PHP code example of veneliniliev / borica-3ds

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download veneliniliev/borica-3ds library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


veneliniliev / borica-3ds example snippets

$saleRequest->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
$saleRequest->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
$saleRequest->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleRequest;
// ...
$saleRequest = (new SaleRequest())
    ->setMerchantUrl('') // optional
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setMInfo(array( // Mandatory cardholderName and ( email or MobilePhone )
        'email'=>'[email protected]',
        'cardholderName'=>'CARDHOLDER NAME', // Max 45 chars
        'mobilePhone'=> array( 
            'cc'=>'359', // Country code
            'subscriber'=>'8939999888', // Subscriber number
        'threeDSRequestorChallengeInd'=>'04', //  Optional for Additional Authentication
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$formHtml = $saleRequest->generateForm(); // only generate hidden html form with filled inputs 
// OR
$saleRequest->send(); // generate and send form with js 

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleResponse;
// ....
$isSuccessfulPayment = (new SaleResponse())
            ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
            ->setResponseData($_POST) //Set POST data from borica response
            //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
            //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
            //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleResponse;
// ...
$saleResponse= (new SaleResponse())
               ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
               //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
               //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
               //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

// ...
// automatic fill data from $_POST or can be set by ->setResponseData(<array>)
// ...

$saleResponse->getResponseCode(); // return RC from response
$saleResponse->getVerifiedData('<key from post request ex: RC>'); // return verified data from post by key
$saleResponse->isSuccessful(); // RC === 00 and data is verified

 use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\Enums\TransactionType;
 use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\StatusCheckRequest;
 // ...
 $statusCheckRequest = (new StatusCheckRequest())
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setOriginalTransactionType(TransactionType::SALE()) // transaction type
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

//send to borica
$statusCheckResponse = $statusCheckRequest->send();
// get data from borica response
$verifiedResponseData = $statusCheckResponse->getResponseData();

// get field from borica response
$statusCheckResponse->getVerifiedData('<field from response. ex: ACTION');

 use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\ReversalRequest;
 // ...
 $reversalRequest = (new ReversalRequest())
        ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
        ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
        ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
        ->setDescription('test reversal')
        ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
        ->setRrn('<RRN - Original transaction reference (From the sale response data)>')
        ->setIntRef('<INT_REF - Internal reference (From the sale response data)>')
        //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
        //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
        //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED
//send reversal request to borica
$reversalRequestResponse = $reversalRequest->send();

// get data from borica reversal response
$verifiedResponseData = $reversalRequestResponse->getResponseData();

// get field from borica reversal response

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\PreAuthorisationRequest;
// ...
$preAuthorisationRequest = (new PreAuthorisationRequest())
    ->setMerchantUrl('') // optional
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setMInfo(array( // Mandatory cardholderName and ( email or MobilePhone )
        'email'=>'[email protected]',
        'cardholderName'=>'CARDHOLDER NAME', // Max 45 chars
        'mobilePhone'=> array( 
            'cc'=>'359', // Country code
            'subscriber'=>'8939999888', // Subscriber number
        'threeDSRequestorChallengeInd'=>'04', //  Optional for Additional Authentication
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$formHtml = $preAuthorisationRequest->generateForm(); // only generate hidden html form with filled inputs 
// OR
$preAuthorisationRequest->send(); // generate and send form with js 

 $response = (new PreAuthorisationCompletionRequest())
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setDescription('test reversal')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setRrn('<RRN - Original transaction reference (From the sale response data)>')
    ->setIntRef('<INT_REF - Internal reference (From the sale response data)>')
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$isSuccessful = $response->getVerifiedData('ACTION') === Action::SUCCESS &&

$response = (new PreAuthorisationReversalRequest())
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setDescription('test reversal')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setRrn('<RRN - Original transaction reference (From the sale response data)>')
    ->setIntRef('<INT_REF - Internal reference (From the sale response data)>')
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$isSuccessful = $response->getVerifiedData('ACTION') === Action::SUCCESS &&

$boricaResponse = (Response::determineResponse())

$saleRequest->setEnvironment(true); // set to production
$saleRequest->setEnvironment(false); // set to development
$saleRequest->inDevelopment(); // set to development
$saleRequest->inProduction(); // set to production

$saleRequest->isProduction(); // check is production environment?
$saleRequest->isDevelopment(); // check is development environment?

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleRequest;
use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\Enums\Language;

$saleRequest = (new SaleRequest())
    ->setAmount(100.50) // Transaction amount.
    ->setOrder('123456') // Unique order number.
    ->setDescription('Test product purchase') // Order description.
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>') // Terminal ID.
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>') // Merchant ID.
    ->setPrivateKey('<path to private key>', '<password>')
    ->setLang(Language::EN()); // Set transaction language to English.

// Alternatively, set the language to Bulgarian.

$saleRequest->setLang('DE'); // Throws exception because 'DE' is not supported.