Download the PHP package siapepfrance/kizeo-forms-php-client without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package siapepfrance/kizeo-forms-php-client. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package kizeo-forms-php-client
Kizeo Forms API V3+ - PHP
This is a Swagger generated doc for Kizeo REST API 3. You can find additionnal documentation here : Online documentation.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 3.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, execute the following command :
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DataApi | formsFormIdDataAdvancedPost | POST /forms/{formId}/data/advanced | Get List of filtered data of a form (with advanced filtering options) |
DataApi | formsFormIdDataAllGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/all | Get the list of all data of a form |
DataApi | formsFormIdDataDataIdDeleteDelete | DELETE /forms/{formId}/data/{dataId}/delete | Delete a data |
DataApi | formsFormIdDataDataIdGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/{dataId} | Get data of a form |
DataApi | formsFormIdDataGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data | Get the list of all data of a form (not read) |
DataApi | formsFormIdDataReadnewGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/readnew | Get content of unread data |
DataApi | formsFormIdDataSearchPost | POST /forms/{formId}/data/search | Get List of filtered data of a form |
DataApi | formsFormIdMarkasreadPost | POST /forms/{formId}/markasread | Set list of data of a form to read |
DataApi | formsFormIdMarkasunreadPost | POST /forms/{formId}/markasunread | Set list of data of form to unread |
DataApi | formsFormIdPushDataIdPost | POST /forms/{formId}/push/{dataId} | Send push with data |
DataApi | formsFormIdPushPost | POST /forms/{formId}/push | Send push with data |
DataApi | formsPushInboxGet | GET /forms/push/inbox | Receive new pushed data |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataDataIdExportsExportIdGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/{dataId}/exports/{exportId} | Export data |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataDataIdExportsExportIdPdfGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/{dataId}/exports/{exportId}/pdf | Export data (PDF) |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataDataIdFormPicturesMediaNameGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/{dataId}/form_pictures/{mediaName} | Get one fixed image of a form |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataDataIdMediasMediaNameGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/{dataId}/medias/{mediaName} | Get one image of a form |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataDataIdPdfGet | GET /forms/{formId}/data/{dataId}/pdf | Get PDF data of a form |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataMultipleCsvCustomPost | POST /forms/{formId}/data/multiple/csv_custom | Get custom CSV data (multiple) of a form |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataMultipleCsvPost | POST /forms/{formId}/data/multiple/csv | Get CSV data (multiple) of a form |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataMultipleExcelCustomPost | POST /forms/{formId}/data/multiple/excel_custom | Get custom Excel list data (multiple) of a form |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdDataMultipleExcelPost | POST /forms/{formId}/data/multiple/excel | Get Excel list data (multiple) of a form |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdExportsGet | GET /forms/{formId}/exports | Get list of Word and Excel exports |
ExportsApi | formsFormIdMultipleDataExportsExportIdPdfPost | POST /forms/{formId}/multiple_data/exports/{exportId}/pdf | Export data (multiple / PDF) |
FormsApi | formsFormIdGet | GET /forms/{formId} | Get form definition |
FormsApi | formsGet | GET /forms | List all forms |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdDelete | DELETE /group/{groupId} | Delete a group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdGet | GET /group/{groupId} | Get a group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdLeaderLeaderIdDelete | DELETE /group/{groupId}/leader/{leaderId} | Remove a leader from a specific group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdLeaderLeaderIdPost | POST /group/{groupId}/leader/{leaderId} | Add a leader into a specific group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdLeadersGet | GET /group/{groupId}/leaders | Get all groups' leaders of a specific group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdLeadersPost | POST /group/{groupId}/leaders | Add several leaders into a group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdPut | PUT /group/{groupId} | Update a group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdUserUserIdDelete | DELETE /group/{groupId}/user/{userId} | Remove an user from a specific group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdUserUserIdPost | POST /group/{groupId}/user/{userId} | Add an user into a specific group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdUsersGet | GET /group/{groupId}/users | Get all users of a specific group |
GroupsApi | groupGroupIdUsersPost | POST /group/{groupId}/users | Add several users into a group |
GroupsApi | groupPost | POST /group | Create a new group |
GroupsApi | groupsGet | GET /groups | Get all groups |
GroupsApi | groupsOrderedGet | GET /groups/ordered | Get all groups ordered |
ListsApi | listsGet | GET /lists | Get External Lists |
ListsApi | listsListIdCompleteGet | GET /lists/{listId}/complete | Get External List Definition (Without taking in account filters) |
ListsApi | listsListIdGet | GET /lists/{listId} | Get External List Definition |
ListsApi | listsListIdPut | PUT /lists/{listId} | Update External List Definition |
TokenApi | loginPost | POST /login | Login to Kizeo Forms |
TokenApi | tokenAllDelete | DELETE /token/all | Revoke all token |
TokenApi | tokenTokenDelete | DELETE /token/{token} | Revoke a token |
UsersApi | usersGet | GET /users | Get all users |
UsersApi | usersPost | POST /users | Create a new user |
UsersApi | usersUserIdDelete | DELETE /users/{userId} | Delete a user |
UsersApi | usersUserIdPut | PUT /users/{userId} | Update a user |
Documentation For Models
- AdvancedFilter
- AdvancedFilterFilters
- AdvancedFilterOrders
- ApiResponse
- Data
- DataIds
- DataMin
- DataPush
- DataPushResponse
- DefaultResponse
- Export
- ExtList
- ExtListDetail
- FieldPush
- FieldPushValue
- FieldValue
- Form
- FormMin
- Group
- GroupComplete
- GroupModify
- GroupResponse
- GroupUser
- ListPut
- LoginCredential
- LoginCredentialResponse
- SearchFilter
- User
- UserResponse
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
All versions of kizeo-forms-php-client with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^6.2