Download the PHP package robtesch/watson_tts without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package robtesch/watson_tts. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download robtesch/watson_tts
More information about robtesch/watson_tts
Files in robtesch/watson_tts
Package watson_tts
Short Description A Laravel package for making use of IBM's Watson Text-To-Speech Service
License MIT
Informations about the package watson_tts
A laravel package designed to help you make use of IBM's Watson Text-To-Speech (TTS) service.
1) You can install this package within a new or existing laravel project using composer:
3) If you're running Laravel >= 5.5, package discovery will configure the service provider and Watsontts
alias out of the box.
Otherwise, for Laravel <= 5.4, edit your `config/app.php` file and:
- add the following to the `providers` array:
- add the following to the `aliases` array:
4) Run the command below to publish the package config file config/watson-tts.php:
If you are planning to use a single account, you might want to add the following to
your .env
Basic usage example
This is a basic example, which will echo out all Mails within all imap folders and will move every message into Please be aware that this should not ben tested in real live but it gives an impression on how things work.
Alternatively, if you want to customise the credentials used to connect to watson, you can instantiate a client to pass to the Watson Service.
Either pass a config array to the Client:
Or set the values directly on the client:
All versions of watson_tts with dependencies
illuminate/support Version ^5.5,<5.8
illuminate/filesystem Version ^5.5,<5.8
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ~6.0
wapmorgan/media-file Version ^0.1.4
symfony/http-foundation Version ^4.3
illuminate/container Version ^5.7