Download the PHP package thomasdilts/worshiphhn without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package thomasdilts/worshiphhn. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download thomasdilts/worshiphhn
More information about thomasdilts/worshiphhn
Files in thomasdilts/worshiphhn
Package worshiphhn
Short Description Church service organizer and planner
License GPL-3.0-or-later
Informations about the package worshiphhn
A worship service planner and organizer.
Documentation and details can be found at
This software is designed to work on an apache, maria database and php environment. A good such environment is XAMPP. see Perl however is not needed but doesn't harm anything.
You must choose either the "Zip file installation" or the "Composer installation"
Zip file installation
This is probably the easiest way to install for most people.
- Download the latest version zip file found at
- Install all the files found in the zip file onto your server.
Composer installation
If you wish to install with Composer then the command is:
Post installation steps
- Make sure your server has all the PHP modules you need by looking at the requirements.php page. Here is how mine looks
- Create a database and user. See below for how to setup WorshipHHN for your database.
- Install the Example.sql or the Empty.sql onto your database to create all the tables and a startup of data for the tables. You might want to try Example.sql first and then later install Empty.sql to start with an empty database.
- Your login will be username=Calum, password=1234AAaa Of course you want to change these as soon as you log in.
Files you must change: _protected/config/db.php You must enter your database settings.
_protected/config/web.php The mail system must get your SMTP mail settings: Host, username, password, port and encryption.
plus you might want to change 'language' => 'en' to something else
_protected/config/params.php adminEmail and senderEmail must get valid emails. showWhhnServerOffer you might want to set to 'false' because otherwise you will get some unwanted information printed on your home page for WorshipHHN
If you want your contact screen to be "ReCaptcha V3" protected then you need to change the file _protected/config/web.php by putting your recaptcha3 keys from google between the quotes for site_key and secret_key.
Extremely important is the .htaccess file. If you install the zip file correctly the .htaccess file should be installed. But if you make a mistake, below is the .htaccess file that must be in the root of where you installed WorshipHHN
If you are installing this in your own linux/ubuntu type server then you will probably need to run the following command in the root of your installation to get the ownerships correct.
All versions of worshiphhn with dependencies
yiisoft/yii2 Version ~2.0.14
yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap Version ~2.0.0
yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer Version ~2.0.0 || ~2.1.0
kartik-v/yii2-password Version ^1.5
nemmo/yii2-attachments Version ^1.0@beta
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet Version ^1.8
dompdf/dompdf Version ^0.8.3
nex/yii2-datepicker Version dev-master
thomasdilts/sms_worshiphhn_ip1 Version ^1.0
kekaadrenalin/yii2-module-recaptcha-v3 Version *