Download the PHP package voidagency/vactory without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package voidagency/vactory. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package vactory

All versions of vactory with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.3
webflo/drupal-finder Version ^1.0.0
symfony/finder Version ~4.0|~5.0|~6.0
webmozart/path-util Version ^2.3
google/apiclient Version ~2.0
commerceguys/addressing Version ~1.0
commerceguys/intl Version ^0.7.5
lullabot/amp Version ^2.0.4
drupal/address Version ^1.9
drupal/addtoany Version ^2.0
drupal/advagg Version ^6.0@alpha
drupal/backup_migrate Version ^5.1
drupal/better_exposed_filters Version ^6.0
drupal/block_class Version ^2.0
drupal/block_field Version ^1.0.0-rc1
drupal/captcha Version ^2.0
drupal/coffee Version 1.x-dev@dev
drupal/components Version ^3.0@beta
drupal/config_update Version ^2.0@alpha
drupal/ctools Version ^3.14
drupal/email_registration Version ^1.2
drupal/entity_reference_revisions Version ^1.8
drupal/entityqueue Version ^1.2
drupal/eu_cookie_compliance Version ^1.14
drupal/features Version ^3.11.0
drupal/file_entity Version ^2.0-beta8
drupal/focal_point Version ^2.0
drupal/improved_multi_select Version ^1.7
drupal/inline_entity_form Version ^1.0.0-rc2
drupal/colorapi Version ^1.1
drupal/lang_dropdown Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/menu_link_attributes Version ^1.1.0
drupal/metatag Version ^1.14
drupal/yoast_seo Version ^2.0.0-alpha4
drupal/nocurrent_pass Version ^1.2.0
drupal/paragraphs Version ^1.16
drupal/facets Version ^2.0
drupal/jsonapi_search_api Version ^1.0@RC
drupal/pathauto Version ^1.10
drupal/persistent_login Version ^1.3
drupal/responsive_preview Version ^2.1
drupal/shield Version ^1.2.0
drupal/sitemap Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/social_media_links Version ^2.7.0
drupal/taxonomy_import Version ^2.0@alpha
drupal/token Version ^1.7
drupal/twig_tweak Version ^3.2
drupal/ultimate_cron Version ^2.0@alpha
drupal/viewsreference Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/webform Version ^6.2@beta
drupal/xmlsitemap Version ^1.2
drupal/security_review Version ^2.0
drupal/mailsystem Version ^4.3
drupal/swiftmailer Version ^2.0
drupal/menu_item_extras Version ^2.13
drupal/mailchimp Version ^2.0
drupal/user_registrationpassword Version ^2.0
drupal/views_data_export Version ^1.0.0
drupal/admin_toolbar Version ^3.0
drupal/redirect Version ^1.6
drupal/path_redirect_import Version ^2.0
drupal/migrate_plus Version ^6.0
drupal/migrate_tools Version ^6.0
drupal/migrate_source_csv Version ^3.1.0
drupal/link_target Version ^1.2.0
drupal/linkit Version ^6.1
drupal/stage_file_proxy Version ^2.0
drupal/editor_advanced_link Version ^2.2
drupal/media_responsive_thumbnail Version ^1.5
drupal/password_policy Version ^4.0
drupal/views_bulk_operations Version ^4.1
drupal/views_bulk_edit Version ^2.5
drupal/styleguide Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/search_api_exclude_entity Version ^1.3.0
drupal/responsive_favicons Version 1.x-dev@dev
drupal/minifyhtml Version ^2.0
drupal/flag Version ^4.0@beta
drupal/rate Version 3.1.0
masterminds/html5 Version ^2.3
drupal/link_attributes Version ^1.9
drupal/entity_embed Version ^1.0
drupal/search_api_autocomplete Version ^1.4
drupal/chosen Version ^3.0
drupal/media_library_form_element Version ^2.0
drupal/paragraphs_edit Version ^3.0
drupal/views_autocomplete_filters Version ^1.3
drupal/dropzonejs Version ^2.3
drupal/tinypng Version ^1.0@RC
drupal/field_group Version ^3.1
drupal/csv_serialization Version ^3.0
drupal/votingapi Version ^3.0@beta
drupal/amp Version ^3.8
drupal/crop Version ^2.1
drupal/devel Version ^5.0
drupal/draggableviews Version ^2.0
drupal/auto_entityqueue Version ^2.0
drupal/entity Version ^1.2
drupal/faqfield Version ^7.0
drupal/flood_control Version ^2.3
drupal/search_api Version ^1.18
drupal/upgrade_status Version ^4.0
drupal/google_tag Version ^1.4
drupal/login_security Version ^2.0
drupal/memcache Version ^2.2
drupal/oauth_login_oauth2 Version ^2.6
drupal/recaptcha Version ^3.0
drupal/scheduler Version ^2.0
drupal/seckit Version ^2.0
drupal/simplify_menu Version ^3.2
drupal/smart_trim Version ^2.0
drupal/twig_field_value Version ^2.0
drupal/twig_vardumper Version ^3.1
drupal/jquery_ui_checkboxradio Version ^2.0
drupal/social_api Version ^3.0
drupal/social_auth Version ^3.0
drupal/social_auth_facebook Version ^3.0@RC
drupal/social_auth_google Version ^3.0@RC
firebase/php-jwt Version ^6.0
drupal/geofield Version ^1.20
drupal/domain Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/views_infinite_scroll Version ^2.0
drupal/multiple_fields_remove_button Version ^2.2
drupal/filefield_paths Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/workbench_moderation Version ^1.6
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet Version ^1.20
mpdf/mpdf Version ^8.0
drupal/admin_feedback Version ^2.2
drupal/views_json_source Version ^2.0
drupal/jsonapi_extras Version ^3.20
drupal/simple_oauth Version ^5.2
drupal/decoupled_router Version ^2.0
drupal/jsonapi_user_resources Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/symfony_mailer Version ^1.0@alpha
drupal/textfield_counter Version ^2.0
drupal/default_content Version ^2.0@alpha
mailchimp/marketing Version ^3.0
drupal/time_range Version ^2.0
drupal/video_embed_field Version ^2.4
drupal/allowed_formats Version ^2.0
drupal/theme_switcher Version ^2.0
drupal/migrate_file Version ^2.1
drupal/rdf Version ^2.1
drupal/seven Version ^1.0
drupal/classy Version ^1.0
drupal/bartik Version ^1.0
drupal/quickedit Version ^1.0
drupal/jsonapi_cross_bundles Version ^1.1
drupal/gin Version ^3.0@RC
drupal/jsonapi_include Version ^1.7
drupal/search_api_ai Version ^1.0@alpha
drupal/onesignal Version ^3.0
stevenmaguire/oauth2-keycloak Version ^5.0
drupal/openai Version ^1.0@beta
voidagency/jquery_colorpicker Version ^4.0
voidagency/merge_translations Version ^2.0
voidagency/easy_install Version ^10.6
voidagency/shortcode Version ^2.1
voidagency/yaml_editor Version ^2.0
voidagency/mobile_native_share Version ^2.0
voidagency/amptheme Version ^3.0
voidagency/cloudinary Version ^3.0
voidagency/block_list_override Version ^2.0
drupal/amptheme Version ^3.1
drupal/yaml_editor Version ^1.2
drupal/menu_manipulator Version ^3.0
drupal/log_stdout Version ^1.5
drupal/image_effects Version ^3.6
drupal/imagemagick Version ^3.7
drupal/views_url_alias Version ^3.1
drupal/simple_oauth_revoke Version ^2.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package voidagency/vactory contains the following files

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