ##### `DateTime generator` ##### `Internet generator` ##### `UserAgent generator` ##### `Payment generator` ##### `Color generator` ##### `File generator` ##### `Image generator` ##### `Uuid generator` ##### `Barcode generator` ##### `Miscellaneous generator` ##### `Biased generator` ##### `HtmlLorem generator` # You can also run migration and seeding by using Dev Management Tool Before use this url make sure your app is in development mode in `.env` file

# Lets talk about some important functionality ## Cookies If you want to use cookies you have to use `system\library\Cookies` namespace. Cookies important functions: ## Session If you want to use session you have to use `system\library\Session` namespace. Session important functions: ## Upload If you want to use upload you have to use `system\library\Upload` namespace. This is returned array result after upload: ## Send email If you want to send email you have to use `system\library\Email` namespace. ## Localization If you want to translate your app you have to use `system\library\Lang` namespace. First you have to config language settings in `.env` file. How to change locale?

This the way of making translation in your different keywords:

All keyword will be saved automatically in default locale file or database based on your localization settings. In database all keywords will be saved in `lang-keywords` table. ##### Getting language index This will return array of languages fund in `config/lang.php` or database based on `LANGUAGE_STORAGE` setting. ## Cors Now you can set your cors settings in `config/cors.php` ## FlashData This is an option of storing data and get destroyed after use. use `system\library\FlashData` namespace. # Some useful functions ## Urls `url()` function will return a `Url` object which will return a `string`. but contains all the useful helpers methods in the `Url` class like `contains`, `getParam`, `getAbsoluteUrl`. ## Input & parameters ### Get single parameter value To quickly get a value from a parameter, you can use the `input` helper function. This will automatically trim the value and ensure that it's not empty. If it's empty the `$defaultValue` will be returned instead. **Note:** This function returns a `string` unless the parameters are grouped together, in that case it will return an `array` of values. **Example:** This example matches both POST and GET request-methods and if name is empty the default-value "Guest" will be returned. ### Get parameter object When dealing with file-uploads it can be useful to retrieve the raw parameter object. **Search for object with default-value across multiple or specific request-methods:** The example below will return an `InputItem` object if the parameter was found or return the `$defaultValue`. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of `InputItem` objects. **Getting specific `$_GET` parameter as `InputItem` object:** The example below will return an `InputItem` object if the parameter was found or return the `$defaultValue`. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of `InputItem` objects. **Getting specific `$_POST` parameter as `InputItem` object:** The example below will return an `InputItem` object if the parameter was found or return the `$defaultValue`. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of `InputItem` objects. **Getting specific `$_FILE` parameter as `InputFile` object:** The example below will return an `InputFile` object if the parameter was found or return the `$defaultValue`. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of `InputFile` objects. ### Get all parameters ## Cut text ## is Contain Check if string contains some some text ## Paginate ## getToken This method allow to generate number or string token ## Responce Here you can provide your response with http code ## .env Get env variables # Let's talk about JS framework ## `Angular` You can start using this angular framework in the following location: So then you can start code your app. if you want to generate some components or services you can use Dev management tool. before use this url make sure your app is in development mode [.env]

For more information about using angular js framework refer to this ## `Vue` You can start using this Vue framework in the following location: So then you can start code your app. if you want to generate some components you can use Dev management tool. before use this url make sure your app is in development mode [.env]

For more information about using vue js framework refer to this link ## `React` You can start using this React framework in the following location: So then you can start code your app. if you want to generate some components you can use Dev management tool. before use this url make sure your app is in development mode [.env]

For more information about using react js framework refer to this link ## JSBuild JSBuild will combine both react, vue, angular into a single bundle based on `webpack.mix.js` config, you can separate base on what you want. Here is some important commands, run those commands in root of your project. You can also build for production without command by using Dev Management Tool.

--- Thank you for taking your time and read all of this, Some documentation content come from outside packages docs and other websites.
Have good job. Make your job done and fast. ---- ### Contributing You are welcome to make contribution on this framework, Let make better wold by making most powerful and beautiful web application. ### Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within wecodefy, please send an e-mail to Abe Jahwin via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. ### License Wecodefy framework is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](

All versions of wecodefy with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires pecee/simple-router Version
phpmailer/phpmailer Version ^6.0
illuminate/database Version ^5.8
nesbot/carbon Version ^2.28
fzaninotto/faker Version ^1.9
nette/http Version ^3.0
vlucas/phpdotenv Version ^4.1
filp/whoops Version ^2.7
doctrine/dbal Version ^2.10
twig/twig Version ^3.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package jahwin/wecodefy contains the following files

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