Download the PHP package wirenet/billingov3 without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package wirenet/billingov3. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package billingov3
This is a Billingo API v3 documentation. Our API based on REST software architectural style. API has resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies and returns JSON-encoded responses. To use this API you have to generate a new API key on our site. After that, you can test your API key on this page.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 3.0.9
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BankAccountApi | createBankAccount | POST /bank-accounts | Create a bank account |
BankAccountApi | deleteBankAccount | DELETE /bank-accounts/{id} | Delete a bank account |
BankAccountApi | getBankAccount | GET /bank-accounts/{id} | Retrieve a bank account |
BankAccountApi | listBankAccount | GET /bank-accounts | List all bank account |
BankAccountApi | updateBankAccount | PUT /bank-accounts/{id} | Update a bank account |
CurrencyApi | getConversionRate | GET /currencies | Get currencies exchange rate. |
DocumentApi | cancelDocument | POST /documents/{id}/cancel | Cancel a document |
DocumentApi | createDocument | POST /documents | Create a document |
DocumentApi | createDocumentFromProforma | POST /documents/{id}/create-from-proforma | Create a document from proforma. |
DocumentApi | deletePayment | DELETE /documents/{id}/payments | Delete all payment history on document |
DocumentApi | downloadDocument | GET /documents/{id}/download | Download a document in PDF format. |
DocumentApi | getDocument | GET /documents/{id} | Retrieve a document |
DocumentApi | getOnlineSzamlaStatus | GET /documents/{id}/online-szamla | Retrieve a document Online Számla status |
DocumentApi | getPayment | GET /documents/{id}/payments | Retrieve a payment histroy |
DocumentApi | getPublicUrl | GET /documents/{id}/public-url | Retrieve a document download public url. |
DocumentApi | listDocument | GET /documents | List all documents |
DocumentApi | sendDocument | POST /documents/{id}/send | Send invoice to given email adresses. |
DocumentApi | updatePayment | PUT /documents/{id}/payments | Update payment history |
DocumentBlockApi | listDocumentBlock | GET /document-blocks | List all document blocks |
DocumentExportApi | create | POST /document-export | Create document export. |
DocumentExportApi | download | GET /document-export/{id}/download | Return exported binary file. |
DocumentExportApi | poll | GET /document-export/{id}/poll | Retrieve export state. |
OrganizationApi | getOrganizationData | GET /organization | Retrieve a organization data. |
PartnerApi | createPartner | POST /partners | Create a partner |
PartnerApi | deletePartner | DELETE /partners/{id} | Delete a partner |
PartnerApi | getPartner | GET /partners/{id} | Retrieve a partner |
PartnerApi | listPartner | GET /partners | List all partners |
PartnerApi | updatePartner | PUT /partners/{id} | Update a partner |
ProductApi | createProduct | POST /products | Create a product |
ProductApi | deleteProduct | DELETE /products/{id} | Delete a product |
ProductApi | getProduct | GET /products/{id} | Retrieve a product |
ProductApi | listProduct | GET /products | List all product |
ProductApi | updateProduct | PUT /products/{id} | Update a product |
UtilApi | checkTaxNumber | GET /utils/check-tax-number/{tax_number} | Check tax number. |
UtilApi | getId | GET /utils/convert-legacy-id/{id} | Convert legacy ID to v3 ID. |
Documentation For Models
- Address
- BankAccount
- BankAccountList
- CheckTaxNumberMessage
- ClientError
- ClientErrorResponse
- ConversationRate
- Country
- CreateDocumentExport
- Currency
- Document
- DocumentBankAccount
- DocumentBlock
- DocumentBlockList
- DocumentExportId
- DocumentExportOtherOptions
- DocumentExportQueryType
- DocumentExportSortBy
- DocumentExportStatus
- DocumentExportStatusState
- DocumentExportType
- DocumentInsert
- DocumentInsertType
- DocumentItem
- DocumentItemData
- DocumentLanguage
- DocumentList
- DocumentNotificationStatus
- DocumentOrganization
- DocumentPartner
- DocumentProductData
- DocumentPublicUrl
- DocumentSettings
- DocumentSummary
- DocumentType
- DocumentVatRateSummary
- Id
- OneOfDocumentInsertItemsItems
- OnlinePayment
- OnlineSzamlaStatus
- OnlineSzamlaStatusMessage
- OrganizationData
- Partner
- PartnerList
- PartnerTaxType
- PartnerUpsert
- PaymentHistory
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentStatus
- Product
- ProductList
- Round
- SendDocument
- ServerError
- ServerErrorResponse
- SubscriptionErrorResponse
- TaxNumber
- UnitPriceType
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorResponse
- Vat
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-KEY
- Location: HTTP header
All versions of billingov3 with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version >=6.2