Download the PHP package web-auth/webauthn-framework without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package web-auth/webauthn-framework. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about web-auth/webauthn-framework
Files in web-auth/webauthn-framework
Package webauthn-framework
Short Description FIDO2/Webauthn library for PHP and Symfony Bundle.
License MIT
Informations about the package webauthn-framework
Webauthn Framework
Webauthn defines an API enabling the creation and use of strong, attested, scoped, public key-based credentials by web applications, for the purpose of strongly authenticating users.
This framework contains PHP libraries and Symfony bundle to allow developers to integrate that authentication mechanism into their web applications.
The documentation can be read on the following website:
This project is tested with BrowserStack ( 🎉. BrowserStack is an amazing tool that helps in testing apps and browsers. It is especially useful here for debugging or validating features with multiple browsers and platform versions.
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Supported Versions
The list of the supported versions is available on this page.
If you discover a security vulnerability within the project, please don't use the bug tracker and don't publish it publicly. Instead, all security issues must be sent via the GitHub Vulnerability Report system.
This project is release under MIT licence.
All versions of webauthn-framework with dependencies
ext-json Version *
ext-openssl Version *
paragonie/constant_time_encoding Version ^2.6|^3.0
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock Version ^5.3
psr/clock Version ^1.0
psr/event-dispatcher Version ^1.0
psr/log Version ^1.0|^2.0|^3.0
spomky-labs/cbor-php Version ^3.0
spomky-labs/pki-framework Version ^1.0
symfony/clock Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/config Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/dependency-injection Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/deprecation-contracts Version ^3.2
symfony/framework-bundle Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/http-client Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/property-access Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/property-info Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/security-bundle Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/security-core Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/security-http Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/serializer Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/uid Version ^6.4|^7.0
symfony/validator Version ^6.4|^7.0
web-auth/cose-lib Version ^4.2.3