Download the PHP package prestashop/prestashop without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package prestashop/prestashop. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download prestashop/prestashop
More information about prestashop/prestashop
Files in prestashop/prestashop
Package prestashop
Short Description PrestaShop is an Open Source e-commerce platform, committed to providing the best shopping cart experience for both merchants and customers.
License OSL-3.0
Rated 5.00 based on 1 reviews
Informations about the package prestashop
About PrestaShop
PrestaShop is an Open Source e-commerce web application, committed to providing the best shopping cart experience for both merchants and customers. It is written in PHP, is highly customizable, supports all the major payment services, is translated in many languages and localized for many countries, has a fully responsive design (both front and back office), etc. See all the available features.
This repository contains the source code of PrestaShop, which is intended for development and preview only. To download the latest stable public version of PrestaShop (currently, version 8.1), please go to the releases page.
The first stable version of PrestaShop 8.0 was released on October 26th, 2022.
The first stable version of PrestaShop 8.1 was released on June 26th, 2023. Further updates have been released since then. Learn more about it on the Build devblog.
About the develop
The develop
branch of this repository contains the work in progress source code for the next version of PrestaShop. Currently, it is exclusively for version 9.1.
For more information on our branch system, read our guide on installing PrestaShop for development.
Server configuration
To install the latest PrestaShop 9.0, you need a web server running PHP 8.1+ and any flavor of MySQL 5.6+ (MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, etc.).
You will also need a database administration tool, such as phpMyAdmin, in order to create a database for PrestaShop. We recommend the Apache or Nginx web servers (check out our example Nginx configuration file).
You can find more information on our System requirements page and on the System Administrator Guide.
If you downloaded the source code from GitHub, read our guide on installing PrestaShop for development. If you intend to install a production shop, make sure to download the latest version from our releases page, then read the install guide for users.
Docker compose
PrestaShop can also be deployed with Docker and its tool Docker compose.
To run the software, use:
Then reach your shop on this URL: http://localhost:8001
Docker will bind your port 8001 to the web server. If you want to use other port, open and modify the file docker-compose.yml
MySQL credentials can also be found and modified in this file if needed.
Note: Before auto-installing PrestaShop, this container checks the file app/config/parameters.php does not exist on startup.
If you expect the container to (re)install your shop, remove this file if it exists. And make sure the container user www-data
has write access to the whole workspace.
To fully reset your repo and get a fresh start, run (be careful: this removes all your extra files):
To add a PHPMyAdmin service to your Docker Compose setup, you can copy the existing docker-compose.override.yml.dist
to docker-compose.override.yml
and then start your Docker Compose setup (override file will be included as it is a convention)
By default, blackfire will not be installed. During the install process, the installation of blackfire is based on 3 environment variables:
Those env variables are self-explanatory, you can either set them yourself or override the docker-compose default values:
Open the file docker-compose.override.yml
(copy it from docker-compose.override.yml.dist
if it's not already done, see command just above in the PHPMyadmin section).
Then uncomment the 3 docker lines and fill the BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID and BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN with your account's server id and token.
For technical information (core, module and theme development, performance...), head on to PrestaShop DevDocs
If you want to learn how to use PrestaShop 8, read our User documentation.
First-time users will be particularly interested in the following guides:
- Getting Started: How to install PrestaShop, and what you need to know.
- User Guide: All there is to know to put PrestaShop to good use.
- Updating Guide: Switching to the newest version is not trivial. Make sure you do it right.
- Merchant's Guide: Tips and tricks for first-time online sellers.
- The FAQ page should also be of tremendous help to you.
PrestaShop is an Open Source project, and it wouldn't be possible without the help of the hundreds of contributors, who submitted improvements and bugfixes over the years. Thank you all!
If you want to contribute code to PrestaShop, read the tutorials about contribution on the documentation site.
Don't know where to start? Check the good first issue label to have a look at all beginner-friendly improvements and bug fixes.
If you want to help translate PrestaShop in your language, join us on Crowdin!
Reporting Issues
Our bugtracker is on GitHub. We encourage you to create detailed issues as soon as you see them.
Read our Contribute by reporting issues guide for details and tips.
Reporting Security Issues
Responsible (and private) disclosure is a standard practice when someone encounters a security problem: before making it public, the discoverer informs the Core team about it, so that a fix can be prepared, and thus minimize the potential damage.
The PrestaShop team tries to be very proactive when preventing security problems. Even so, critical issues might surface without notice.
This is why we have set up a Bug Bounty Program where anyone can privately contact us with all the details about issues that affect the security of PrestaShop merchants or customers. Our security team will answer you, and discuss of a timeframe for your publication of the details.
Understanding a security issue means knowing how the attacker got in and hacked the site. If you have those details, then please do contact us privately about it (and please do not publish those details before we answer). If you do not know how the attacker got in, please ask for help.
Extending PrestaShop
PrestaShop is a very extensible e-commerce platform, both through modules and themes. Developers can even override the default components and behaviors. Learn more about this on the Modules documentation and the Themes documentation.
Community forums
You can discuss about e-commerce, help other merchants and get help, and contribute to improving PrestaShop together with the PrestaShop community on PrestaShop Slack channel, project's discussions on GitHub or on the the PrestaShop forums.
Thank you for downloading and using the PrestaShop Open Source e-commerce solution!
All versions of prestashop with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-dom Version *
ext-fileinfo Version *
ext-gd Version *
ext-iconv Version *
ext-intl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
ext-openssl Version *
ext-simplexml Version *
ext-zip Version *
api-platform/core Version ^3.4
beberlei/doctrineextensions Version ^1.0
bjeavons/zxcvbn-php Version ^1.4
composer/ca-bundle Version ^1.0
composer/installers Version ^2.2.0
cssjanus/cssjanus Version ^2.0
curl/curl Version ^2.3.2
defuse/php-encryption Version ^2.3.1
doctrine/cache Version ^2.0
doctrine/doctrine-bundle Version ^2.3
doctrine/orm Version ^2.15
ezyang/htmlpurifier Version ^4.16
friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle Version ^3.5
geoip2/geoip2 Version ~2.4.2
greenlion/php-sql-parser Version ^4.7
ircmaxell/password-compat Version ^1.0.4
ircmaxell/random-lib Version ^1.2.0
jakeasmith/http_build_url Version ^1
lcobucci/jwt Version ^5.0.0
league/oauth2-server Version ^9.1
martinlindhe/php-mb-helpers Version ^0.1.6
matthiasmullie/minify Version ~1.3.0
mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib Version ^3.74.0
monolog/monolog Version ^2
mrclay/minify Version ^3.0.11
nikic/php-parser Version ^4.0
nyholm/psr7 Version ^1.8
pelago/emogrifier Version ^7.0.0
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet Version ^1.19
prestashop/autoload Version ^1.0.2
prestashop/blockreassurance Version ^5
prestashop/blockwishlist Version ^3.0
prestashop/circuit-breaker Version ^4.0
prestashop/classic Version ^3.0.0
prestashop/contactform Version ^4
prestashop/dashactivity Version ^2
prestashop/dashgoals Version ^2
prestashop/dashproducts Version ^2
prestashop/dashtrends Version ^2
prestashop/decimal Version ^1.4
prestashop/graphnvd3 Version ^2
prestashop/gridhtml Version ^2
prestashop/gsitemap Version ^4
prestashop/hummingbird Version ^1.0.0
prestashop/pagesnotfound Version ^2
prestashop/productcomments Version ^7.0
prestashop/ps_apiresources Version dev-dev
prestashop/ps_banner Version ^2
prestashop/ps_bestsellers Version ^1.0
prestashop/ps_brandlist Version ^1.0
prestashop/ps_cashondelivery Version ^2.0
prestashop/ps_categoryproducts Version ^1.0
prestashop/ps_categorytree Version ^3
prestashop/ps_checkpayment Version ^2
prestashop/ps_contactinfo Version ^3.2
prestashop/ps_crossselling Version ^2.0
prestashop/ps_currencyselector Version ^2
prestashop/ps_customeraccountlinks Version ^3
prestashop/ps_customersignin Version ^2
prestashop/ps_customtext Version ^4
prestashop/ps_dataprivacy Version ^2.0
prestashop/ps_distributionapiclient Version ^2
prestashop/ps_emailalerts Version ^3
prestashop/ps_emailsubscription Version ^2.7
prestashop/ps_facetedsearch Version ^4.0.0
prestashop/ps_faviconnotificationbo Version ^2
prestashop/ps_featuredproducts Version ^2
prestashop/ps_googleanalytics Version ^5
prestashop/ps_imageslider Version ^3
prestashop/ps_languageselector Version ^2
prestashop/ps_linklist Version ^7
prestashop/ps_mainmenu Version ^2
prestashop/ps_newproducts Version ^1.0
prestashop/ps_searchbar Version ^2
prestashop/ps_sharebuttons Version ^2
prestashop/ps_shoppingcart Version ^3
prestashop/ps_socialfollow Version ^2
prestashop/ps_specials Version ^1.0
prestashop/ps_supplierlist Version ^1.0
prestashop/ps_themecusto Version ^1
prestashop/ps_viewedproduct Version ^1.2
prestashop/ps_wirepayment Version ^2.1
prestashop/psgdpr Version ^1.4
prestashop/statsbestcategories Version ^2
prestashop/statsbestcustomers Version ^2
prestashop/statsbestmanufacturers Version ^2
prestashop/statsbestproducts Version ^2
prestashop/statsbestsuppliers Version ^2
prestashop/statsbestvouchers Version ^2
prestashop/statscarrier Version ^2
prestashop/statscatalog Version ^2
prestashop/statscheckup Version ^2
prestashop/statsdata Version ^2
prestashop/statsforecast Version ^2
prestashop/statsnewsletter Version ^2
prestashop/statspersonalinfos Version ^2
prestashop/statsproduct Version ^2
prestashop/statsregistrations Version ^2
prestashop/statssales Version ^2
prestashop/statssearch Version ^2
prestashop/statsstock Version ^2
prestashop/translationtools-bundle Version ^6.0.1
smarty/smarty Version ^4.3.1
soundasleep/html2text Version ^2.1.0
symfony/asset Version ~6.4.0
symfony/cache Version ~6.4.0
symfony/config Version ~6.4.0
symfony/console Version ~6.4.0
symfony/debug-bundle Version ~6.4.0
symfony/dependency-injection Version ~6.4.0
symfony/doctrine-bridge Version ~6.4.0
symfony/doctrine-messenger Version ~6.4.0
symfony/dom-crawler Version ~6.4.0
symfony/dotenv Version ~6.4.0
symfony/error-handler Version ~6.4.0
symfony/event-dispatcher Version ~6.4.0
symfony/expression-language Version ~6.4.0
symfony/filesystem Version ~6.4.0
symfony/finder Version ~6.4.0
symfony/form Version ~6.4.0
symfony/framework-bundle Version ~6.4.0
symfony/http-client Version ~6.4.0
symfony/http-foundation Version ~6.4.0
symfony/http-kernel Version ~6.4.0
symfony/intl Version ~6.4.0
symfony/lock Version ~6.4.0
symfony/mailer Version ~6.4.0
symfony/messenger Version ~6.4.0
symfony/mime Version ~6.4.0
symfony/monolog-bundle Version ^3.7.0
symfony/options-resolver Version ~6.4.0
symfony/password-hasher Version ~6.4.0
symfony/polyfill-php73 Version ^1.10
symfony/process Version ~6.4.0
symfony/property-access Version ~6.4.0
symfony/property-info Version ~6.4.0
symfony/proxy-manager-bridge Version ~6.4.0
symfony/psr-http-message-bridge Version ~6.4.0
symfony/routing Version ~6.4.0
symfony/security-bundle Version ~6.4.0
symfony/security-core Version ~6.4.0
symfony/security-csrf Version ~6.4.0
symfony/security-http Version ~6.4.0
symfony/serializer Version ~6.4.0
symfony/string Version ~6.4.0
symfony/templating Version ~6.4.0
symfony/translation Version ~6.4.0
symfony/twig-bundle Version ~6.4.0
symfony/ux-icons Version ^2.17
symfony/ux-twig-component Version ^2.9
symfony/validator Version ~6.4.0
symfony/var-dumper Version ~6.4.0
symfony/var-exporter Version ~6.4.0
symfony/web-link Version ~6.4.0
symfony/web-profiler-bundle Version ~6.4.0
symfony/yaml Version ~6.4.0
tecnickcom/tcpdf Version ^6.2.12
tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles Version ^2.2
twig/extra-bundle Version ^3.6
twig/string-extra Version ^3.6
twig/twig Version ^3.0