Download the PHP package pierophp/laravel-queue-manager without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package pierophp/laravel-queue-manager. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in pierophp/laravel-queue-manager
Informations about the package laravel-queue-manager
Laravel Queue Manager
The Laravel Queue Manager, manage the queue process worker.
It uses Supervisor as Process Control System.
It also has a scheduler system built-in.
Running the migration
If you have MySQL version before 5.7, change in the migration the field "schedule_config" from "json" to "text".
Adding the provider
You need to add the provider at the file config/app.php
Generating a job
You need generate a class that extends LaravelQueueManager\AbstractJob.
It's necessary to implement 2 methods:
Method | Description |
getName() | The name of the job |
execute() | The code of the job yourself |
Dispatching a new job
You need create a new instance of your job and call the dispatch() method.
Or use the CLI:
You can set optional params too:
To the job work correctly, it is necessary generate a row in the queue_config table.
Field | Description |
name | It's the same of the return of the getName() method. |
class_name | The full path with namespace of your job class (\App\Jobs\TestJob) |
active | If the job is active or not |
schedulable | If the job is schedulable or not |
schedule_config | A JSON config of the schedule. {"method" : "The schedule methods from laravel", "params": "The params to the schedule method (optional)", "props": [ { "my_job_prop": 1 }, { "my_job_prop": 2 } ]} |
max_attemps | The max attempts of the queue |
max_instances | The max parallel instances of the queue |
timeout | The timeout of the queue |
delay | The delay to the next execution (Not implemented yet) |
connection | The connection name of the queue provider. (If null = default) |
aggregator | The aggregator is used to group the queues in a report |
config | The config is used to configure a dynamic functionality. Example json below |
Config field example
At the queue_manager.php config file you can configure:
Field | Description | Default |
artisan_path | The artisan path | base_path('artisan') |
log_path | The log path | storage_path('logs/worker.log') |
supervisor_config_file | The supervisor config file | /etc/supervisor/conf.d/laravel-queue.conf |
supervisor_bin | The supervisor bin path | /usr/bin/supervisorctl |
supervisor_user | The supervisor user | docker |
supervisor_update_timeout | The supervisor update timeout to gracefully stop the process when a configuration change | 600 |
execute_as_api | Enable the queue as API mode | false |
api_url | URL to run the queue as API mode | |
fallback_connections | Array of fallback connections when first provider fails to dispatch | [] |
Showing all available jobs
Getting error events
You need add to your AppServiceProvider and log as you like:
Supervisor config
You need configure a cron to run as root every minute to generate the supervisor config
You need configure a cron to run every minute to generate the scheduler
Queue Restart
Every time you change the PHP code, it's necessary to restart the queues. Put this at your deploy script.
API Mode
To easily scale your jobs machine, you can run the queues in API mode. An API is much more easy to apply auto-scale.
In your route configuration file add:
Edit in your "queue_manager.php" config file the execute_as_api and api_url options.
All versions of laravel-queue-manager with dependencies
illuminate/bus Version ^5.3 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0
illuminate/database Version ^5.3 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0
illuminate/http Version ^5.3 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0
illuminate/queue Version ^5.3 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0
illuminate/view Version ^5.3 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0