Download the PHP package yidas/yii2-adminlte without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package yidas/yii2-adminlte. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in yidas/yii2-adminlte
Package yii2-adminlte
Short Description AdminLTE Asset Bundle for Yii2 Framework
License MIT
Informations about the package yii2-adminlte
AdminLTE Extension for Yii 2
AdminLTE Asset Bundle for Yii2 Framework
This is the AdminLTE extension for Yii framework 2.0. It encapsulates AdminLTE distribution assets and thus makes using AdminLTE in Yii applications extremely easy.

The preferred install way is through Composer:
Or you could also edit composer.json
with adding package in require section then run composer update
Register or depend Asset into your application:
For eaxmple, to register AdminLTE assets in view :
Or as dependency in your app asset bundle :
Configurate asset in config
Version Control
Update dependent packages
composer update yidas/yii2-adminlte
Update newest AdminLTE version
composer update almasaeed2010/AdminLTE
Specify a AdminLTE version
composer require almasaeed2010/AdminLTE 2.4.0
This package provides asset bundles of AdminLTE plugins:
Register or depend Asset into your application:
You could additionally register AdminLTE iCheck assets in view:
Once the extension is installed, you can have a preview by reconfiguring the path mappings of the view component in config:
Support both Yii 2 Advanced Application Template or Basic Application Template.
Example Templates
There are several implemented examples of AdminLTE layout for startup.
All versions of yii2-adminlte with dependencies
yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap Version ~2.0.0
almasaeed2010/adminlte Version ~2.4
yidas/yii2-fontawesome Version 2.0.*