Download the PHP package spatie/laravel-discord-alerts without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package spatie/laravel-discord-alerts. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about spatie/laravel-discord-alerts
Files in spatie/laravel-discord-alerts
Package laravel-discord-alerts
Short Description Send a message to Discord
License MIT
Informations about the package laravel-discord-alerts
Quickly send a message to Discord
This package can quickly send alerts to Discord. You can use this to notify yourself of any noteworthy events happening in your app.
Want to quickly send alerts to Slack? Then check out laravel-slack-alerts.
Under the hood, a job is used to communicate with Discord. This prevents your app from failing in case Discord is down.
Support us
We invest a lot of resources into creating best in class open source packages. You can support us by buying one of our paid products.
We highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using. You'll find our address on our contact page. We publish all received postcards on our virtual postcard ``wall.
You can install the package via composer:
env variable containing a valid Discord webhook URL. You can learn how to get a webhook URL in the Discord API docs.
Alternatively, you can publish the config file with:
This is the contents of the published config file:
To send a message to Discord, simply call DiscordAlert::message()
and pass it any message you want.
Sending an embed
To send an embed you can call the same function as above. Just add the embed as a second array as following:
You can also send multiple embeds as one message. Just be careful that you don't hit the limit of Discord.
Changing webhook username/avatar/tts
Add/change the functions before invoking the message. DiscordAlert::message()
tts is false by default. You can add multiple custom avatars in the config file (same as multiple webhooks).
Using multiple webhooks
You can also use an alternative webhook, by specify extra ones in the config file.
The webhook to be used can be chosen using the to
Using a custom webhooks
The to
function also supports custom webhook urls.
Using the delay feature
The delayMinutes
of the delayHours
function can be used to delay the message to Discord and can be used in parallel.
You can format your messages with markup. Learn how in the Discord API docs.
You can use the same emoji codes as in Discord. This means custom emoji's are also supported.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Security Vulnerabilities
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
- Rias Van der Veken
- Niels Vanpachtenbeke
- Freek Van der Herten
- All Contributors
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
All versions of laravel-discord-alerts with dependencies
spatie/laravel-package-tools Version ^1.9.2
illuminate/contracts Version ^10.0|^11.0|^12.0