Download the PHP package samuelbie/karix-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package samuelbie/karix-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package karix-php
Overview Karix API lets you interact with the Karix platform using an omnichannel messaging API. It also allows you to query your account, set up webhooks and buy phone numbers. # API Endpoint # API and Clients Versioning Karix APIs are versioned using the format vX.Y where X is the major version number and Y is minor. All minor version releases are backwards compatible but major releases are not, please be careful when upgrading. Version header api-version
is used by Karix platform to determine the version of the API request. To use Karix API v2 you can send api-version
as \"2.0\"
. If an API request does not contain api-version
header then Karix platform uses the pinned API version of the account as the default verison. Your account defaults to the latest API version release at the time of signup. You can check the pinned API version form the dashboard. Karix also provides Helper Libraries for all major languages. Release versions of these libraries correspond to their API Version supported. Client version vX.Y.Z supports API version vX.Y. Helper libraries are configured to send api-version
header based on the library version. When using official Karix helper libraries, you dont need to concern yourself with pinned version. Using helper library of latest version will give you access to latest features. # Supported Channels Karix omnichannel messaging API supports the following channels: - sms - whatsapp ## SMS Channel To send a message to one or more destinations over SMS channel set channel
to sms
in the Media URL hosted with Karix from where you can download the media.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountsApi | createSubaccount | POST /account/ | Create a new subaccount |
AccountsApi | getSubaccount | GET /account/ | Get a list of accounts |
AccountsApi | getSubaccountById | GET /account/{uid}/ | Get details of an account |
AccountsApi | patchSubaccount | PATCH /account/{uid}/ | Edit an account |
MediaApi | getMedia | GET /media/{uid}/ | Get media by id |
MessageApi | getMessage | GET /message/ | Get list of messages sent or received |
MessageApi | getMessageById | GET /message/{uid}/ | Get message details by id. |
MessageApi | patchMessageById | PATCH /message/{uid}/ | Redact message record by uid. |
MessageApi | sendMessage | POST /message/ | Send a message to a list of destinations |
NumberApi | getNumber | GET /number/ | Get details of all phone numbers linked to your account. |
NumberApi | numberNumDelete | DELETE /number/{num}/ | Unrent number from your account |
NumberApi | numberNumGet | GET /number/{num}/ | Get details of a number |
NumberApi | numberNumPatch | PATCH /number/{num}/ | Edit phone number belonging to your account |
NumberApi | rentNumber | POST /number/ | Rent a phone number |
NumberSearchApi | numbersearchGet | GET /numbersearch/ | Query for phone numbers in our inventory. |
WebhookApi | createWebhook | POST /webhook/ | Create webhooks to receive Message |
WebhookApi | deleteWebhookById | DELETE /webhook/{uid}/ | Delete a webhook by ID |
WebhookApi | getWebhook | GET /webhook/ | Get a list of your webhooks |
WebhookApi | getWebhookById | GET /webhook/{uid}/ | Get a webhook by ID |
WebhookApi | patchWebhook | PATCH /webhook/{uid}/ | Edit a webhook |
WhatsappApi | createWhatsappTemplate | POST /whatsapp/template/ | Create whatsapp templates |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappAccount | GET /whatsapp/account/ | Get a list of your whatsapp accounts |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappAccountById | GET /whatsapp/account/{uid}/ | Get a whatsapp account by Unique ID |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappProfileAbout | GET /whatsapp/profile/about/{num}/ | Get whatsapp profile about text of a number |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappProfileAboutList | GET /whatsapp/profile/about/ | Get a list of your whatsapp profile about texts |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappProfileBusiness | GET /whatsapp/profile/business/{num}/ | Get the business details for your Whatsapp number |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappProfileBusinessList | GET /whatsapp/profile/business/ | Get a list of business details for your Whatsapp numbers |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappProfilePhoto | GET /whatsapp/profile/photo/{num}/ | Get whatsapp profile photo details of a number |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappProfilePhotos | GET /whatsapp/profile/photo/ | Get a list of your whatsapp profile photos |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappTemplate | GET /whatsapp/template/ | Get a list of your whatsapp templates |
WhatsappApi | getWhatsappTemplateById | GET /whatsapp/template/{uid}/ | Get a whatsapp template by ID |
WhatsappApi | patchWhatsappProfileAbout | PATCH /whatsapp/profile/about/{num}/ | Edit Whatsapp About text of a number |
WhatsappApi | patchWhatsappProfileBusiness | PATCH /whatsapp/profile/business/{num}/ | Edit the business details for your Whatsapp number |
WhatsappApi | putWhatsappProfilePhoto | PUT /whatsapp/profile/photo/{num}/ | Upload a profile photo for a Whatsapp Number |
Documentation For Models
- Account
- AccountNumber
- ArrayMetaResponse
- CreateAccount
- CreateMessage
- CreateWebhook
- CreateWhatsappTemplate
- EditAccount
- EditAccountNumber
- EditMessage
- EditWebhook
- EditWhatsappProfileAbout
- EditWhatsappProfileBusiness
- Message
- MetaResponse
- MetaResponseWithBalance
- ObjectMetaResponse
- PhoneNumber
- RentNumber
- Webhook
- WhatsappAccount
- WhatsappProfileAbout
- WhatsappProfileBusiness
- WhatsappProfilePhoto
- WhatsappTemplate
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
All versions of karix-php with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
php Version
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^5.3||^6.2||^7.0
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^5.3||^6.2||^7.0
The package samuelbie/karix-php contains the following files
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