Download the PHP package oasis/http without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package oasis/http. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package http


oasis/http is a composer component that provides a simple yet useful framework for building web applications. This component is an extension to the widely used Silex micro-framework. And same as Silex states, oasis/http is also a micro-framework standing on the shoulder of giants: Silex , Symfony and Pimple .


Install the latest version with command below:

Web Server Configuration

All examples in this documentation rely on a well-configured web server.

Please refere to Silex Web Server Configuration for sample web server configurations.

Basic Usage

The first step of using oasis/http is to instantiate an Oasis\Mlib\Http\SilexKernel object.

The $config is an array of configuration values. An empty default value will work fine. However, you can easily instantiate a well-configured kernel by providing a detail [bootstrap configuration] (#bootstrap-configuration)


Due to the fact that the core class of oasis/http, Oasis\Mlib\Http\SilexKernel, is an extension of Silex. It is advisable to prepare your self with some knowledge of Silex before you start using oasis/http.

Bootstrap Configuration

The bootstrap configuration can be categorized into the following parts:


By default, Silex supports adding routes on-the-fly:

However, the biggest disadvantage of the above routing mechanism is the lack of caching ability. As a result, oasis/http has utilized the symfony/routing component to support cacheable routing.

To achieve this, we will need to configure the bootstrap using the routing parameter, and at the same time supply a routes yaml file.

The routes.yml file looks like:

The _controller attribute determines the function to call when certain path is matched. It consists of a classname and a method name separated by a "::" sign.

NOTE: classname in _controller should be fully qualified (i.e. includes full namespace prefix) unless you specify a default namespace prefix. The default namesapces are defined under routing parameter's namespaces parameter.

Because the routes.yml file is fully symfony compatible, we can use the advanced routing features as well. Please refer to [advanced routing configuration] (docs/ for more.


When a web application is deployed, it is often the case that we would like to protect certain resources (paths, hosts, etc.) behind security rules. In oasis/http, we use security bootstrap parameter to enforce security check on incoming requests.

Let's first have a glance of a simple security configuration:

The example above defines a firewall named http.auth which protects resources with path starting like "/admin/". With the http policy set to true, all incoming request must have HTTP Basic authentication. In the end, a user named admin with password 'foo' is the only user provided for this firewall.

Please refer to detailed security configuration for more advanced security schemes.

Cross Origin Resource Sharing

When your resources are accessed from domains other than the hosting one, modern browsers will perform a same-origin restriction check. By default, the request will silently fail. Generally speaking this is a safe behavior in most cases. However, there are occasions that you just want to allow this access. You may host fonts to be included by different css. You may provide APIs accessible by other javascript applications. And this is why we need to configure cross origin resource sharing (CORS) rules for our application.

In oasis/http, this has been made incredibly simple for you:

Using the configuration above, any request for path starting with "/cors/" will be rejected unless it originates from my.second.domain.tld.

Many more rules can be configured for CORS. Please refer here for a more detailed guide.

Rendering Templates

MVC probably is one of the most well-known design patterns in software development. In web application, the view layer is normally implemented using some template engine. oasis/http uses Twig as the primary template engine. This is a consistent decision in line with Silex and Symfony.

We will not discuss how to write a Twig template in this documentation. But below is an example of how to enable twig support:


Silex allows you to run code, that changes the default Silex behavior, at different stages during the handling of a request through Middleware.

In addition to the Silex way of adding middleware on-the-fly, you may also implement the Oasis\Mlib\Http\Middlewares\MiddlewareInterface and install the middleware during bootstrap phase:


[Service provider] ( is the mechanism that Silex allow the developer to reuse parts of an application into another one.

Service providers can either be installed on-the-fly using the register method provided by Silex:

or be installed using bootstrap configuration parameter providers:

View Handler

A view handler is a callable object (i.e. implementing the __invoke() magic method), that is called when route controller does not return a valid Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response object.

An example of the view handler is as below:

The __invoke function takes a raw result and returns a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response object, which is the valid response type for Silex.

NOTE: if the view handler does not return an object of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response or its descendant class, the returned value will be passed into the next view handler if provided. This cycle will stop if there is no more view handler, or if a valid Response object is returned.

To install a view handler, we can either register it through view() method of SilexKernel:

or using view_handlers bootstrap configuration parameter:

Error Handler

Like view handler, an error handler is a callable object, that is called when any exception is thrown during request processing. This does not only limit to route controller execution, but also includes the before and after middleware phases.

An error handler should take an \Exception object and an HTTP code as its arguments. The return value could be anything. And if the returned value is not of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response type, it will go through the view handlers as well.


To install an error handler, we can either register it through error() method of SilexKernel:

or using error_handlers bootstrap configuration parameter:

NOTE: If the error handler returns null, the same \Exception object and code will be passed into the next error handler. However, any non null return value will cause the error handling phase to end, and the returned value will either be sent back to client (in case its a valid Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response object), or be passed into the view handling phase.

Injected Arguments

When we implement route controller, we always need access to different kind of objects, such as a DB connection, a Cache instance, the Request object, or sometimes the SilexKernel itself.

oasis/http maintains a list of injectable arguments, and performs a type check before a controller is invoked: it will go through each type-hinted argument of the controller, and check if there is an object in the injectable list that is an instance of that type. If so, this argument will be passed into the controller. If no injectable argument is found, a \RuntimeException will be thrown.

By default, oasis/http will inject the following objects:

To have access to other variables, we can inject them as candidates for controller arguments by using injected_args bootstrap configuration parameter:

In the example above, testAction() will be called with an \Memcached object and the current request

NOTE: the order of arguments in the controller doesn't matter, only their types matter

Trusted Proxies

When trying to get the IP address of a request, we always need to filter certain addresses acting as trusted proxies. These proxies forwards the real sender's IP in the HTTP header X-Forwarded-For in a reverse order (i.e. nearest address in the end). We can use the trusted_proxies setting to specify what addresses should be considered trusted.

The format of trusted_proxies is an array of IP addresses. In addition, you can use CIDR notations in place of IP addresses if you would like to trust a subnet of IP addresses.

AWS ELB Trusted Proxies

In case your server is behind an AWS ELB, you should trust the REMOTE_ADDR variable as a trusted proxy, as this is the ELB IP.

To make things easier, there is a shortcut setting called behind_elb, which defaults to false. If this setting is set to true, the direct IP set in REMOTE_ADDR will be considered trusted, and ignored when getting IP address from request.

AWS Cloudfront Trusted Proxies

There is a setting named trust_cloudfront_ips, which defaults to false. If this parameter is set to true, all AWS cloudfront ips will also be considered as trusted proxies. As a result, getClientIp() on a request will return the first IP address reaching AWS CloudFront

All versions of http with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.0.0
symfony/http-foundation Version ^4.0
silex/silex Version ^2.3
symfony/routing Version ~4.2.0
symfony/config Version ^4.0
symfony/yaml Version ^4.0
symfony/expression-language Version ^4.0
oasis/logging Version ^1.1
oasis/utils Version ^1.6
symfony/security Version ^4.0
twig/twig Version ^1.24
symfony/twig-bridge Version ^4.0
twig/extensions Version ^1.3
silex/providers Version ^2.3
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^6.3
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package oasis/http contains the following files

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