Download the PHP package openswoole/example without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package openswoole/example. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package example
OpenSwoole examples
OpenSwoole is a programmatic platform building modernized systems with async IO, coroutines and fibers: secure, reliable, high performance
Get started to learn building OpenSwoole applications from the OpenSwoole examples.
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Run OpenSwoole examples
Documentation for Open Swoole can be found on the Open Swoole website.
All versions of example with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
ext-openswoole Version
openswoole/core Version >=22.0
slim/slim Version ^4.0
slim/psr7 Version dev-master
league/container Version 4.x-dev
openswoole/core Version >=22.0
slim/slim Version ^4.0
slim/psr7 Version dev-master
league/container Version 4.x-dev
The package openswoole/example contains the following files
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