Download the PHP package trim06/solana-php-sdk without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package trim06/solana-php-sdk. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download trim06/solana-php-sdk
More information about trim06/solana-php-sdk
Files in trim06/solana-php-sdk
Package solana-php-sdk
Short Description Solana PHP SDK
License MIT
Informations about the package solana-php-sdk
Solana PHP SDK
:information_source: As of May 2024, we archived this repo. Please check out the alternative (based on a fork)
:warning: As of May 2023, this package is up for adoption again! Feel free to ping Sadly we never got around to accomplish what we wanted at Verze, so we no longer work on the project and therefore this package is looking for new hands to work on it. Use at your own risk. Verze will not provide any support for this package as it exists right now; please don't email us expecting any support.
Simple PHP SDK for Solana.
You can install the package via composer:
Using the Solana simple client
You can use the Connection
class for convenient access to API methods. Some are defined in the code:
For all the possible methods, see the API documentation.
Directly using the RPC client
The Connection
class is just a light convenience layer on top of the RPC client. You can, if you want, use the client directly, which allows you to work with the full Response
bash composer test
## Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.
## Security
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
## Credits
- [Matt Stauffer]( (Original creator)
- [Zach Vander Velden]( (Metadata wizard)
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)
## License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.
All versions of solana-php-sdk with dependencies
ext-sodium Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
paragonie/sodium_compat Version ^1.17
stephenhill/base58 Version ^1.1