Download the PHP package veneliniliev/borica-3ds without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package veneliniliev/borica-3ds. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package borica-3ds
Short Description Borica 3DS payments gateway
License MIT
Informations about the package borica-3ds
PHP Borica EMV 3DS
- PHP >= 5.6 (including 8.2)
- ext-mbstring
- ext-openssl
- ext-curl
- ext-json
version | Supported signing schemas | Default signing schema |
For more methods, read api documentation.
Generate private key
Generate CSR
IMPORTANT: in Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
enter your terminal ID and
in Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name)
enter your domain name.
Имената на файловете се създават по следната конвенция: VNNNNNNN_YYYYMMDD_T, където:
- VNNNNNNN – TID на терминала, предоставен от Финансовата Институция
- YYYYMMDD – дата на заявка
- T – тип на искания сертификат, значения – D – за development среда, Р – за продукционна среда
IMPORTANT: Switch signing schema MAC_EXTENDED / MAC_ADVANCED / MAC_GENERAL with methods:
Default signing schema is MAC_GENERAL!
Sale request
Sale response
Catch response from borica on BACKREF
Get response code
Response codes table
Response Code (RC) | RC DESCRIPTION |
00 | Sucessfull |
=> Timeout | |
"01" | Refer to card issuer |
"04" | Pick Up |
"05" | Do not Honour |
"13" | Invalid amount |
"30" | Format error |
"65" | Soft Decline |
"91" | Issuer or switch is inoperative |
"96" | System Malfunction |
Transaction status check
Reversal request
You can also send pre-authorisation requests like this
Pre-authorisation completion
After successful pre-authorisation in 30 days you can make only successful/failed completion.
Pre-authorisation reversal
The pre-authorisation reversal request is almost the same as completion request. But this request require the amount to be the same as the amount of the pre-authorisation.
Determine the response
You can use the determineResponse() get the instance of correct response class. If you do not provide an array with data it will take the data from $_POST.
Set environments
Default environment is production!
Configure language
The library supports setting the language for the user payment form. Use the setLang
method to set a specific language based on the enum VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\Enums\Language
. Supported languages are Bulgarian (BG) and English (EN).
If an invalid language code is provided, the library will throw a ParameterValidationException
Example with an invalid language code:
Using setLang
ensures that users are presented with a language-specific payment form, delivering a more user-friendly experience.
Credit cards for testing
Тип на карта | Номер на карта (PAN) | Реакция на APGW / Reponse code | Response Code Описание | Изисква тестов ACS |
Mastecard | 5100770000000022 | Response code = 00 | Successfully completed | Не |
Mastecard | 5555000000070019 | Response code = 04 | Pick Up | Не |
Mastecard | 5555000000070027 | Системата се забавя 30 сек. за авторизация, Response code = 13 | Invalid amount | Не |
Mastecard | 5555000000070035 | Timeout, Response code = 91 | Issuer or switch is inoperative | Не |
Visa | 4341792000000044 | Response code = 00 Това е пълен тест с автентификация от тестов Visa ACS и авторизация. | Successfully Completed | Да, паролата е 111111 |
Карти, за които се получава съответен резултат при транзакция според сумата
Тип на карта | Номер на карта (PAN) | Реакция на APGW / RC | Изисква тестов ACS | |
Visa | 4010119999999897 | Зависи от сумата. Виж таблицата по-долу. | Не | |
Mastecard | 5100789999999895 | Да, паролата е 111111 |
Сума от | Сума до | Реакция на APGW / Reponse code | RC Описание | Коментар |
1.00 | 1.99 | 01 | Refer to card issuer | |
2.00 | 2.99 | 04 | Pick Up | |
3.00 | 3.99 | 05 | Do not Honour | |
4.00 | 4.99 | 13 | Invalid amount | Response after 30 sec |
5.00 | 5.99 | 30 | Format error | |
6.00 | 6.99 | 91 | Issuer or switch is inoperative | |
7.00 | 7.99 | 96 | System Malfunction | |
8.00 | 8.99 | Timeout | ||
30.00 | 40.00 | 01 | Refer to card issuer | |
50.00 | 70.00 | 04 | Pick Up | |
80.00 | 90.00 | 05 | Do not Honour | |
100.00 | 110.00 | 13 | Invalid amount | Response after 30 sec |
120.00 | 130.00 | 30 | Format error | |
140.00 | 150.00 | 91 | Issuer or switch is inoperative | |
160.00 | 170.00 | 96 | System Malfunction | |
180.00 | 190.00 | Timeout |
- laravel integration
All versions of borica-3ds with dependencies
ext-mbstring Version *
ext-openssl Version *
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
myclabs/php-enum Version ^1.0