Download the PHP package s-damian/larasort without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package s-damian/larasort. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package larasort

Column sorting for Laravel - Sortable - Sort by

Tests Static analysis Total Downloads Latest Stable Version License

Larasort : Column sorting for Laravel - Sort easily

Introduction - Larasort package

This package allows you to automate the of your SQL queries, as well as to automate the generation of sortable links.

This Open Source library allows to make sortable columns in an automated way with Laravel.

You have two packages in one: Larasort (for sorting with Eloquent ORM) and LarasortManual (for sorting without Eloquent ORM).

Sort easily in an automated way 🚀

Simple example with Larasort

Example rendering of a link in a table:



This package is developed by Stephen Damian




Installation via Composer:

Customization with "vendor:publish"

Custom Config and Lang and CSS

After installing the package, you have to run the command:

The command will generate these files:

You can of course customize these files.

"vendor:publish" with "--tag" argument

Publish only file:

Publish only file:

Publish only file:

Larasort - For Eloquent ORM

Larasort is useful when using the Eloquent ORM.

Basic usage

First, your Model must use the Trait.

Then it is necessary that in your Model you declare . This property is useful for defining the columns (columns in your DB table) allowed to be sorted in the .

PS: the 1st column of the array will be the column used by default for the SQL .


You can override the column used by default for with this static method:

PS: the advantage of using the method is that even if in the URL there are no , the icon will appear the same in the link of the default column.

If by default (when in the URL there is no ), you don't want to put to the SQL query:

Then with eloquent, you can use the magic method:

And in the view you can do this in the of a for example:

PS: You must put the CSS class on a HTML tag which encloses the blade directive (on the or tag by example).

PS: 1st parameter is the in database, 2nd parameter is the (). The 2nd parameter is optional. If you don't specify pass, the label will be generated automatically based on the column name.

If you need to keep more control inside a th, as an equivalent you can replace by and . Example:


If for some columns you do not want to specify the table in prefix, you must use the property.

In a concrete case, aliases are especially useful when you make an SQL query with a join.

Example with ->join()


With Larasort you can automate the of your relations One To One and One To Many.

To do this, you can use the method.

One To One

In this example, a has created one , and an has been created by a single .

This therefore makes a One To One relationship between and .

PS: for the 1st argument of , use the same convention as in the property of the Model.

One To Many

In this example, a has created multiple , and an has been created by a single .

This therefore makes a One To Many relationship between and (several articles per user, and only one user per article).

PS: for the 1st argument of , use the same convention as in the property of the Model.

Belongs To

Whether for a One To One or One To Many relationship, you must put the belongsTo method in the Article Model.

PS: for the 1st argument of , use the same convention as in the property of the Model.

Relationships - Conventions

Model $sortablesRelated property

For the columns you put in the in the property, the onventions is:

Larasort will use to do the on its table.

By default the separator is a period. If you wish, you can change it in the config with .

->autosortWith() method options

To do the join, you must specify the name of the relation in the first parameter of .

Inside, you must pass the name of your relation (the name of the relation method that you put in your Model). Larasort will use this name to do the .


PS: If at the first parameter of you put a relation name different from what you had put at of the property , the simply won't happen on the relationship.

To make another joint than default (the one specified in the config), you can specify the option.

If you want to specify the columns to for your Model, you can specify the option.

You can put either an array or a string. Example with an array: Example with a string:

By default the will be done on all the columns.

If you want to specify which columns to for your Model's relationship, you can specify the option.

You can put either an array or a string. Example with an array: Example with a string:

By default the will be done on all the columns.

For a column, specify its table

With Larasort you can for columns, specify their table (this is useful when you make a SQL query with join).

By default, Larasort will do the on the table where the trait is included.

Let's take an example where in an SQL query you want to retrieve articles (from a table) and categories (from a table), and that for these 2 tables you want to retrieve the column. But you want to do on the table instead of on the table.

You can solve this problem with these 2 solutions

Solution 1 - With $sortablesToTables property

The property can optionally be put in the Model:

Solution 2 - With Larasort::setSortablesToTables(array $sortablesToTables)

The method can optionally be put just before the SQL query where you will use (in the Controller or in the Model, for example).

Example in a ArticleController:

If the $sortablesToTables property and the Larasort::setSortablesToTables(array $sortablesToTables) method are used at the same time for the same column, the Larasort::setSortablesToTables(array $sortablesToTables) metho method will override the $sortablesToTables property.

With these 2 solutions, the result of the SQL queries will be: ORDER BY `categories`.`id` ASC instead of ORDER BY `articles`.`id` ASC

Put "desc" or "asc" by default for some columns

It is possible for some columns, that the order (the direction of the ORDER BY) to want it to be by default (or on the 1st click on its link) at desc instead of asc.

This can optionally be put just before the SQL query where you will use ->autosort() (in the Controller or in the Model, for example).

Example in a InvoiceController:

If you change "default_order" at "config/larasort.php" file - Put "asc" by default for some columns

In the config/larasort.php config file, you can change the value of default_order (which defaults to asc).

If you do this: it is possible for some columns, than the order of wanting it to be at asc instead of desc.

Example in a InvoiceController:

Clear Larasort static methods

If you need to, you can clear (reset) the static methods of Larasort:

Larasort - API Doc

Model properties

Type Property Description
array $sortables Define columns that are sortable.
array $sortablesAs Define alias columns that are sortable.
array $sortablesToTables For column(s), specify its table.

Larasort class

For SDamian\Larasort\Larasort class:

Return type Method Description
void ::setDefaultSortable(string $defaultSortable) Change the default column (for the SQL ORDER BY).
void ::clearDefaultSortable() Clear "setDefaultSortable" method.
void ::setSortablesToTables(array $sortablesToTables) For column(s), specify its table.
void ::clearSortablesToTables() Clear "setSortablesToTables" method.
void ::setSortablesDefaultOrder(array $sortablesDefaultOrder) Assign default order ("desc" or "asc") for some columns.
void ::clearSortablesDefaultOrder() Clear "setSortablesDefaultOrder" method.

AutoSortable trait

For SDamian\Larasort\AutoSortable trait:

Return type Method Description
Builder scopeAutosort(Builder $query) scope to generate the ORDER BY of the SQL query.

Blade directives

Return type Directive Description Return example
string @sortableUrl(string $column) Returns the URL of a column.
string @sortableHref(string $column) Returns the href (with its URL in it) of a column. href=''
string @sortableIcon(string $column) Returns the icon (image) of a column, in the correct order. <span class="larasort-icon-n-1"></span>
string @sortableLink(string $column, string $label) Return link of a column = href + label + icon. <a href=";order=asc">Email<span class="larasort-icon-n-1"></span></a>

LarasortManual - For without Eloquent ORM

Larasort is useful when you weren't using the Eloquent ORM.

If you want to do a manual SQL query (or if you want to do a file listing), an alternative exists: LarasortManual

LarasortManual - Basic usage

With LarasortManual, the setSortables(array $sortables) method is useful to define the columns allowed to be sorted in the ORDER BY. Simple example:

And in the view you can do this in the thead of a table for example:

<thead class="with-larasort">
            <a {!! $larasortManAttrs['first_name']['href'] !!}>
                First name
                {!! $larasortManAttrs['first_name']['icon'] !!}
            <a {!! $larasortManAttrs['email']['href'] !!}>
                {!! $larasortManAttrs['email']['icon'] !!}
            <a {!! $larasortManAttrs['created_at']['href'] !!}>
                Register on
                {!! $larasortManAttrs['created_at']['icon'] !!}

PS: if you wish, you can also have access to $larasortManAttrs['column_name']['url']

LarasortManual - For a column, specify its table

With LarasortManual also you can for columns, specify their table (this is useful when you make a SQL query with join).

Unlike Larasort which makes the SQL query on the table where the AutoSortable trait is included, by default, LarasortManual will do the ORDER BY column without specifying a table in prefix.

So, when you join multiple tables, if you SELECT the same column name on several tables, you can end up with an error like: "Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column '{colomn}' in order clause is ambiguous".

Let's take an example where in an SQL query you want to retrieve articles (from a articles table) and categories (from a categories table), and that for these 2 tables you want to retrieve the id column. And you want to do ORDER BY id on the categories table.

You can do this with the $larasortMan->setSortablesToTables(array $sortablesToTables) method. Example:

$resultLarasortMan['order_by'] will generate the SQL query ORDER BY `categories`.`id` ASC instead of ORDER BY `id` ASC

LarasortManual - Put "desc" or "asc" by default for some columns

With LarasortManual also you can for some columns, have the order (the direction of ORDER BY) default (or on the 1st click on its link) to desc instead of asc.

You can do this with the $larasortMan->setSortablesDefaultOrder(array $sortablesDefaultOrder) method. Example:

If you change "default_order" at "config/larasort.php" file - Put "asc" by default for some columns

You can do this in exactly the same way as with Larasort. By doing something like this:

LarasortManual - API Doc

LarasortManual class

For SDamian\Larasort\Manual\LarasortManual class:

Return type Method Description
void setSortables(array $sortables) To specify sortable columns.
void setSortablesToTables(array $sortablesToTables) For column(s), specify its table.
void setSortablesDefaultOrder(array $sortablesDefaultOrder) Assign default order ("desc" or "asc") for some columns.
array get() Return the result of LarasortManual instance.


Bugs and security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a bug or a security vulnerability, please send a message to Stephen. Thank you.

All bugs and all security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project is an Open Source package under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

All versions of larasort with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package s-damian/larasort contains the following files

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