PHP code example of s-damian / larasort

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download s-damian/larasort library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


s-damian / larasort example snippets

private array $sortables = [ // The attributes that are sortable.

$customers = Customer::whereNotNull('confirmed_at')
    ->autosort() // Automate ORDER BY and its direction.

use SDamian\Larasort\AutoSortable;

class Customer extends Model
    use AutoSortable;
     * The attributes that are sortable.
    private array $sortables = [
        'id', // "id" column will be the default column for the ORDER BY.

use SDamian\Larasort\Larasort;

Larasort::setDefaultSortable('email') // "email" column will be the default column for the ORDER BY.

use SDamian\Larasort\AutoSortable;

class Customer extends Model
    use AutoSortable;
     * The attributes that are sortable.
    private array $sortables = [
        null, // Will be null by default (by default there will be no ORDER BY).

use App\Models\Customer;

class CustomerController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $customers = Customer::whereNotNull('confirmed_at')
            ->autosort() // Automate ORDER BY and its direction.

        return view('customer.index', [
            'customers' => $customers,

use SDamian\Larasort\AutoSortable;

class Customer extends Model
    use AutoSortable;
     * The attributes that are sortable.
    private array $sortables = [

     * The attributes that are sortable without table in prefix.
    private array $sortablesAs = [
        'article_title', // Here.

class CustomerController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $customers = Customer::select([
                'articles.title AS article_title', // Here.
                '', '=', 'articles.customer_id'
            ->autosort() // Automate ORDER BY and its direction.

        return view('customer.index', [
            'customers' => $customers,

 * The attributes of its sortable relations.
private array $sortablesRelated = [
    // Convention: {relationship name}{separator}{column in this relationship table}.

public function article()
    return $this->hasOne(Article::class, 'user_id_created_at', 'id');

$users = User::autosortWith('article', [
        'join_type' => 'join', // Optional - "leftJoin" by default.
        'columns' => ['id', 'username', 'email', 'role'], // Optional - "*" by default.
        'related_columns' => ['title AS article_title', 'h1'], // Optional - "*" by default.

 * The attributes of its sortable relations.
private array $sortablesRelated = [
    // Convention: {relationship name}{separator}{column in this relationship table}.

public function articles()
    return $this->hasMany(Article::class, 'user_id_created_at', 'id');

$users = User::autosortWith('articles', [
        'join_type' => 'join', // Optional - "leftJoin" by default.
        'columns' => ['id', 'username', 'email', 'role'], // Optional - "*" by default.
        'related_columns' => ['title AS article_title', 'h1'], // Optional - "*" by default.

private array $sortablesRelated = [
    // Convention: {relationship name}{separator}{column in this relationship table}.

public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id_created_at', 'id');

$articles = Article::autosortWith('user', [
        'join_type' => 'join', // Optional - "leftJoin" by default.
        'columns' => ['id', 'slug', 'h1', 'updated_at'], // Optional - "*" by default.
        'related_columns' => ['email AS user_email', 'first_name'], // Optional - "*" by default.

use SDamian\Larasort\AutoSortable;

class Article extends Model
    use AutoSortable;
     * The attributes that are sortable.
    private array $sortables = [

     * The sortable attributes to which their table is specified.
    private array $sortablesToTables = [
        'id' => '', // Here.

use SDamian\Larasort\Larasort;

class ArticleController extends Controller
    public function index()
        Larasort::setSortablesToTables(['id' => '']); // Here.

        // Here your SQL query with ->autosort()
        // Then the rest of the code...

use SDamian\Larasort\Larasort;

class InvoiceController extends Controller
    public function index()
            'desc' => ['id', 'created_at', 'price_with_vat'], // Here.

        // Here your SQL query with ->autosort()
        // Then the rest of the code...

use SDamian\Larasort\Larasort;

class InvoiceController extends Controller
    public function index()
            'asc' => ['customer_email', 'customer_first_name'], // Here.

        // Here your SQL query with ->autosort()
        // Then the rest of the code...




use SDamian\Larasort\Manual\LarasortManual;

class CustomerController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $larasortMan = new LarasortManual();
        $larasortMan->setSortables(['id', 'first_name', 'email', 'created_at']); // Here.
        $resultLarasortMan = $larasortMan->get();

        $customers = DB::select('
            SELECT *
            FROM customers
            ORDER BY '.$resultLarasortMan['order_by'].' '.$resultLarasortMan['order'].'

        return view('customer.index', [
            'customers' => $customers,
            'larasortManAttrs' => $resultLarasortMan['attrs'],

use SDamian\Larasort\Manual\LarasortManual;

class ArticleController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $larasortMan = new LarasortManual();
        $larasortMan->setSortables(['id', 'title', 'created_at']);
        $larasortMan->setSortablesToTables(['id' => '']); // Here.
        $resultLarasortMan = $larasortMan->get();

        // Here your SQL query with $resultLarasortMan['order_by'] and $resultLarasortMan['order']
        // Then the rest of the code...

use SDamian\Larasort\Manual\LarasortManual;

class InvoiceController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $larasortMan = new LarasortManual();
        $larasortMan->setSortables(['id', 'ref', 'customer_email', 'created_at', 'price_with_vat']);
            'desc' => ['id', 'created_at', 'price_with_vat'], // Here.
        $resultLarasortMan = $larasortMan->get();

        // Here your SQL query with $resultLarasortMan['order_by'] and $resultLarasortMan['order']
        // Then the rest of the code...

    'asc' => ['customer_email', 'customer_first_name'], // Here.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\Larasort\LarasortServiceProvider"

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\Larasort\LarasortServiceProvider" --tag=config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\Larasort\LarasortServiceProvider" --tag=css

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\Larasort\LarasortServiceProvider" --tag=images