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Informations about the package form

Form Validation and Hydration System

GitHub Actions status Codecov status Packagist version

A simple form system with fast validation and object hydration. This library provides a way to validate form input data and populate an object with the validated data in a simple and efficient way. It uses code generation to improve performance, and provides a runtime fallback for development.

The philosophy of the library is :


You can install this library using Composer:



To use the form validation library, you first need to initialize the registry. An adapter to PSR-11-compatible dependency injection container can be used, such as PHP-DI or Symfony DI. If you don't use a dependency injection container, you can use the DefaultRegistry class.

Once you've initialized your container, you can use it to instantiate the library's form factory. Here's an example that shows how to instantiate the factories using the ContainerRegistry class provided with the library:

Simple usage

Once you have instantiated the form factory, you can use it to create your forms. First, you need to declare your form by declaring the fields it contains as public properties with attributes for validation and transformation rules.

Here's an example of a declaration for a user registration form:

To use this form, you can create an instance of the form using the form factory, and then use it to validate and hydrate your data:

Embedded forms

You can embed forms into other forms, using the Embedded or ArrayOf components.

Custom validator

The library provides a set of built-in validators, as you can see here, but you in a real-world application, you will probably need to create your own validators.

There is multiple ways to create a custom validator, depending on your needs (and time constraints).

Note: don't forget to handle optional fields in your custom validators, as they may be null.

The quick and dirty way

The easiest way to create a custom validator is to create a validation method in your form class, and annotate the property with the ValidationMethod constraint:

But this method has some drawbacks:

So, only use this method for proof of concept or disposable code.

Dirty, but with dependency injection

If you need to inject dependencies in your validation method, you can use the ValidateBy constraint with the validator class name, and implements the ConstraintValidatorInterface:

This method fixes most of the drawbacks of the previous method, but it's still cannot enforce type safety of parameters. So, it's reasonable to use this method if the validation does not require any parameter.

The clean way

Depending on your needs, there is two ways to create a clean validator:

ConstraintInterface and ConstraintValidatorInterface

Code generation

By default, code generation is also performed on custom constraints by inlining the instantiation of the constraint class. For example, the property:

Will be compiled in code like this:

Which provides decent performance, but it's not optimal. So, you may want to generate the validation code yourself on simple constraints heavily used in your forms.

To do so, you can implement the ConstraintValidatorGeneratorInterface on the validator class (or constraint class in case of a self validated constraint).

See library source code for examples.

Custom transformers

Unlike validators, no quick and dirty way is provided to create custom transformers. So, two ways are available to create a custom transformer:


This is the simplest way to create a custom transformer, but it doesn't allow dependency injection. You simply have to:


When you need some dependencies on your transformation logic, you should use the DelegatedFieldTransformerInterface interface. The transformation logic (and dependencies) will be provided by a class implementing the ConfigurableFieldTransformerInterface interface.

Code generation

The code generation is mostly the same as for validators, so you can refer to the validators section for more information.

To do so, you can implement the FieldTransformerGeneratorInterface on the transformer implementation class (i.e. class which implements FieldTransformerInterface or ConfigurableFieldTransformerInterface, but not DelegatedFieldTransformerInterface).

See library source code for examples.




Source: src/Validator/Constraint/ArrayShape.php

The ArrayShape class is a PHP attribute that can be used to validate if the current field is an array and if it has the expected keys and values types.



The ArrayShape class constructor takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
shape Define array fields and their types. The key is the field name. If the field is optional, add a question mark ? at the end of the name. The value is the type of the field. The type can be a string, following PHP's disjunctive normal form, a TypeInterface instance, or an array which will be converted to an array type.
key The key type for extra keys. The type can be a string, following PHP's disjunctive normal form, a TypeInterface instance. Note: this option is ignored for all keys that are defined in the shape.
value The value type. The type can be a string, following PHP's disjunctive normal form, a TypeInterface instance, or an array which will be converted to an array type. Note: this option is ignored for all values that are defined in the shape.
allowExtraKeys Allow extra keys which are not defined in the shape. All these keys will be validated with the key type and the value type.
message The error message to display.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/Choice.php

Check if the value is in the given choices.

The value is checked with strict comparison, so ensure that the value is correctly cast. This constraint supports multiple choices (i.e. input value is an array). You can define labels for the choices by using a string key in the choices array.



Parameter Description
choices List of available choices. Use a string key to define a label for the choice.
message Error message. Use {{ value }} as placeholder for the invalid value.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/EqualsWith.php

Check if the current field value is equals to other field value.



Parameter Description
field The other field name. Must be defined on the same data object.
message Error message displayed if values are different. Use {{ field }} placeholder to display the other field name.
strict If true, use a strict comparison (i.e. ===), so type and value will be compared.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/EqualTo.php

Check that the field value is equal to the given value. This comparison use the simple comparison operator (==) and not the strict one (===).

Numeric and string values are supported. To ensure that the comparison is done in the same type, add a typehint to the field and use the same type on the constraint's value.



Parameter Description
value The value to compare against.
message The error message displayed if the field value is not equal to the given value. Use {{ value }} placeholder to display the compared value.

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/GreaterThan.php

Check that the field value is greater than the given value.

Numeric and string values are supported. To ensure that the comparison is done in the same type, add a typehint to the field and use the same type on the constraint's value.



Parameter Description
value The value to compare against.
message The error message displayed if the field value is not greater than the given value. Use {{ value }} placeholder to display the compared value.

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/GreaterThanOrEqual.php

Check that the field value is greater than or equal to the given value. Numeric and string values are supported. To ensure that the comparison is done in the same type, add a typehint to the field and use the same type on the constraint's value.



Parameter Description
value The value to compare against.
message The error message to display.

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/IdenticalTo.php

Check that the field value is the same as the given value. This comparison uses the strict comparison operator (===).

Numeric and string values are supported. The value type must be the same as the field type, and the field value must be cast using type hint or Cast transformer.



Parameter Description
value The value to compare against.
message The error message to use if validation fails.

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/Length.php

Validate the length of a string field. If the field is not a string, this validator will be ignored.

This constraint allows you to check the length of a string field. You can define the minimum and maximum length, and customize the error message.



Parameter Description
min Minimum length (included). If null, no minimum length will be checked.
max Maximum length (included). If null, no maximum length will be checked.
message Error message displayed if the length is not between min and max. Use {{ min }} and {{ max }} placeholders to display the min and max parameters (if defined). If null, the default message will be used depending on defined parameters: Length::MIN_MESSAGE if only min is defined, Length::MAX_MESSAGE if only max is defined, Length::INTERVAL_MESSAGE if both min and max are defined.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/LessThan.php

The LessThan constraint checks if the field value is less than the given value. The comparison uses the strict comparison operator < to ensure that the comparison is done in the same type.



Parameter Description
value The value to compare to the field value.
message The error message to display if the comparison fails. Default: 'The value should be less than {{ value }}.'

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/LessThanOrEqual.php

Check that the field value is less than or equal to the given value

Numeric and string values are supported. To ensure that the comparison is done in the same type, add a typehint to the field and use the same type on the constraint's value.



Parameter Description
value The maximum value allowed for the field
message The error message if the value is greater than the maximum

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/NotEqualTo.php

Check that the field value is equal to the given value. This comparison uses the simple comparison operator != and not the strict one !==.

Numeric and string values are supported. To ensure that the comparison is done in the same type, add a typehint to the field and use the same type on the constraint's value.



Parameter Description
value The value to compare against.
message The validation message.

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/NotIdenticalTo.php

Check that the field value is equal to the given value. This comparison uses the strict comparison operator !==. Numeric and string values are supported. The value type must be the same as the field type, and the field value must be cast using typehint or Cast transformer.



Parameter Description
value The value to compare against.
message The error message to display.

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/PasswordStrength.php

Check the strength of a password field. The strength is a logarithmic value representing an approximation of the number of possible combinations.

This algorithm takes into account:

This check does not force the user to use a specific set of characters while still providing a good level of security. The strength should be chosen according to the password hashing algorithm used: slower algorithms make brute force attacks slower so a lower strength is acceptable. The recommended strength is 51, which takes around one month to brute force at one billion attempts per second.



Parameter Description
min The minimum strength of the password. If the strength is lower than this value, the validation will fail.
message The error message to display if the password is too weak. Use placeholders {{ strength }} and {{ min_strength }} to display the strength and the minimum strength.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/Regex.php

Check if the field value matches the given regular expression using PCRE syntax. Generates an HTML5 "pattern" attribute if possible.



Parameter Description
pattern Regular expression pattern, following the PCRE syntax. Unlike the PHP preg_match() function, the pattern must not be enclosed by delimiters and flags must be passed as a separate argument.
flags Regular expression flags/pattern modifiers. Usage of flags other than i (case-insensitive) will disable HTML5 "pattern" attribute generation.
message Error message to display if the value does not match the pattern.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/Required.php

This constraint marks a field as required. The field will be considered valid if it is not null and not an empty string or array. Any other value will be considered valid, like 0, false, etc.

Note: this constraint is not required if the field is typed as non-nullable.



Parameter Description
message The error message to be shown if the value is not valid. Defaults to 'This value is required'.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/UploadedFile.php

Check if the uploaded file is valid. Use PSR-7 UploadedFileInterface, so psr/http-message package is required to use this constraint.



Parameter Description
maxSize Maximum file size in bytes. If defined, files with unknown size will be rejected
allowedMimeTypes List of allowed mime types. You can use wildcards on subtype, like "image/*"
allowedExtensions List of allowed file extensions. The dot must not be included


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/ValidateArray.php

Constraint for array validation. Will apply validation to each element of the array.



Parameter Description
constraints List of constraints to apply to each element of the array.
message Global error message to show if at least one element of the array is invalid. This message will be used only if ValidateArray::$aggregateErrors is true. Use {{ item_errors }} as a placeholder for the list of item errors.
itemMessage Error message format for each item error. Use as placeholders: {{ key }} for the item array key. If the array is not associative, the key will be the item index. Be aware that the key value is not escaped. {{ error }} for the item error message.
aggregateErrors Aggregate all item errors in a single FieldError. The error message will be the ValidateArray::$message with the item errors concatenated. If this option is false, the validation will return a FieldError for each invalid item.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/ValidateBy.php

This is a generic constraint used to validate a field value using a custom validator instance. This class allows you to specify the validator class to use and an array of options to pass to the validator. It is important to note that it is preferable to use a custom constraint class instead of using the options array.



Parameter Description
validatorClass Validator class to use. Must be registered in the ConstraintValidatorRegistry.
options Array of options to pass to the validator.

See also:


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/ValidateVar.php

Validate field value using filter_var() with FILTER_VALIDATE_* constant.



Parameter Description
filter The id of the validation filter to apply. Should be one of the constants of this class or FILTER_VALIDATE_*.
options Filter options or flags. To use flags with options, use an array with the key "flags", and options with the key "options".
message The error message.


Source: src/Validator/Constraint/ValidationMethod.php

Validate a field value using a method call.

This method can be a static method on a given class or an instance method declared on the data object. The method will be called with the following arguments:

The method can return one of the following:



Parameter Description
method Method name to call
class Class name to call the method on
parameters Extra parameters to pass to the method
message Default error message to use if the method returns false
code Error code to use if the method returns false or a message as string

See also:



Source: src/Transformer/Field/ArrayCast.php

Cast values of an array

The performed cast is a fail-safe operation :

Transformation to HTTP value will simply cast non-null value to array.



Parameter Description
elementType The type to cast to. Should be one of the constants of the CastType item.
preserveKeys Whether to preserve the original keys of the array.


Source: src/Transformer/Field/Cast.php

Cast HTTP value to target type

This transformer is automatically added on typed properties The performed cast is a fail-safe operation :

Transformation to HTTP value will simply assume the value is already a normalized value



Source: src/Transformer/Field/Csv.php

Transform a CSV string to an array. This transformer use an implementation of RFC 4180, so it supports quoted values.



Parameter Description
separator The separator to use to split the CSV string. Defaults to a comma (,).
enclosure The enclosure to use to quote values. Defaults to a none.


Source: src/Transformer/Field/DateTimeTransformer.php

Transform a date from a string to a DateTimeInterface object.



Parameter Description
format The format to use to parse the date. Defaults to Y-m-d\TH:i:sP.
timezone The timezone to use to parse the date. By default keep the current timezone.
class The class to use to create the DateTimeInterface object. Defaults to DateTimeImmutable.


Source: src/Transformer/Field/DefaultValue.php

Defines a default value for a field.

The default value is used when the field is not submitted. This transformer will be automatically added to the field if the default value is not null. You can define this transformer explicitly to ignore the default behavior.

Note: Be careful of the transformer order. If this attribute is defined before other transformers, the value should be an HTTP (i.e. not transformed) value. If this attribute is defined after other transformers, the value should be a PHP (i.e. transformed) value.



Source: src/Transformer/Field/Enum.php

Transform a value to its corresponding enum instance. It supports both UnitEnum and BackedEnum, and resolve the enum instance using the value or the name.

To define labels for the choices, implements the interface LabelInterface on the enum class.

Note: This transformer is case-sensitive



Parameter Description
class The enum class to use.
useName Always use the name to get the enum instance. This option is only used for BackedEnum. Defaults to false.
errorOnInvalid If true, the field will be considered invalid if the value is not a valid choice. If false, the field will be set to null without error. Defaults to true.
errorMessage The error message to use if the value is not found. Use {{ value }} as placeholder for the input value.


Source: src/Transformer/Field/Json.php

Parse JSON string to PHP value.

Note: Transformation will fail if the JSON is invalid. Use TransformationError to change this behavior.



Parameter Description
assoc If true, JSON objects will be returned as associative arrays. Defaults to true.
depth User specified recursion depth. Defaults to 512.
parseOptions Flags passed to json_decode(), used when transforming from HTTP.
encodeOptions Flags passed to json_encode(), used when transforming to HTTP.

See also:


Source: src/Transformer/Field/TransformEach.php

Apply transformers on each element of an array. If the input value is not and array, it will be transformed as an array before applying the transformers.



Parameter Description
transformers The list of transformers to apply on each element of the array.
handleElementsErrors If true, transformation process will continue even if a sub-transformer fails, and errors will be aggregated and reported on the field as array, for more precise error handling.


Source: src/Transformer/Field/Trim.php

Trim the input value.

This transformer will remove all spaces at the beginning and at the end of the value. The transformation is only applied when transforming from HTTP.



Source: src/Transformer/Field/TransformationError.php

Configure error handling of transformation error.

By default, when transformation fails, the field will be considered as invalid, and the error message will be set to the error message of the first transformer that failed.

Note: this is not a transformer, but a configuration class.



Parameter Description
ignore If true, the field will be set to null, and no error will be displayed. Defaults to false.
keepOriginalValue If true, the original value will be kept instead of setting it to null. Defaults to false.
message The error message to use, in replacement of the transformer error message.
code The error code to use.
hideSubErrors If true, transformation errors raised using TransformerException will be hidden, and a generic error will be displayed instead.



Source: src/Component/Checkbox.php

Handle HTTP checkbox input.

The field value is true when a value is present in the HTTP request and is equal to the given httpValue (default to "1"). The field value is false when the value is not present in the HTTP request or is not equal to the given httpValue. So, the field value is always a non-nullable boolean.

Note: the http value will be cast to string before comparison.



Source: src/Component/Csrf/Csrf.php

Add a token to the form to prevent CSRF attacks.

To use this constraint, you must have the Symfony Security component installed (i.e. symfony/security-csrf). and register the CsrfManager service in the form registry.

The CSRF token can be regenerated on each request by setting the "refresh" option to true.



Parameter Description
id The CSRF token id. Defaults to form.
refresh If true, the CSRF token will be regenerated on each request. Defaults to false.
message The error message to use. Defaults to Invalid CSRF token.

Internal working

The process of validating and hydrating a form is divided into 3 steps, plus a fourth optional step:

Each step can be compiled into a PHP class using code generation, which improves performance. Steps will be executed in the reverse order when importing data from the form object.


The transformation is the first step of the form process when calling the FormInterface::submit() method. It's also the last step of the process when calling the FormInterface::import() method.

The transformation step is responsible for transforming the raw data into an array of properties that can be used to populate the form object on the following step.

So it will perform :

For example, the following HTTP form data:

Can be transformed into the following array:

During the import() step, the transformation will perform the reverse operation, so the previous array will be transformed into the following array:

To summarize, the transformation step will transform an HTTP form data array into a normalized and safe array that can be used to populate the form object, and vice versa.



The hydration step is the second step of the form process when calling the FormInterface::submit() method, and the first step when calling the FormInterface::import() method.

On the submit process, the hydration step is responsible for instantiate and populate the form object with the array from the transformation step. On the import process, the hydration step is responsible for extracting properties array from the form object.



The validation step is the last step of the submit process. The validation is not performed when importing data from the form object.

This step will simply validate each property of the form object using the constraints declared on the form fields. It will return an array of FieldError objects, indexed by the property name.

Note: some errors can be raised by the transformation step. In this case, the validation of the field will be skipped, and the error of the transformation step will be returned instead.


View generation

The view generation is an optional step that can be used to generate view objects from the form object. This step is triggered by calling the FormInterface::view() method.

If the form is a submitted or an imported one, the view will be generated from FilledFormInterface::httpValue().



Most of the form components are immutable, which means that they will return a new instance when you call a method that modify the object.

So, each form process will return a new instance:

Each types only provide the methods that are actually available for this type, so you can't call FormInterface::value() for example.

The immutability allows to reuse or cache form instances (the default factory will always cache instances). But it came with a drawback: a new variable is required to store results of each form process.


See GitHub actions for the latest benchmark results.

A benchmark comparison has been made, using phpbench, between this library and Symfony forms, and vanilla PHP.

Subject Memory Time Relative
Vanilla 1.482mb 0.495μs 0.19x
Vanilla with errors 1.482mb 0.509μs 0.19x
No code generation, cache form instances 1.791mb 5.538μs 2.12x
No code generation, cache, with errors 1.482mb 6.742μs 2.58x
No code generation, no cache 1.791mb 20.468μs 7.84x
No code generation, no cache, with errors 1.482mb 22.006μs 8.42x
With code generation and cache 1.689mb 2.613μs 1.00x
With code generation, cache, with errors 1.482mb 4.077μs 1.56x
With code generation, no cache 4.673mb 13.161μs 5.04x
With code generation, no cache, with errors 4.651mb 12.392μs 4.74x
Symfony 56.034mb 450.770μs 172.44x
Symfony with errors 58.391mb 454.488μs 173.98x


This library is licensed under the MIT license.

All versions of form with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ~8.1
nette/php-generator Version ~4.0
psr/container Version ~1.1|~2.0
symfony/translation-contracts Version ^3.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

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