Download the PHP package ycloud/ycloud-sdk-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package ycloud/ycloud-sdk-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package ycloud-sdk-php
YCloud SDK for PHP
The YCloud API is organized around REST. Our API is designed to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs, return JSON responses, and use standard HTTP response codes and verbs.
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, run the following command in your project directory:
Alternatively, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BalanceApi | retrieve | GET /balance | Retrieve balance |
ContactsApi | create | POST /contact/contacts | Create a contact |
ContactsApi | delete | DELETE /contact/contacts/{id} | Delete a contact |
ContactsApi | list | GET /contact/contacts | List contacts |
ContactsApi | retrieve | GET /contact/contacts/{id} | Retrieve a contact |
ContactsApi | update | PATCH /contact/contacts/{id} | Update a contact |
CustomEventsApi | createDefinition | POST /event/definitions | Create an event definition |
CustomEventsApi | createPropertyDefinition | POST /event/definitions/{name}/properties | Create an event property definition |
CustomEventsApi | propertyDefinition | DELETE /event/definitions/{name}/properties/{propertyName} | Delete an event property definition |
CustomEventsApi | propertyDefinition_0 | PATCH /event/definitions/{name}/properties/{propertyName} | Update an event property definition |
CustomEventsApi | retrieveDefinition | GET /event/definitions/{name} | Retrieve an event definition |
CustomEventsApi | sendEvent | POST /event/events | Send an event |
CustomEventsApi | updateDefinition | PATCH /event/definitions/{name} | Update an event definition |
EmailsApi | send | POST /emails | Send an email |
SmsApi | list | GET /sms | List SMS records |
SmsApi | send | POST /sms | Send an SMS |
UnsubscribersApi | create | POST /unsubscribers | Create an unsubscriber |
UnsubscribersApi | deleteByCustomerAndChannel | DELETE /unsubscribers/{customer}/{channel} | Delete an unsubscriber |
UnsubscribersApi | list | GET /unsubscribers | List unsubscribers |
UnsubscribersApi | listAllByCustomer | GET /unsubscribers/{customer} | List all unsubscribers by customer |
UnsubscribersApi | retrieveByCustomerAndChannel | GET /unsubscribers/{customer}/{channel} | Retrieve an unsubscriber |
VerifyApi | check | POST /verify/verificationChecks | Check a verification |
VerifyApi | send | POST /verify/verifications | Start a verification |
VoicesApi | list | GET /voices | List voice records |
VoicesApi | send | POST /voices | Send a voice code |
WebhookEndpointsApi | create | POST /webhookEndpoints | Create a webhook endpoint |
WebhookEndpointsApi | delete | DELETE /webhookEndpoints/{id} | Delete a webhook endpoint |
WebhookEndpointsApi | list | GET /webhookEndpoints | List webhook endpoints |
WebhookEndpointsApi | retrieve | GET /webhookEndpoints/{id} | Retrieve a webhook endpoint |
WebhookEndpointsApi | rotateSecret | POST /webhookEndpoints/{id}/rotateSecret | Rotate a webhook endpoint secret |
WebhookEndpointsApi | update | PATCH /webhookEndpoints/{id} | Update a webhook endpoint |
WhatsappBusinessAccountsApi | list | GET /whatsapp/businessAccounts | List WABAs |
WhatsappBusinessAccountsApi | retrieve | GET /whatsapp/businessAccounts/{id} | Retrieve a WABA |
WhatsappInboundMessagesApi | markAsRead | POST /whatsapp/inboundMessages/{id}/markAsRead | Mark message as read |
WhatsappMessagesApi | retrieve | GET /whatsapp/messages/{id} | Retrieve a message |
WhatsappMessagesApi | send | POST /whatsapp/messages | Enqueue a message |
WhatsappMessagesApi | sendDirectly | POST /whatsapp/messages/sendDirectly | Send a message directly |
WhatsappPhoneNumbersApi | list | GET /whatsapp/phoneNumbers | List phone numbers |
WhatsappPhoneNumbersApi | register | POST /whatsapp/phoneNumbers/{wabaId}/{phoneNumber}/register | Register a phone number |
WhatsappPhoneNumbersApi | retrieve | GET /whatsapp/phoneNumbers/{wabaId}/{phoneNumber} | Retrieve a phone number |
WhatsappPhoneNumbersApi | retrieveCommerceSettings | GET /whatsapp/phoneNumbers/{wabaId}/{phoneNumber}/whatsappCommerceSettings | Retrieve commerce settings |
WhatsappPhoneNumbersApi | retrieveProfile | GET /whatsapp/phoneNumbers/{wabaId}/{phoneNumber}/profile | Retrieve a phone number profile |
WhatsappPhoneNumbersApi | updateCommerceSettings | PATCH /whatsapp/phoneNumbers/{wabaId}/{phoneNumber}/whatsappCommerceSettings | Update commerce settings |
WhatsappPhoneNumbersApi | updateProfile | PATCH /whatsapp/phoneNumbers/{wabaId}/{phoneNumber}/profile | Update a phone number profile |
WhatsappTemplatesApi | create | POST /whatsapp/templates | Create a template |
WhatsappTemplatesApi | deleteByName | DELETE /whatsapp/templates/{wabaId}/{name} | Delete templates by name |
WhatsappTemplatesApi | deleteByNameAndLanguage | DELETE /whatsapp/templates/{wabaId}/{name}/{language} | Delete a template |
WhatsappTemplatesApi | editByNameAndLanguage | PATCH /whatsapp/templates/{wabaId}/{name}/{language} | Edit a template |
WhatsappTemplatesApi | list | GET /whatsapp/templates | List templates |
WhatsappTemplatesApi | retrieveByNameAndLanguage | GET /whatsapp/templates/{wabaId}/{name}/{language} | Retrieve a template |
- Balance
- Contact
- ContactCreateRequest
- ContactCustomAttribute
- ContactPage
- ContactUpdateRequest
- CustomEventDefinition
- CustomEventDefinitionCreateRequest
- CustomEventDefinitionProperty
- CustomEventDefinitionPropertyCreateRequest
- CustomEventDefinitionPropertyUpdateRequest
- CustomEventDefinitionUpdateRequest
- CustomEventSendRequest
- EmailContentType
- EmailDelivery
- EmailSendRequest
- Error
- ErrorResponse
- Event
- EventType
- Mailbox
- MetaBusinessAccountVerificationStatus
- Page
- PageCursor
- Sms
- SmsInbound
- SmsPage
- SmsSendRequest
- Unsubscriber
- UnsubscriberChannel
- UnsubscriberCreateRequest
- UnsubscriberPage
- UnsubscriberType
- Verification
- VerificationChannel
- VerificationCheck
- VerificationCheckRequest
- VerificationFallback
- VerificationSendRequest
- VerificationStatus
- Voice
- VoicePage
- VoiceSendRequest
- WebhookEndpoint
- WebhookEndpointCreateRequest
- WebhookEndpointPage
- WebhookEndpointStatus
- WebhookEndpointUpdateRequest
- WhatsappApiError
- WhatsappAuthIntlRateEligibilityCountry
- WhatsappBusinessAccount
- WhatsappBusinessAccountBanState
- WhatsappBusinessAccountPage
- WhatsappBusinessAccountRestrictionInfo
- WhatsappBusinessAccountReviewStatus
- WhatsappBusinessAccountUpdateEventEnum
- WhatsappCommerceSettings
- WhatsappCommerceSettingsUpdateRequest
- WhatsappConversation
- WhatsappConversationOriginType
- WhatsappConversationType
- WhatsappInboundMessage
- WhatsappInboundMessageButton
- WhatsappInboundMessageContext
- WhatsappInboundMessageError
- WhatsappInboundMessageInteractive
- WhatsappInboundMessageInteractiveButtonReply
- WhatsappInboundMessageInteractiveListReply
- WhatsappInboundMessageLocation
- WhatsappInboundMessageMedia
- WhatsappInboundMessageOrder
- WhatsappInboundMessageOrderProductItem
- WhatsappInboundMessageReferral
- WhatsappInboundMessageReferredProduct
- WhatsappInboundMessageSystem
- WhatsappInboundMessageText
- WhatsappInboundMessageType
- WhatsappMessage
- WhatsappMessageContact
- WhatsappMessageContactAddress
- WhatsappMessageContactEmail
- WhatsappMessageContactName
- WhatsappMessageContactOrg
- WhatsappMessageContactPhone
- WhatsappMessageContactUrl
- WhatsappMessageContext
- WhatsappMessageInteractive
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveAction
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveActionButton
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveActionButtonReply
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveActionParameters
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveActionParametersFlowActionPayload
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveActionSection
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveActionSectionProductItem
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveActionSectionRow
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveBody
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveFooter
- WhatsappMessageInteractiveHeader
- WhatsappMessageLocation
- WhatsappMessageMedia
- WhatsappMessageOrderAmount
- WhatsappMessageOrderBeneficiary
- WhatsappMessageOrderDetails
- WhatsappMessageOrderExpiration
- WhatsappMessageOrderInfo
- WhatsappMessageOrderItem
- WhatsappMessageOrderPaymentGateway
- WhatsappMessageOrderPaymentSetting
- WhatsappMessageOrderPaymentSettingPaymentGatewayBilldesk
- WhatsappMessageOrderPaymentSettingPaymentGatewayPayu
- WhatsappMessageOrderPaymentSettingPaymentGatewayRazorpay
- WhatsappMessageOrderPaymentSettingPaymentGatewayZaakpay
- WhatsappMessageOrderStatus
- WhatsappMessageOrderStatusEnum
- WhatsappMessageReaction
- WhatsappMessageSendRequest
- WhatsappMessageStatus
- WhatsappMessageTemplate
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponent
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponentCard
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponentCardComponent
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponentParameter
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponentParameterAction
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponentParameterActionSection
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponentParameterActionSectionProductItem
- WhatsappMessageTemplateComponentParameterLimitedTimeOffer
- WhatsappMessageTemplateLanguage
- WhatsappMessageText
- WhatsappMessageType
- WhatsappPayment
- WhatsappPaymentStatus
- WhatsappPaymentTransaction
- WhatsappPaymentTransactionError
- WhatsappPhoneNumber
- WhatsappPhoneNumberCodeVerificationStatus
- WhatsappPhoneNumberNameStatus
- WhatsappPhoneNumberPage
- WhatsappPhoneNumberProfile
- WhatsappPhoneNumberProfileUpdateRequest
- WhatsappPhoneNumberProfileVertical
- WhatsappPhoneNumberQualityRating
- WhatsappPhoneNumberQualityUpdateEventEnum
- WhatsappPhoneNumberStatus
- WhatsappPricingCategory
- WhatsappProfile
- WhatsappReviewDecision
- WhatsappTemplate
- WhatsappTemplateCategory
- WhatsappTemplateComponent
- WhatsappTemplateComponentButton
- WhatsappTemplateComponentButtonOtpType
- WhatsappTemplateComponentButtonType
- WhatsappTemplateComponentCard
- WhatsappTemplateComponentCardComponent
- WhatsappTemplateComponentExample
- WhatsappTemplateComponentLimitedTimeOffer
- WhatsappTemplateCreateRequest
- WhatsappTemplateEditRequest
- WhatsappTemplatePage
- WhatsappTemplateQualityRating
- WhatsappTemplateStatus
- WhatsappTemplateStatusUpdateEventEnum
- WhatsappTemplateSubCategory
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
All versions of ycloud-sdk-php with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
php Version
^7.4 || ^8.0
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^1.7 || ^2.0
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^1.7 || ^2.0
The package ycloud/ycloud-sdk-php contains the following files
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