Download the PHP package timmoh/sdn3q-api without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package timmoh/sdn3q-api. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package sdn3q-api

PHP-API-Connector (for PHP 7+)

1.0 Welcome

✅ GET /api/v2/ You can test Authentication with this function

1.1 ApiKey

✅ DELETE /api/v2/apikey You can delete the Authentication Key (APIKEY) for a given user by Username / Password with this function

✅ GET /api/v2/apikey You can get the Authentication Key (APIKEY) for a given user by Username / Password with this function

2.0 Projects

✅ GET /api/v2/projects Return a collection of available Projects

✅ POST /api/v2/projects Create a new Project

✅ DELETE /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId} Delete a Project by Id

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId} Return Project

✅ PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId} Change proprties of Project

2.2 Project FileEncoders

GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileencodersettings Return the global Settings for FileEncoding in a Video on Demand Project

PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileencodersettings Set the global Settings for FileEncoding in a Video on Demand Project

PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileencodersettings/watermarkpicture Put a WatermarkPicture

LINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileencodersettings/fileformat/{FileFormatId} Add (link) FileFormat to FileEncoderSettings

UNLINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileencodersettings/fileformat/{FileFormatId} Remove (unlink) FileFormat from FileEncoderSettings

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileformatsettings Return all global FileFormatSettings of a Video on Demand Project

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileformatsettings/{FileFormatId} Return a FileFormatSetting of a Video on Demand Project

✅ PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/fileformatsettings/{FileFormatId} Set a FileFormatSetting of a Video on Demand Project

2.3 Project FileEncoderPipeline

GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/pipeline Return the Assets in the Encoding Pipeline of a Video on Demand Project.

GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/pipeline/{FileId} Return the Pipeline Asset of the File (specified by FileId) of a Video on Demand Project.

PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/pipeline/{FileId} Set the Pipeline Asset Settings for Encoding of the File (specified by FileId) of a Video on Demand Project

LINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/pipeline/{FileId}/fileformat/{FileFormatId} Add (link) FileFormat to Pipeline Asset

UNLINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/pipeline/{FileId}/fileformat/{FileFormatId} Remove (unlink) FileFormat from Pipeline Asset

PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/pipeline/{FileId}/watermarkpicture Put a WatermarkPicture to Pipeline Asset

2.4 Project Usage

GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/usage Return project used resources. Parameters: 'Start' [YYYY-MM-DD] Reporting period from, 'End' [YYYY-MM-DD] Reporting period to, 'Resolution' ['month'|'day'] Detail of the data.

3.0 Channels

✅ GET /api/v2/channels Return a collection of available Channels

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId} Return a Channel

3.1 Channel Picture

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/picture Return Channel Picture

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/picture Put a Channel Picture

3.2 Channel Metadata

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/metadata Return Metadata of a Channel

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/metadata Change Channel Metadata

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/metadata/boardpicture Put a ChannelMetadata BoardPicture

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/metadata/creditspicture Put a ChannelMetadata CreditsPicture

3.3 Channel Input

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/input Return Input of a Channel

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/input Change Channel Input

3.4 Channel Output

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/output Return Output URIs of a Channel

3.5 Channel Embed

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/embed Return the Embed Codes of a Channel

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/embedstate Return the Playout State of Channels Embed Code

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/embedstate Change Playout State of Channels Embed Code

3.6 Channel Transcoder

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/formats Return available Channel Transcoder Formats

✅ LINK /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/formats/{ChannelFormatId} Add (link) a ChannelFormat to a Channel and create a new Transcoder

✅ UNLINK /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/formats/{ChannelFormatId} Remove (unlink) a ChannelFormat from a Channel and remove the Transcoder

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/transcoders Return enabled Channel Transcoders

3.7 Channel Distribution

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/distributions Return enabled Channel Distributions

✅ POST /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/distributions Create a new ChannelDistribution

✅ DELETE /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/distributions/{ChannelDistributionId} Delete a ChannelDistribution by Id

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/distributions/{ChannelDistributionId} Return a ChannelDistribution by Id

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/distributions/{ChannelDistributionId} Edit a ChannelDistribution

✅ PUT /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/distributions/{ChannelDistributionId}/StartStop Starts or stops a ChannelDistribution

3.7 Channel Purge Timeshift

✅ GET /api/v2/channels/{ChannelId}/timeshift/purge Creates a Job to Purge Timeshift

4.0 Files

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files Return a collection of Files in Project.

✅ POST /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files Create a new File Entity and return the File Upload URI in the Location Header

✅ DELETE /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId} Delete a File by Id

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId} Return a File by Id

4.1 File Metadata

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/metadata Return Metadata of a File

✅ PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/metadata Change Metadata of a File

4.2 File Metadata Categories

LINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/metadata/category/{CategoryId} Add (link) Category to File Metadata

UNLINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/metadata/category/{CategoryId} Remove (unlink) Category from File Metadata

4.3 File Metadata Videotype

LINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/metadata/videotype/{VideotypeId} Add (link) Videotype to File Metadata

UNLINK /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/metadata/videotype/{VideotypeId} Remove (unlink) Videotype from File Metadata

4.4 File Playout

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/playouts Return Playout Id's of a file

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/playouts/default/embed Return the Embed Codes of the default Playout of a File

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/playouts/{PlayoutId}/embed Return the Embed Codes of the Playout of a File

4.5 File Output

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/output Return Output URIs of a file

4.6 File Picture

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/pictures Return Pictures of a file

✅ POST /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/pictures Create a new FilePicture and set it as Standard Picture

✅ GET /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/pictures/standard Return the standard (default) Picture of a file

✅ DELETE /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/pictures/{FilePictureId} Delete this FilePicture

✅ PUT /api/v2/projects/{ProjectId}/files/{FileId}/pictures/{FilePictureId}/standard Set this as Standard (default) FilePicture

5.0 Categories

GET /api/v2/categories Return a collection of available Categories

GET /api/v2/categories/{CategoryId} Return a Category

PUT /api/v2/categories/{CategoryId} Change proprties of Category

PUT /api/v2/categories/{CategoryId}/picture Put a Category Picture

7.0 Reporting - Project

GET /api/v2/reporting/projects/{ProjectId}/views Return Reportings for a Project

7.1 Reporting - File

GET /api/v2/reporting/projects/{ProjectId}/fileviews Return FileView Reportings for a Vod Project

GET /api/v2/reporting/projects/{ProjectId}/fileviews/{FileId} Return FileView Reportings for a File of a Vod Project

7.2 Reporting - User

GET /api/v2/reporting/projects/{ProjectId}/fileuserviews Return FileView Reportings from Users for a Vod Project

GET /api/v2/reporting/projects/{ProjectId}/fileuserviews/{UserToken} Return FileView Reportings from a User identified by UserToken of a Vod Project

7.3 Reporting - Country, Device

GET /api/v2/reporting/projects/{ProjectId}/countries Return Reportings about Views from Countries for a Project

GET /api/v2/reporting/projects/{ProjectId}/devices Return Reportings about Views from Countries for a Project

All versions of sdn3q-api with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.0
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ~6.0
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^1.4
mintware-de/json-object-mapper Version ^1.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package timmoh/sdn3q-api contains the following files

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