Download the PHP package sunaoka/push-notifications-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package sunaoka/push-notifications-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about sunaoka/push-notifications-php
Files in sunaoka/push-notifications-php
Package push-notifications-php
Short Description Push notifications/messages for mobile devices
License MIT
Informations about the package push-notifications-php
Push notifications Library for PHP
Supported Protocols
Protocol | Supported | Driver | Options |
APNs (Token Based) | ✓ | APNs\Token |
APNs\Token\Option |
APNs (Certificate Based) | ✓ | APNs\Certificate |
APNs\Certificate\Option |
APNs (Binary Provider) | |||
FCM (HTTP v1) | ✓ | FCM\V1 |
FCM\V1\Option |
FCM (Legacy JSON) | Deprecated | FCM\Json |
FCM\Json\Option |
FCM (Legacy Plain Text) | Deprecated | FCM\PlainText |
FCM\PlainText\Option |
Basic Usage
For example, in the case of APNs Token Based.
How to specify options
There are two ways to specify the option.
Multicast message
Specify an array of device tokens in Pusher::to()
Then, you can distribute to multiple devices.
How to switch between the production and development environments (only APNs)
This is specified as an argument when creating an instance of Pusher
The return value of Pusher::send()
is a Feedback
With the Feedback
object, you can determine whether the notification succeeded or failed.
HTTP Request Option
You can specify Guzzle Request Options as a driver option.
More examples
More examples can be found in the examples directory.
All versions of push-notifications-php with dependencies
ext-json Version *
ext-openssl Version *
google/apiclient Version ^2.8
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^6.0 || ^7.0
vlucas/valitron Version ^1.4