PHP code example of vincent4vx / form

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vincent4vx/form library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vincent4vx / form example snippets

use Quatrevieux\Form\ContainerRegistry;
use Quatrevieux\Form\DefaultFormFactory;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Util\Functions;

// Initialize the container registry with your PSR-11 container.
$registry = new ContainerRegistry($container);

// Instantiate the runtime form factory (for development)
$factory = DefaultFormFactory::runtime($registry);

// Instantiate the generated form factory (for production)
$factory = DefaultFormFactory::generated(
    registry: $registry,
    savePathResolver: Functions::savePathResolver(self::GENERATED_DIR),

use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\Length;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\Regex;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\PasswordStrength;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\EqualsWith;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ValidateVar;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Component\Csrf\Csrf;

class RegistrationRequest
    // Non-nullable field will be considered as ing $email;
    // Optional fields can be defined using the "?" operator, making them nullable
    #[Length(min: 3, max: 256)]
    public ?string $name;
    // You can use the Csrf component to add a CSRF token to your form (

$form = $factory->create(RegistrationRequest::class);

// submit() will validate the data and return a SubmittedForm object
// The value must be stored in a variable, because the $form object is immutable
$submitted = $form->submit($_POST);

if ($submitted->valid()) {
    // If the submitted data is valid, you can access the form data, which is an instance of the RegistrationRequest class:
    $value = $submitted->value();
    // ...
} else {
    // If the submitted data is invalid, you can access the errors like this:
    $errors = $submitted->errors();
    /** @var \Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\FieldError $error */
    foreach ($errors as $field => $error) {
        $error->localizedMessage(); // The error message, translated using the translator
        $error->code; // UUID of the constraint that failed
        $error->parameters; // Failed constraint parameters. For example, the "min" and "max" parameters for the Length constraint

use Quatrevieux\Form\Embedded\ArrayOf;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Embedded\Embedded;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\Length;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\PasswordStrength;

class User
    #[Length(min: 3, max: 12)]
    public string $pseudo;

    // Use the Embedded attribute component to embed a form into another form
    // Note: you can mark the property as nullable to make it optional
    public Credentials $credentials;

    // Works in the same way for arrays by using the ArrayOf attribute
    public array $addresses;

class Credentials
    #[Length(min: 3, max: 256)]
    public string $username;

    public string $password;

class Address
    public string $street;
    public string $city;
    public string $zipCode;
    public string $country;

use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ValidationMethod;

class MyForm
    public string $foo;
    public function validateFoo(string $value): ?string
        // Do your validation here
        if (...) {
            // Return an error message if the value is invalid (it will be translated using the translator)
            // Note: the return value may also be a boolean (use message defined in the constraint) or a FieldError object
            // See the documentation for more information
            return 'Foo is invalid'; 

        return null;

use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ConstraintValidatorInterface;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ValidateBy;

class MyForm
    public string $foo;

// Declare your validator class
class MyValidator implements ConstraintValidatorInterface
    public function __construct(
        // Inject your dependencies here
        private readonly MyFooService $service,
    ) {

    public function validate(ConstraintInterface $constraint, mixed $value, object $data): ?FieldError
        // $constraint is the ValidateBy constraint, which can be used to access the parameters
        // $value is the value of the field
        // $data is the form object (MyForm in this case)

        if (!$this->service->isValid($value)) {
            // No sugar here, you have to create the FieldError object yourself
            // Note: it will be automatically translated using the translator
            return new FieldError('Foo is invalid');

        return null;

use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\SelfValidatedConstraint;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\FieldError;
use Attribute;

class MyConstraint extends SelfValidatedConstraint
    // It's recommended to declare an unique code for your constraint
    public const CODE = 'c6241cc4-c7f5-4951-96b5-bf3e69f9ed15';

    public function __construct(
        // Declare your parameters here
        public readonly string $foo,
        // It's recommended to declare a message parameter, which will be used as the default error message
        // Placeholders can be used to display parameters values
        public readonly string $message = 'Foo is invalid : {{ foo }}',
    ) {

    public function validate(ConstraintInterface $constraint, mixed $value, object $data): ?FieldError
        // $constraint is same as $this
        // $value is the value of the field
        // $data is the form object (MyForm in this case)

        if (...) {
            return new FieldError($constraint->message, ['foo' => $constraint->foo], self::CODE);

        return null;

use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\Constraint\ConstraintValidatorInterface;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Validator\FieldError;
use Quatrevieux\Form\RegistryInterface;
use Attribute;

class MyConstraint implements ConstraintInterface
    // It's recommended to declare an unique code for your constraint
    public const CODE = 'c6241cc4-c7f5-4951-96b5-bf3e69f9ed15';

    public function __construct(
        // Declare your parameters here
        public readonly string $foo,
        // It's recommended to declare a message parameter, which will be used as the default error message
        // Placeholders can be used to display parameters values
        public readonly string $message = 'Foo is invalid : {{ foo }}',
    ) {
    public function getValidator(RegistryInterface $registry): ConstraintValidatorInterface
        // Resolve the validator from the registry
        return $registry->getConstraintValidator(MyConstraintValidator::class);

class MyConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidatorInterface
    public function __construct(
        // Inject your dependencies here
        private readonly MyFooService $service,
    ) {

    public function validate(ConstraintInterface $constraint, mixed $value, object $data): ?FieldError
        // $constraint is the MyConstraint constraint, which can be used to access the parameters
        // $value is the value of the field
        // $data is the form object (MyForm in this case)

        if (!$this->service->isValid($value, $constraint->foo)) {
            return new FieldError($constraint->message, ['foo' => $constraint->foo], MyConstraint::CODE);

        return null;

public ?string $foo;

if (($error = ($fooConstraint = new MyConstraint('bar'))->getValidator($this->registry)->validate($fooConstraint, $data->foo ?? null, $data)) !== null) {
    $errors['foo'] = $error;

use Quatrevieux\Form\Transformer\Field\FieldTransformerInterface;
use Attribute;

class MyTransformer implements FieldTransformerInterface
    public function __construct(
        // Declare your parameters here
        private readonly string $foo,
    ) {

    public function transformFromHttp(mixed $value): mixed
        // $value is the HTTP value
        // The value will be null if the field is not present in the HTTP request

        // Transform the value here
        return $value;

    public function transformToHttp(mixed $value): mixed
        // $value is the form object value

        // Transform the value here
        return $value;

    public function canThrowError(): bool
        // Return true if the transformer can throw an error
        // If true, the transformer will be wrapped in a try/catch block to mark the field as invalid
        return false;

class MyForm
    public ?string $foo;

use Quatrevieux\Form\Transformer\Field\DelegatedFieldTransformerInterface;
use Quatrevieux\Form\Transformer\Field\ConfigurableFieldTransformerInterface;
use Quatrevieux\Form\RegistryInterface;
use Attribute;

class MyTransformer implements DelegatedFieldTransformerInterface
    public function __construct(
        // Declare your parameters here
        public readonly string $foo,
    ) {

    public function getTransformer(RegistryInterface $registry): ConfigurableFieldTransformerInterface
        // Resolve the transformer from the registry
        return $registry->getFieldTransformer(MyTransformerImpl::class);

class MyTransformerImpl implements ConfigurableFieldTransformerInterface
    public function __construct(
        // Declare your dependencies here
        private readonly MyFooService $service,
    ) {

    public function transformFromHttp(DelegatedFieldTransformerInterface $configuration, mixed $value): mixed
        // $configuration is the MyTransformer attribute instance
        // $value is the HTTP value
        // The value will be null if the field is not present in the HTTP request

        // Transform the value here
        return $value;

    public function transformToHttp(DelegatedFieldTransformerInterface $configuration, mixed $value): mixed
        // $configuration is the MyTransformer attribute instance
        // $value is the form object value

        // Transform the value here
        return $value;

class MyForm
        'firstName' => 'string',
        'lastName' => 'string',
        // Use ? to mark the field as optional
        'age?' => 'int',
        // You can declare a sub array shape
        'address' => [
            'street' => 'string',
            'city' => 'string',
            'zipCode' => 'string|int', // You can use multiple types
    public array $person;

    // You can define array as dynamic list
    #[ArrayShape(key: 'int', value: 'int|float')]
    public array $listOfNumbers;

    // You can disable extra keys
    #[ArrayShape(['foo' => 'string', 'bar' => 'int'], allowExtraKeys: false)]
    public array $fixed;

class MyForm
    #[Choice(['foo', 'bar'])]
    public string $foo;

    // Define labels for the choices
        'My first label' => 'foo',
        'My other label' => 'bar',
    public string $bar;

class MyForm
    #[EqualsWith('password', message: 'Passwords must be equals')]
    public string $passwordConfirm;
    public string $password;

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class MyForm
    // Only check the minimum length
    #[Length(min: 2)]
    public string $foo;

    // Only check the maximum length
    #[Length(max: 32)]
    public string $bar;

    // For a fixed length
    #[Length(min: 12, max: 12)]
    public string $baz;

    // Check the length is between 2 and 32 (

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class MyForm
    public int $foo;

class User
    #[PasswordStrength(min:51, message:"Your password is too weak")]
    private $password;

class MyForm
    public ?string $uuid;

    #[Regex('^[a-z]+$', flags: 'i')]
    public string $foo;

class MyForm
    // Explicitly mark the field as  is m error message to override the default one
    #[Required('This field is 

class MyForm
    // Constraint for simply check that the file is successfully uploaded
    public UploadedFileInterface $file;
     // You can also define a file size limit
    #[UploadedFile(maxSize: 1024 * 1024)]
    public UploadedFileInterface $withLimit;
     // You can also define the file type using mime type filter, or file extension filter
    // Note: this is not a security feature, you should always check the actual file type on the server side
        allowedMimeTypes: ['image/*', 'application/pdf'], // wildcard is allowed for subtype
        allowedExtensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'pdf'] // you can specify the file extension (without the dot)
    public UploadedFileInterface $withMimeTypes;

// Create and submit the form
// Here, $request is a PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface
$form = $factory->create(MyForm::class);
$submitted = $form->submit($request->getParsedBody() + $request->getUploadedFiles());

class MyRequest
    #[ValidateArray(constraints: [
        new Length(min: 3, max: 10),
        new Regex(pattern: '/^[a-z]+$/'),
    public ?array $values;

class MyForm
   #[ValidateBy(MyValidator::class, ['checksum' => 15])]
   public string $foo;

class MyValidator implements ConstraintValidatorInterface
    public function __construct(private ChecksumAlgorithmInterface $algo) {}

    public function validate(ConstraintInterface $constraint, mixed $value, object $data): ?FieldError
        if ($this->algo->checksum($value) !== $constraint->options['checksum']) {
            return new FieldError('Invalid checksum');

        return null;

class MyRequest
    public ?string $email;

    #[ValidateVar(ValidateVar::DOMAIN, options: FILTER_FLAG_HOSTNAME)] // You can add flags as an int
    public ?string $domain;

    #[ValidateVar(ValidateVar::INT, options: ['options' => ['min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 100]])] // You can add options as an array
    public ?float $int;

class MyForm
    // Calling validateFoo() on this instance
    #[ValidateMethod(method: 'validateFoo', parameters: [15], message: 'Invalid checksum')]
    public string $foo;

    // Calling Functions::validateFoo()
    #[ValidateMethod(class: Functions::class, method: 'validateFoo', parameters: [15], message: 'Invalid checksum')]
    public string $foo;

    // Return a boolean, so the default error message is used
    public function validateFoo(string $value, object $data, int $checksum)
        return crc32($value) % 32 === $checksum;

    // Return a string, so the string is used as error message
    public function validateFoo(string $value, object $data, int $checksum)
        if (crc32($value) % 32 !== $checksum) {
            return 'Invalid checksum';

        return null;

    // Return a FieldError instance
    public function validateFoo(string $value, object $data, int $checksum)
        if (crc32($value) % 32 !== $checksum) {
            return new FieldError('Invalid checksum');

        return null;

class Functions
    // You can also use a static method
    public static function validateFoo(string $value, object $data, int $checksum): bool
        return crc32($value) % 32 === $checksum;

class MyForm
    public array $foo;
    // Ignore original keys : the result will be a list of floats
    #[ArrayCast(CastType::Float, preserveKeys: false)]
    public array $bar;

class MyForm
    public $foo;
    // By default, the cast is performed on the property type, so it's not needed here
    public float $bar;

class MyForm
    // Will transform "foo,bar,baz" to ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    public array $foo;

    // You can specify separator
    #[Csv(separator: ';')]
    public array $bar;

    // You can use ArrayCast to cast values
    #[Csv, ArrayCast(CastType::INT)]
    public array $baz;

class MyForm
    // Parse an HTML5 datetime-local input
    public ?DateTimeInterface $date;

    // Use a custom format, class, and timezone
    #[DateTimeTransformer(class: DateTime::class, format: 'd/m/Y', timezone: 'Europe/Paris')]
    public ?DateTime $date;

class MyForm
    public int $implicit = 42; // Implicitly define the default value. Will be applied after all other transformers.

    #[DefaultValue(12.3)] // Explicitly define the default value. Default property value will be ignored.
    public float $explicit = 0.0;

    #[DefaultValue('foo,bar')] // When defined before other transformers, the value should be an HTTP value.
    public array $values;

class MyForm
    // If MyEnum is a UnitEnum, the name will be used to get the enum instance
    // Else, the value will be used
    // If the value is not found, the field will be considered as invalid
    public ?MyEnum $myEnum;

    // Use the name instead of the value on BackedEnum
    #[Enum(MyEnum::class, useName: true)]
    public ?MyEnum $byName;

    // If the value is not found, the field will be set to null without error
    #[Enum(MyEnum::class, errorOnInvalid: false)]
    public ?MyEnum $noError;

class MyRequest
    #[Json] // By default, JSON objects will be returned as associative arrays.
    public ?array $myArray;

    #[Json(assoc: false, depth: 5)] // JSON objects will be returned as stdClass, and limit the depth to 5.
    public ?object $myObject;

    #[Json(encodeOptions: JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)] // Change the display of the JSON.
    public mixed $pretty;
    // Use ArrayShape to validate the JSON structure
    #[Json, ArrayShape(['foo' => 'string', 'bar' => 'int'])] 
    public array $withShape;

class MyForm
        new Trim(),
        new Csv(separator: ';'),
    public ?array $tags = null;

class MyForm
    public ?string $myString = null;

class MyForm
    // You can customize the error message, and code, just like validation errors
    #[TransformationError(message: 'This JSON is invalid', code: 'f59e2415-0b70-4177-9bc1-66ebbb65c75c'), Json]
    public string $json;

    // Fail silently: the field will be set to null, and no error will be displayed
    #[TransformationError(ignore: true), Json]
    public ?string $foo;

    // Keep the original value instead of setting it to null
    #[TransformationError(ignore: true, keepOriginalValue: true), Json]
    public mixed $bar;

final class MyForm
    public bool $isAccepted;

    // You can also define a custom http value
    #[Checkbox(httpValue: 'yes')]
    public bool $withCustomHttpValue;

    // You can use validator to ensure the field is checked (or any other validation)
    #[Checkbox, IsIdenticalTo(true, message: 'You must check this box')]
    public bool $mustBeChecked;

class MyForm
    // The CSRF token will be generated once per session
    // Required constraint as no effect here : csrf token is always validated
    public string $csrf;

    // The CSRF token will be regenerated on each request
    #[Csrf(refresh: true)]
    public string $csrfRefresh;

// Add CsrfManager to the form registry (use PSR-11 container in this example)
$container->register(new CsrfManager($container->get(CsrfTokenManagerInterface::class)));
$registry = new ContainerRegistry($container);
$factory = DefaultFormFactory::create($registry);

// Create and submit the form
$form = $factory->create(MyForm::class);
$submitted = $form->submit($_POST);

    'name' => 'john',
    'roles' => [5, 42],
    'createdAt' => new \DateTime('2020-01-01T00:00:00Z'),

    'name' => 'john',
    'roles' => '5,42',
    'created_at' => '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z',

$form = $factory->create(MyForm::class);

// The following code will not work:

if (!$form->valid()) {
    return $this->showErrors($form->errors());

return $this->process($form->value());

// The following code will work:
$submitted = $form->submit($_POST);

if (!$submitted->valid()) {
    return $this->showErrors($submitted->errors());

return $this->process($submitted->value());
