Download the PHP package tuutti/php-paytrail-payment-api without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package tuutti/php-paytrail-payment-api. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download tuutti/php-paytrail-payment-api
More information about tuutti/php-paytrail-payment-api
Files in tuutti/php-paytrail-payment-api
Package php-paytrail-payment-api
Short Description Paytrail Payment API
License unlicense
Informations about the package php-paytrail-payment-api
Paytrail Payment API
For more information, please visit
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
PaymentReportsApi | requestPaymentReport | POST /payments/report | Request a payment report |
PaymentReportsApi | requestPaymentReportBySettlementId | POST /settlements/{settlementId}/payments/report | Request a report of payments contained in a given settlement |
PaymentsApi | activateInvoiceByTransactionId | POST /payments/{transactionId}/activate-invoice | Activate invoice |
PaymentsApi | createPayment | POST /payments | Create a new open payment |
PaymentsApi | getGroupedPaymentProviders | GET /merchants/grouped-payment-providers | List grouped merchant payment methods |
PaymentsApi | getPaymentByTransactionId | GET /payments/{transactionId} | Get a payment by Checkout transaction ID |
PaymentsApi | getPaymentProviders | GET /merchants/payment-providers | List merchant payment methods |
PaymentsApi | refundPaymentByTransactionId | POST /payments/{transactionId}/refund | Refund a payment |
ProvidersApi | getGroupedPaymentProviders | GET /merchants/grouped-payment-providers | List grouped merchant payment methods |
ProvidersApi | getPaymentProviders | GET /merchants/payment-providers | List merchant payment methods |
SettlementsApi | listSettlementIds | GET /settlements | List settlement IDs |
TokenPaymentsApi | addCardForm | POST /tokenization/addcard-form | Request a redirect to card addition form |
TokenPaymentsApi | requestTokenForTokenizationId | POST /tokenization/{checkout-tokenization-id} | Request a card token for given tokenization id |
TokenPaymentsApi | tokenCitAuthorizationHold | POST /payments/token/cit/authorization-hold | Request customer initiated transaction authorization hold on token |
TokenPaymentsApi | tokenCitCharge | POST /payments/token/cit/charge | Request customer initiated transaction charge on token |
TokenPaymentsApi | tokenCommit | POST /payments/{transactionId}/token/commit | Request committing (charging) of previously created authorization hold on token |
TokenPaymentsApi | tokenMitAuthorizationHold | POST /payments/token/mit/authorization-hold | Request merchant initiated transaction authorization hold on token |
TokenPaymentsApi | tokenMitCharge | POST /payments/token/mit/charge | Request merchant initiated transaction charge on token |
TokenPaymentsApi | tokenRevert | POST /payments/{transactionId}/token/revert | Revert (removal) of previously created authorization hold on token |
- ActivateInvoiceResponse
- AddCardFormRequest
- Address
- BasePaymentMethodProvider
- Callbacks
- Card
- CardInfo
- Customer
- Error
- GetTokenRequest
- GroupedPaymentProvidersResponse
- Item
- ItemCommission
- Payment
- PaymentMethodGroupData
- PaymentMethodGroupDataWithProviders
- PaymentMethodGroupDataWithProvidersAllOf
- PaymentMethodProvider
- PaymentMethodProviderAllOf
- PaymentMethodProviderAllOfParameters
- PaymentReportBySettlementIdRequest
- PaymentReportCallbackJSON
- PaymentReportRequest
- PaymentReportRequestResponse
- PaymentRequest
- PaymentRequestResponse
- Refund
- RefundItem
- RefundResponse
- SettlementIdItem
- TokenCITPaymentResponse
- TokenCustomerDetails
- TokenMITPaymentResponse
- TokenPaymentRequest
- TokenizationRequestResponse
All endpoints do not require authorization.
To run the tests, use:
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Build package:
All versions of php-paytrail-payment-api with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^1.7 || ^2.0