Download the PHP package riodwanto/superduper-filament-starter-kit without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package riodwanto/superduper-filament-starter-kit. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about riodwanto/superduper-filament-starter-kit
Files in riodwanto/superduper-filament-starter-kit
Package superduper-filament-starter-kit
Short Description A Filament💡 starting point to kickstart your next app. With Custom Theme, Mail Configuration, Filament Shield, Filament Exception, etc..
License MIT
Informations about the package superduper-filament-starter-kit

A starting point to create your next Filament 3 💡 app. With pre-installed plugins, pre-configured, and custom page. So you don't start all over again.
- 🛡 Filament Shield for managing role access
- 👨🏻🦱 customizable profile page from Filament Breezy
- 🌌 Managable media with Filament Spatie Media
- 🖼 Theme settings for changing panel color
- 💌 Setting mail on the fly in Mail settings
- 🅻 Lang Generator
- Etc..
Latest update
Version: v1.15.xx
- Add opcodesio/log-viewer
- Add new plugins
- Bugs fix & Improvement
- Etc
Sadly, Filament Multi-Tenancy will not be included in this starter kit. This repository will focus on improvements for non-multi-tenants, since many rooms should be improved.
Getting Started
Create project with this composer command:
Setup your env:
Run migration & seeder:
Generate key:
Run :
Now you can access with /admin
path, using:
It's recommend to run below command as suggested in Filament Documentation for improving panel perfomance.
Please see this Improving Filament panel performance documentation for further improvement
Language Generator
This project include lang generator.
Generator will look up files inside folder [from]
. Get all variables inside the file; create a file and translate using
This is what the translation process looks like.
Usage example
Single output
- Multiple output
If you are using json translation
These are Filament Plugins use for this project.
Plugins Recommendation
Other recommendations for your starter, in my personal opinion:
- Rupadana - API Resources : Generate API for your Resources.
- Bezhan Salleh - Language Switch : Zero config Language Switcher plugin for Filament Panels.
- Kenepa - Resource Lock : Resource locking when other user begins editing a resource.
- Ralph J. Smit - Components : A collection of handy components.
- Tapp Network - Laravel Auditing : Resource locking when other user begins editing a resource.
- Shuvro Roy - Spatie Laravel Health : Health monitoring for Filament.
Filament Starter is provided under the MIT License.
If you discover a bug, please open an issue.
All versions of superduper-filament-starter-kit with dependencies
bezhansalleh/filament-exceptions Version ^2.1
bezhansalleh/filament-shield Version ^3.2
codeat3/blade-fluentui-system-icons Version ^1.32
datlechin/filament-menu-builder Version ^0.5.2
filament/filament Version ^3.2
filament/spatie-laravel-media-library-plugin Version ^3.2
filament/spatie-laravel-settings-plugin Version ^3.2
filament/spatie-laravel-tags-plugin Version ^3.2
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.2
jeffgreco13/filament-breezy Version ^2.2
josespinal/filament-record-navigation Version ^2.0
laravel/framework Version ^11.9
laravel/sanctum Version ^4.0
laravel/tinker Version ^2.8
league/commonmark Version ^2.4
opcodesio/log-viewer Version ^3.11
riodwanto/filament-ace-editor Version ^1.0
stichoza/google-translate-php Version ^5.2
tomatophp/filament-media-manager Version ^1.1
z3d0x/filament-logger Version ^0.7.2