Download the PHP package pawa/bouw7-sdk without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package pawa/bouw7-sdk. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package bouw7-sdk

Bouw7 SDK client


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


To run the unit tests:

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApprovalApi deleteApprovalCriteria DELETE /approval-template/criteria Delete the given approval criteria.
ApprovalApi deleteApprovalWorkflow DELETE /approval-template/workflow Delete the given approval workflow.
ApprovalApi findDefaultApprovalSettings GET /approval-template/default-settings Find the default approval settings for the current organization.
ApprovalApi findMatchingApprovalCriteria POST /approval-template/match-criteria Find the matching approval workflow based on the criteria with the highest score for the given schema.
ApprovalApi getApprovalTemplateCriteria GET /approval-template/criteria/{id} Returns a single approval template criteria based on the given ID.
ApprovalApi getApprovalTemplateWorkflow GET /approval-template/workflow/{id} Returns a single approval template workflow based on the given ID, duplicate approvers are not filtered out!
ApprovalApi getCriteriaTypes GET /approval-template/criteria-types Retrieve all approval template criteria types.
ApprovalApi getWorkflowTypes GET /approval-template/workflow-types Retrieve all possible types with sub-types for an approval workflow.
ApprovalApi listApprovalCriteria GET /list/approval-template/criteria Return a list of all approval criteria associated with the organization.
ApprovalApi listApprovalWorkflows GET /list/approval-template/workflows Returns a list of approval workflows for the organization of the current authenticated user. Use HQL to filter for specific items.
ApprovalApi listPendingApprovalsAssignedToMe GET /list/approval/assigned-to-me List all pending approvals for the current authenticated user.
ApprovalApi postApprovalCriteria POST /approval-template/criteria Create or update the approval criteria with the schema.
ApprovalApi postDefaultApprovalSettings POST /approval-template/default-settings Update the default approval settings for the current organization.
ApprovalApi postWorkflow POST /approval-template/workflow Create or update the approval workflow with the schema.
ApprovalApi voteOnContract POST /approval/{approval}/vote-on-contract Vote on a contract approval.
ApprovalApi voteOnPurchaseInvoice POST /approval/{approval}/vote-on-purchase-invoice Vote on a purchase invoice approval.
AuditLogApi getPurchaseInvoiceAuditLogs GET /purchase-invoice/{purchaseInvoice}/audit-logs Get all purchase invoice audit logs.
AuditLogApi getQuotationAuditLogs GET /quotation/{quotation}/audit-logs Get all Quotation audit logs.
BookingApi findBookingLines GET /project/{project}/booking-lines Returns all available booking items based on its criteria.
CalendarApi deleteDayOff DELETE /day-off Delete the given day off.
CalendarApi deleteDayOffPerEmployee DELETE /organization/day-off-per-employee Delete the given day off per employee.
CalendarApi getDayOff GET /day-off/{id} Returns a single day off based on the given ID.
CalendarApi getDayOffPerEmployee GET /organization/day-off-per-employee/{id} Returns a single day off per employee based on the given ID.
CalendarApi listDaysOff GET /list/days-off Returns a list of holidays / non-working days.
CalendarApi listDaysOffPerEmployee GET /list/days-off-per-employee Returns a list of day off per employee schemas associated with the organization.
CalendarApi postDayOff POST /day-off Create or update the day off.
CalendarApi postDayOffPerEmployee POST /organization/day-off-per-employee Create or update the day off per employee.
ContactApi deleteContact DELETE /contact Delete the given contact.
ContactApi deleteContactPerson DELETE /contact/{contact}/contact-person Delete the given contact person.
ContactApi getContact GET /contact/{id} Returns a single contact based on the given ID.
ContactApi getContactPerson GET /contact-person/{id} Returns a single contact person based on the given ID.
ContactApi getContactTypes GET /contact-types Retrieves a list of contact types.
ContactApi getSurchargePercentages GET /contact/{contact}/surcharge-percentages
ContactApi listContactFinancial GET /list/contact/financial Returns a list of financial contact details associated with the organization.
ContactApi listContactPersons GET /list/contact-persons Returns a list of contact persons associated with any contact for your organization.
ContactApi listContacts GET /list/contacts Returns a list of contacts associated with the organization.
ContactApi postContact POST /contact Create or update the contact.
ContactApi postContactPerson POST /contact/{contact}/contact-person Create or update the contact person for the given contact.
ContractApi deleteContractOrderLine DELETE /project/{project}/contract-order-line Delete the given contract order line.
ContractApi deletePurchaseOrder DELETE /contracts/purchase-order Delete the given purchase order contract.
ContractApi deletePurchaseOrderContractTerm DELETE /contracts/purchase-order/contract-term Delete the given purchase order contract term.
ContractApi deleteSubcontractor DELETE /contracts/subcontractor Delete the given subcontractor contract.
ContractApi deleteSubcontractorContractTerm DELETE /contracts/subcontractor/contract-term Delete the given subcontractor contract term.
ContractApi getCalledReceiptBySubcontractorContract GET /contracts/subcontractor/called-receipts/{id} Returns a list of subcontractor contract called receipts associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getCalledReceiptsByPurchaseOrderContract GET /contracts/purchase-order/called-receipts/{id} Returns a list of purchase order contract called receipts associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getFilesByPurchaseOrderContract GET /contracts/purchase-order/files/{id} Returns a collection of purchase order contract files with the given ID.
ContractApi getFilesBySubcontractorContract GET /contracts/subcontractor/files/{id} Returns a collection of subcontractor contract files with the given ID.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrder GET /contracts/purchase-order/{id} Returns a single purchase order contract based on the given ID.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrderContractHistoryEntries GET /contracts/purchase-order/log-entries/{id} Returns a list of purchase order contract history entries associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrderCostTypes GET /contracts/purchase-order/cost-types Returns available cost types for a purchase order.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrderStatuses GET /contracts/purchase-order/statuses Returns available statuses for a purchase order.
ContractApi getSubcontractor GET /contracts/subcontractor/{id} Returns a single subcontractor contract based on the given ID.
ContractApi getSubcontractorContractHistoryEntries GET /contracts/subcontractor/log-entries/{id} Returns a list of subcontractor contract history entries associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getSubcontractorStatuses GET /contracts/subcontractor/statuses Returns available statuses for a subcontractor contract.
ContractApi listContractOrderLines GET /list/contract-order-lines Returns all contract order lines for the current organization. Use HQL to filter for specific items.
ContractApi listPurchaseOrderContractTerms GET /list/purchase-order-contract-terms Returns a list of purchase order contract terms.
ContractApi listPurchaseOrderContracts GET /list/purchase-order-contracts Returns a list of purchase order contracts.
ContractApi listSubcontractorContractTerms GET /list/subcontractor-contract-terms Returns a list of subcontractor contract terms.
ContractApi listSubcontractorContracts GET /list/subcontractor-contracts Returns a list of subcontractor contracts.
ContractApi postContractOrderLine POST /project/{project}/contract-order-line Create or update the contract order line.
ContractApi postPurchaseOrder POST /contracts/purchase-order Create or update a purchase order contract with the schema.
ContractApi postPurchaseOrderContractTerm POST /contracts/purchase-order/contract-term Create or update the purchase order contract term.
ContractApi postSubcontractor POST /contracts/subcontractor Create or update a subcontractor contract with the schema.
ContractApi postSubcontractorContractTerm POST /contracts/subcontract/contract-term Create or update the subcontractor contract term.
ContractApi updatePurchaseOrderStatus PUT /contracts/purchase-order/{id}/update-status/{status} Update the purchase order contract with the given status.
ContractApi updateSubcontractorStatus PUT /contracts/subcontractor/{id}/update-status/{status} Update the subcontractor contract with the given status.
DeliveryTicketApi deleteDeliveryTicket DELETE /project/delivery-ticket Delete the given delivery ticket.
DeliveryTicketApi getDeliveryTicket GET /project/delivery-ticket/{id} Returns a single delivery ticket based on the given ID.
DeliveryTicketApi getPurchaseTypes GET /delivery-ticket/purchase-types Returns available purchase types for a delivery ticket.
DeliveryTicketApi listDeliveryTickets GET /list/delivery-tickets Returns a list of delivery tickets associated with your organization.
DeliveryTicketApi postDeliveryTicket POST /project/delivery-ticket Create or update the delivery ticket.
DepartmentApi deleteDepartment DELETE /organization/department Delete the given department.
DepartmentApi deleteDepartmentWorkInProgressSettings DELETE /organization/department/work-in-progress-settings Delete the given department work in progress settings.
DepartmentApi getDepartment GET /organization/department/{department} Returns a single department based on the given ID.
DepartmentApi postDepartment POST /organization/department Create or update the department with the schema.
EquipmentApi getEquipmentUnits GET /equipment/units Returns a list of equipment units associated with the organization.
ExactOnlineApi getAccessibleDivisions GET /exact-online/divisions
HourLogApi getHourLogs GET /project/{project}/hour-logs Returns a list of hour logs associated with the given project.
HourLogApi listContactHourLogs GET /list/hour-logs/contact Returns a list of contact hour logs associated with your organization.
HourLogApi listEmployeeHourLogs GET /list/hour-logs/employee Returns a list of employee hour logs associated with your organization.
I18nApi getCountries GET /i18n/countries Returns all supported countries in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
I18nApi getCurrencies GET /i18n/currencies Returns all supported currencies in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
I18nApi getLocales GET /i18n/locales Returns all supported locales in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
I18nApi getTimezones GET /i18n/timezones Returns all supported timezones in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
InvoicingApi deleteInvoice DELETE /invoice/{invoice} Delete the given invoice.
InvoicingApi getCollectiveInvoicePdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/collective-pdf Returns the PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoice GET /invoice/{invoice} Returns the document of an existing invoice.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceCompanyInfo GET /invoicing-project/{project}/company-info Returns the company information based on the given project.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceEquipmentListPdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/equipment-list Returns the equipment list PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceGarbageListPdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/garbage-list Returns the waste list PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceMailStatuses GET /invoice/mail-statuses Returns available statuses for an invoice mail.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceMaterialListPdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/material-list Returns the material list of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoicePdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf Returns the PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi listInvoices GET /list/invoices Returns a list of invoices associated with the organization.
InvoicingApi makeAttachments POST /invoice/{invoice}/make-attachments Generate the given attachments for the given invoice.
InvoicingApi newInvoice GET /invoice/new Returns the document of a new invoice.
InvoicingApi newInvoiceForProject GET /project/{project}/invoice/new Returns the document of a new invoice.
InvoicingApi updateInvoice POST /invoice Creates or updates an invoice based on the given document.
MileageRegistrationsApi deleteMileageRegistration DELETE /mileage-registration Delete the given mileage registration.
MileageRegistrationsApi getMileageRegistration GET /mileage-registration/{id} Returns a single mileage registration based on the given ID.
MileageRegistrationsApi listMileageRegistrations GET /list/mileage-registrations Returns a list of mileage registrations associated with your organization.
MileageRegistrationsApi postMileageRegistration POST /mileage-registration Create or update the mileage registration with the schema.
MobileSettingsApi deleteGlobalSetting DELETE /mobile-settings/global
MobileSettingsApi getGlobalSettings GET /mobile-settings/global
MobileSettingsApi getUserSettings GET /mobile-settings
MobileSettingsApi setGlobalSetting POST /mobile-settings/global
MobileSettingsApi setUserSetting POST /mobile-settings
OrganizationApi deleteCustomAttribute DELETE /organization/custom-attribute Delete the given custom attribute.
OrganizationApi deleteEmployee DELETE /organization/employee Delete the given employee.
OrganizationApi deleteHourType DELETE /organization/hour-type/{id} Delete the given hour type.
OrganizationApi deleteProjectCategory DELETE /organization/project-category/{id} Delete the given project category.
OrganizationApi deleteProjectFileCategory DELETE /organization/project-file-category/{id} Delete the given project file category.
OrganizationApi deleteQuotationStatus DELETE /organization/quotation-status/{id}
OrganizationApi deleteTextTemplate DELETE /organization/text-template Delete a text template.
OrganizationApi getAllowedAccessTypes GET /organization/me/allowed-access-types Returns a list of types that the currently authenticated user has access to.
OrganizationApi getBasicEmployee GET /organization/employee/basic/{id} Returns basic data for a single employee based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getBranch GET /organization/branch/{id} Returns a single branch based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getCurrentUser GET /organization/me Returns the user that is currently authenticated.
OrganizationApi getCurrentUserPermissions GET /organization/me/permissions Returns the permissions for the currently authenticated user.
OrganizationApi getCustomAttribute GET /organization/custom-attribute/{id} Returns a single custom attribute based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getDefaultProjectStatus GET /organization/default-project-status Return a list of default project statuses associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getDivision GET /organization/division/{id}
OrganizationApi getEmployee GET /organization/employee/{id} Returns a single employee based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getGeneralLedgerAccounts GET /organization/general-ledger-accounts Return a list of general ledger accounts associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getHourType GET /organization/hour-type/{id} Returns a single hour type based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getHourTypes GET /organization/hour-types Return hour types for the current authenticated user.
OrganizationApi getOrganization GET /organization Return basic information about the organization for the currently authenticated user.
OrganizationApi getOrganizationHourTypePrices GET /organization/hour-type-prices Returns all hour type prices associated with the organization.
OrganizationApi getOrganizationSurchargePercentages GET /organization/surcharge-percentages Return a list of surcharge percentages associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getProjectCategories GET /organization/project-categories Return a set of project categories for the organization.
OrganizationApi getProjectCategory GET /organization/project-category/{id} Returns a single project category based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getProjectFileCategories GET /organization/project-file-categories Returns a list of project file categories associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getProjectFileCategory GET /organization/project-file-category/{id} Returns a single project file category based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getQuotationStatus GET /organization/quotation-status/{id} Returns a single quotation status based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getTemplates GET /organization/text-templates/{category}
OrganizationApi getVatTariffs GET /organization/vat-tariffs Return a set of VAT tariff objects that the organization can use, depending on the country.
OrganizationApi listBasicEmployees GET /list/basic-employees Return a list of basic employee data associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listBranches GET /list/branches Return a list of all branches associated with the organization.
OrganizationApi listCommonInvoiceAttachments GET /list/common-invoice-attachments Return a list of common invoice attachments associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listCommonQuotationAttachments GET /list/common-quotation-attachments Return a list of common quotation attachments associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listCostCenters GET /list/cost-centers Return a list of cost centers associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listCustomAttributes GET /list/custom-attributes Return a list of custom attributes for the organization.
OrganizationApi listDepartments GET /list/departments Returns a list of departments associated with the organization.
OrganizationApi listDivisions GET /list/divisions
OrganizationApi listEmployees GET /list/employees Return a list of employees associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listProjectStatuses GET /list/project-statuses Return a list of project statuses for the organization.
OrganizationApi listQuotationConfirmationAttachments GET /list/quotation-confirmation-attachments Return a list of quotation confirmation attachments associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listVatTariffs GET /list/vat-tariffs Return a list of VAT tariff objects that the organization can use, depending on the country.
OrganizationApi postBranch POST /organization/branch Create or update the branch.
OrganizationApi postCustomAttribute POST /organization/custom-attributes Create or update the custom attribute with the schema.
OrganizationApi postEmployee POST /organization/employee Create or update the employee.
OrganizationApi postHourType POST /organization/hour-type Create or update the hour type.
OrganizationApi postOrganizationHourTypePrice POST /organization/hour-type-price Create or update the organization hour type price with the schema.
OrganizationApi postProjectCategory POST /organization/project-category Create or update the project category.
OrganizationApi postProjectFileCategory POST /organization/project-file-category Create or update the project file category.
OrganizationApi postQuotationStatus POST /organization/quotation-status Create or update the quotation status.
OrganizationApi postTextTemplate POST /organization/text-template Create or update a text template.
ProjectApi canCreateInvoice GET /project/{project}/invoicing/can-create Returns true if an invoice can be made for the specified project.
ProjectApi deleteInvoiceTermStatement DELETE /project/term-statement Delete the given project invoice term statement.
ProjectApi deleteProject DELETE /project Delete the given project.
ProjectApi getDeletedProjects GET /deleted-projects Returns a list of deleted projects associated with the organization.
ProjectApi getProject GET /project/{project} Returns a project associated with the given id.
ProjectApi getProjectFile GET /project/file/{projectFile} Returns a project file associated with the given id.
ProjectApi hardDeleteProject DELETE /hard-delete-project/{projectId} Deletes the given soft deleted project.
ProjectApi listInvoiceTermStatements GET /list/project-invoice-term-statements Returns a list of project invoice term statements associated with the organization.
ProjectApi listInvoiceTerms GET /list/project-invoice-terms Returns a list of project invoice terms associated with the organization.
ProjectApi listProjects GET /list/projects Returns a list of projects associated with the organization.
ProjectApi postInvoiceTermStatement POST /project/{project}/invoice-term-statement Create or update the given project invoice term statement.
ProjectApi postProject POST /project Creates or updates the given project.
ProjectApi restoreProject POST /restore-project/{projectId} Restores the given soft deleted project.
ProjectApi setInternalNote POST /project/set-internal-note Sets the internal note of the given project.
PropertyAssetApi deletePropertyAsset DELETE /property-asset Removes the given property asset.
PropertyAssetApi getPropertyAsset GET /property-asset/{propertyAsset} Returns a single property asset based on the given ID.
PropertyAssetApi listPropertyAssets GET /list/property-assets Returns a list of property assets associated with the organization.
PropertyAssetApi postPropertyAsset POST /property-asset Create or update a property asset with the data in the schema.
PurchaseInvoicingApi deletePurchaseInvoice DELETE /purchase-invoice Delete the given purchase invoice.
PurchaseInvoicingApi getDefaultGeneralLedgerAccountCode POST /purchase-invoicing/default-general-ledger-account Returns the default general ledger account based on the given contact id / branch id.
PurchaseInvoicingApi getPurchaseInvoice GET /purchase-invoicing/purchase-invoice/{id} Returns a single purchase invoice based on the given ID.
PurchaseInvoicingApi getPurchaseInvoiceStatuses GET /purchase-invoicing/statuses Returns available statuses for an purchase invoice.
PurchaseInvoicingApi listPurchaseInvoices GET /list/purchase-invoices Returns a list of purchase invoices belonging to the organization.
PurchaseInvoicingApi postPurchaseInvoice POST /purchase-invoice Create or update purchase invoice.
PurchaseInvoicingApi updatePurchaseInvoiceStatus PUT /purchase-invoice/{id}/update-status/{status} Update the purchase invoice with the given status.
QuotationApi deleteQuotationReminder DELETE /quotation/reminder Deletes a quotation reminder associated with the given ID.
QuotationApi getQuotation GET /quotation/{quotation} Returns the document of an existing quotation.
QuotationApi getQuotationReminder GET /quotation/reminder/{quotationReminder} Returns a quotation reminder based on the given ID.
QuotationApi listQuotationReminders GET /list/quotation-reminders Returns a list of quotation reminders associated with your organization.
QuotationApi listQuotationStatusLogs GET /list/quotation-status-logs Returns a list of quotation status logs associated with any quotation for your organization.
QuotationApi listQuotations GET /list/quotations Returns a list of quotations associated with your organization.
QuotationApi newQuotationForProject GET /quotation/{project}/new Returns the document with the project information filled in for a new quotation.
QuotationApi postQuotation POST /quotation Creates or updates an quotation based on the given document.
QuotationApi postQuotationReminder POST /quotation/reminder Create or update the quotation reminder.
ResourceApi deleteEquipment DELETE /equipment Deletes an equipment item associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteEquipmentBooking DELETE /equipment-booking Deletes an equipment booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteEquipmentGroup DELETE /equipment-group Deletes an equipment group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteEquipmentUnit DELETE /equipment-unit/{id} Deletes an equipment unit associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteMaterial DELETE /material/{material} Deletes a material item associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteMaterialBooking DELETE /material-booking Deletes a material booking associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteMaterialPerUnit DELETE /material-per-unit Deletes the given material per unit.
ResourceApi deleteMaterialUnit DELETE /material-unit/{id} Deletes a material unit associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteResource DELETE /resource Deletes a resource associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteResourceBooking DELETE /resource-booking Deletes a resource booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteResourceGroup DELETE /resource-group Deletes a resource group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteResourceUnit DELETE /resource-unit Deletes a resource unit associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteWaste DELETE /waste/{id} Deletes a waste item associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteWasteBooking DELETE /waste-booking Deletes a waste booking associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteWastePerUnit DELETE /waste-per-unit Deletes the given waste per unit.
ResourceApi deleteWasteUnit DELETE /waste-unit/{wasteUnit} Deletes a waste unit associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi getEquipment GET /equipment/{equipment} Returns a single equipment item based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getEquipmentBooking GET /equipment-booking/{id} Returns an equipment booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getEquipmentGroup GET /equipment-group/{id} Returns an equipment group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getEquipmentGroups GET /equipment-groups Returns a list of equipment groups associated with the organization.
ResourceApi getEquipmentUnit GET /equipment-unit/{equipmentUnit} Returns a single equipment unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getMaterial GET /material/{id} Returns a single material based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getMaterialPerUnit GET /material-per-unit/{id} Returns a single material per unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getMaterialUnit GET /material-unit/{materialUnit} Returns a single material unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getResource GET /resource/{type}/{id} Returns a resource associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceBooking GET /resource-booking/{type}/{id} Returns a resource booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceBookings GET /resource-bookings/{type} Returns a set of resource bookings by an organization, optionally filtered by project.
ResourceApi getResourceGroup GET /resource-group/{type}/{id} Returns an resource group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceUnit GET /resource-unit/{type}/{id} Returns a resource unit associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceUnits GET /resource-units/{type} Returns a set of resource units associated with the organization.
ResourceApi getResources GET /resources/{type} Returns a set of resources associated with the organization.
ResourceApi getWaste GET /waste/{waste} Returns a single waste item based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getWasteBooking GET /waste-booking/{wasteBooking} Returns a waste booking associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi getWastePerUnit GET /waste-per-unit/{id} Returns a single waste per unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getWasteUnit GET /waste-unit/{id} Returns a single waste unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi importMaterialPerUnits POST /import/material-per-unit Creates material records based on the given material per unit import list if the data is unique.
ResourceApi importWastePerUnits POST /import/waste-per-unit Creates waste records based on the given waste per unit import list if the data is unique.
ResourceApi listEquipment GET /list/equipment Returns a list of equipment items owned by the organization.
ResourceApi listEquipmentBookings GET /list/booking/equipment Returns a list of equipment bookings made by the organization.
ResourceApi listEquipmentGroups GET /list/equipment-groups Returns a list of equipment groups owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listEquipmentPerUnit GET /list/equipment-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with a piece of equipment.
ResourceApi listEquipmentUnits GET /list/equipment-units Returns a list of equipment units owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listGarbage GET /list/garbage Returns a list of waste owned by the organization.
ResourceApi listGarbageBookings GET /list/booking/garbage Returns a list of waste bookings made by the organization.
ResourceApi listGarbagePerUnit GET /list/garbage-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with waste.
ResourceApi listMaterialBookings GET /list/booking/material Returns a list of material bookings made by the organization.
ResourceApi listMaterialUnits GET /list/material-units Returns a list of material units owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listMaterials GET /list/materials Returns a list of materials owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listMaterialsPerUnit GET /list/materials-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with materials.
ResourceApi listWaste GET /list/waste Returns a list of waste items owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listWastePerUnit GET /list/waste-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with waste.
ResourceApi listWasteUnits GET /list/waste-units Returns a list of waste units owned by your organization.
ResourceApi postEquipment POST /equipment Create or update an equipment item.
ResourceApi postEquipmentBooking POST /equipment-booking Create or update the equipment booking.
ResourceApi postEquipmentGroup POST /equipment-group Creates or updates an equipment group for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postEquipmentUnit POST /equipment-unit Create or update the equipment unit.
ResourceApi postMaterial POST /material Create or update the material.
ResourceApi postMaterialPerUnit POST /material-per-unit Create or update the material per unit.
ResourceApi postMaterialUnit POST /material-unit Create or update the material unit.
ResourceApi postResource POST /resource Creates or updates a resource for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postResourceBooking POST /resource-booking Creates or updates a resource booking for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postResourceGroup POST /resource-group Creates or updates a resource group for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postResourceUnit POST /resource-unit Creates or updates a resource unit for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postWaste POST /waste Create or update a waste item.
ResourceApi postWasteUnit POST /waste-unit Create or update the waste unit.
SecurityApi getProjectSecurityLink GET /project/project-security-link/{id} Returns a single project security link based on the given ID.
SecurityApi getSecurityObject GET /security-object/{id} Returns a single security object based on the given ID.
SecurityApi postSecurityObject POST /security-object Create or update the security object.
StorageApi deleteFile DELETE /storage/file Deletes a file associated with the given id.
StorageApi downloadFile GET /storage/{hash}/download Returns the binary or base64 contents of a file.
StorageApi getFileContents GET /storage/{hash}
StorageApi uploadFile POST /storage/{modelType}/{modelId}
UblApi generate GET /ubl/generate/{invoice}/{version}
UblApi getVersions GET /ubl/versions

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization



All versions of bouw7-sdk with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.5
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.0.1
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package pawa/bouw7-sdk contains the following files

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