Download the PHP package mslib/remote-host without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package mslib/remote-host. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package remote-host


This PHP library provides an easy way to send requests to Web APIs.

System requirements

RemoteHost library requires PHP 5.3 or later.

PHP extensions

The following PHP extensions are required:

For more information about how to install all required extensions, please refer to their online documentation.


The RemoteHost library is based on ZendFramework2. The following ZF2 modules are currently used (take a look at the composer.json for a full overview about all dependencies):

The library was ONLY tested for requests sent with the Curl library. For stability purposes, please make sure that all request objects configured with this library are an extension of 'Zend\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl' class (for more details about this class, please refer to the ZF2 documentation).


Installation is a quick 3 step process:

  1. Download RemoteHost using composer
  2. Configure your api calls
  3. Generate your Api implementation

Step 1: Download RemoteHost using composer

Add RemoteHost in your composer.json:

Now tell composer to download the library by running the command:

Composer will install the library to your project's vendor/mslib/remote-host directory.

Step 2: Configure your api calls

Now that the RemoteHost library is available in your project (through composer, for example), you need to configure all required API actions that your application needs.

In order to do that, you have to create a PHP file containing an array with a given set of configuration keys and values. You will find here below the structure of such a file.

For example, let's suppose that you want to send requests to an API whose base url is ''. Let's also suppose that the name of an available action is 'scripts', which returns the list of all the scripts available on the server. The response format is either Json or Xml, according to the value of the request parameter 'format'. The request method is POST and the request parameters should be sent as part of the request itself (i.e. no xml).

A call to such a function would need the following configuration:

The above configuration is equivalent to sending a Curl request with the following parameters:

The response expected is of type Json and it will be wrapped in the library default wrapper class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Response\Wrapper\DefaultResponseWrapper'.

For more details about Response Wrappers, please refer to the dedicated section 'BUILT-IN RESPONSE WRAPPERS' of this documentation.

For more details about all configuration keys, please refer to the dedicated section 'CONFIGURATION KEYS' of this documentation.

Step3: Generate your Api implementation

Now that you have configured all required API actions, you need to create, in your project, a class that extends the base abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Api\AbstractHostApi', defined in the library RemoteHost.

The class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Api\AbstractHostApi' has an abstract method 'getDefaultConfig()' that should therefore be implemented in your child class. This method should return the content of the array defined at step 2.

The default class constructor requires two parameters:


Let's take a deeper look at the Step 2: Configure your api calls, described here above. As already mentioned, in order to configure your API actions, you need to fill in a configuration array, whose basic structure is as follows:

Let's see now more into details each configuration block.

The 'parameters' configuration block

This is a required block. If no 'parameters' block is specified in the configuration array, then a '\Msl\RemoteHost\Exception\BadApiConfigurationException' exception will be thrown;

This block consists of an array containing all the general API host connection parameter. The current version supports the following parameters:

The only required parameter is 'host'. In case that no host parameter is specified, a '\Msl\RemoteHost\Exception\BadApiConfigurationException' exception will be thrown;

An example of configured 'parameters' block is the following:

The 'actions_parameters' configuration block

This is not a required block.

This block consists of an array containing all the parameters which are common to all the configured actions.

Let's suppose that you want to configure N api calls which share a given set of parameters. You can then specify here a list of such parameters, as well as their default values.

An example of configured 'actions_parameters' block is the following:

The 'config' configuration block

This is a required block. If no 'config' block is specified in the configuration array, then a '\Msl\RemoteHost\Exception\BadApiConfigurationException' exception will be thrown;

This block consists of an array containing all the Zend Http Client class configuration keys. For a full list of all possible values, please refer to the official 'Zend\Http\Client' documentation or take a look at 'Zend\Http\Client->$config' array.

NB. For stability reason, please only use the adapter 'Zend\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl', which is currently the only one that was tested.

An example of configured 'config' block is the following:

The 'actions' configuration block

This is a required block. If no 'actions' block is specified in the configuration array, then a '\Msl\RemoteHost\Exception\BadApiConfigurationException' exception will be thrown;

This block consists of an array containing all the API actions that you want to call from your application. An example of configured 'actions' block is the following:

Each configured action must have two action name levels. This allows to group actions in groups for a better configuration readability. Each configured action, at execution time, is identified by a string, which is the concatenation of the two configuration levels (separated by '.'). For example, by looking at the above configuration array, the action whose name is 'action-name-1' and whose group is 'action-group-1' can be identified by the string 'action-group-1.action-name-1'.

Let's take a look at all the components of each configured action.

The 'action' configuration keys

The available configuration keys for each action are the following:

The 'request' configuration keys

In this sub-block, you need to specify all the required configuration keys of a given request. More into details, the available keys are:

The 'adds_on' configuration keys

There are two kinds of possible 'adds-on':

Each 'adds_on' is an an array containing the following two configuration keys:

If you need to use a 'replace' adds_on, you can specify a replace variable in its content by wrapping it between the following characters:


The 'REPLACE_VARIABLE_NAME' will be passed to the 'execute()' method (in the associative array parameter '$urlBuildParameters') with the value to be replaced in the adds_on content, as explained here below.

Here follows an example of adds_on configuration:

As we can see in the second adds_on, we specified that the content 'url-added-part/{{id}}' will be added to the base url and that the string {{id}} will be replaced by a value passed to the 'execute()' method as an entry of the associative array parameter '$urlBuildParameters', where the key of such an entry will be 'id' and the value, the desired value.

As a result of the two adds_on that are specified in the above example configuration array, the final url used to connect to the api will be:{{id}}

where {{id}} will be replaced by the 'execute()' method, as mentioned here above.

NB All the specified adds_on will be added to the base url in the given order.

The 'headers' configuration keys

This is an associative array containing all the headers to be added to the request.

Here follows an example of headers configuration:

These headers can be overriden when calling the 'execute()' method, by specifying a different value for the configured headers in the associative array parameter '$headersValue'; in the above case, in order to override the default header 'Accept' => 'application/json', you will have to pass the following array as the array parameter '$headersValue':

The 'type' configuration key

This configuration key defines the desired request type. The following request types are already implemented in the library:

For more information about the available request types and how to implement a custom one, please refer to the 'BUILT-IN REQUESTS' of this document.

The 'response' configuration keys

In this sub-block, you need to specify all the required configuration keys of a given action. More into details, the available keys are:

The 'type' configuration key

This configuration key defines the desired response type. The following response types are already implemented in the library:

For more information about the available response types and how to implement a custom one, please refer to the 'BUILT-IN RESPONSES' of this document.

The 'wrapper' configuration key

A wrapper class is an object which is returned by the 'execute()' method and it contains a given set of information extracted by the network response.

For more information about the available wrapper classes and how to implement a custom one, please refer to the 'BUILT-IN RESPONSES' of this document.


All requests sent by an implementation of 'Msl\RemoteHost\Api\AbstractHostApi' will be wrapped in a request object, which extends the abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Request\AbstractActionRequest'.

The class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Request\AbstractActionRequest' is an extension of the class 'Zend\Http\Request'.

The AbstractActionRequest class

The AbstractActionRequest implements the interface 'Msl\RemoteHost\Request\ActionRequestInterface', which defines the following methods to be implemented in the child class:

The AbstractActionRequest class has a default implementation of the method init(), but not for the methods configure() and setClientEncType().

The built-in request objects

The built-in request objects are:

If you have to send a request whose content needs to be encoded in the url, then use the type UrlEncodedActionRequest or UrlEncodedFromContentActionRequest. If you want to send a request whose body contains a plain text, xml data or json data then use respectively PlainTextActionRequest, XmlActionRequest or JsonActionRequest.

The UrlEncoded request

The UrlEncoded request object can be used to send a request with parameters encoded in the request.

It supports the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE http methods.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'UrlEncoded' for the configuration key 'request.type' of a given configured action as follows:

The UrlEncodedFromContent request

The UrlEncodedFromContent request object can be used to send a request with parameters encoded in the request, these parameters being extracted from a given text content.

It supports the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE http methods.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'UrlEncodedFromContent' for the configuration key 'request.type' of a given configured action as follows:

The Xml request

The Xml request object can be used to send a request with an Xml content. It automatically adds the following header to the request:

It supports the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE http methods.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'Xml' for the configuration key 'request.type' of a given configured action as follows:

NB. Do not use this request object if the body of your request is empty (e.g. request parameters are encoded in the url). Use UrlEncoded instead!

The PlainText request

The PlainText request object can be used to send a request with a plain text content.

It supports the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE http methods.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'PlainText' for the configuration key 'request.type' of a given configured action as follows:

NB. Do not use this request object if the body of your request is empty (e.g. request parameters are encoded in the url). Use UrlEncoded instead!

The Json request

The Json request object can be used to send a request with a Json content. It automatically adds the following header to the request:

It supports the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE http methods.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'Json' for the configuration key 'request.type' of a given configured action as follows:

NB. Do not use this request object if the body of your request is empty (e.g. request parameters are encoded in the url). Use UrlEncoded instead!

Load your Custom Request objects

You can also define your own request objects by extending the base abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Request\AbstractActionRequest' and use it in the configuration file.

Here follow a class implementation and a configuration file for a custom request object.

You can then use your custom request object by specifying the full class namespace in the configuration key 'request.type' of a given configured action as follows:


All response received by an implementation of 'Msl\RemoteHost\Api\AbstractHostApi' will be wrapped in a response object, which extends the abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Response\AbstractActionResponse'.

The AbstractActionResponse class

The AbstractActionResponse implements the interface 'Msl\RemoteHost\Response\ActionResponseInterface', which defines the following methods to be implemented in the child class:

The AbstractActionResponse class has a default implementation of the method setResponse(), setResponseWrapper() and getParsedResponse(), but not for the method bodyToArray().

The built-in response objects

The built-in response objects are:

The Json response

The Json response object can be used when we receive a Json response for a given request.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'Json' for the configuration key 'response.type' of a given configured action as follows:

The Xml response

The Xml response object can be used when we receive a Xml response for a given request.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'Xml' for the configuration key 'response.type' of a given configured action as follows:

The PlainText response

The PlainText response object can be used when we receive a plain text response for a given request.

In order to use it, you need to use the label 'PlainText' for the configuration key 'response.type' of a given configured action as follows:

Load your Custom Response objects

You can also define your own response objects by extending the base abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Response\AbstractActionResponse' and use it in the configuration file.

Here follow a class implementation and a configuration file for a custom response object.

You can then use your custom response object by specifying the full class namespace in the configuration key 'response.type' of a given configured action as follows:


A wrapper class is an object which is returned by the 'execute()' method and it contains a given set of information extracted by the network response.

This information could include:

All Response Wrapper objects should extend the base abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Response\Wrapper\AbstractResponseWrapper', which implements the interface 'Msl\RemoteHost\Response\Wrapper\ResponseWrapperInterface'.

The Default response wrapper

If you do not define a Response Wrapper in the configuration key 'response.wrapper' , the default wrapper \Msl\RemoteHost\Response\Wrapper\DefaultResponseWrapper will be used.

This Wrapper object carries the following information:

Load your Custom Response Wrapper objects

You can also define your own Response Wrapper objects by extending the base abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Response\Wrapper\AbstractResponseWrapper' and use it in the configuration file.

Here follow a class implementation and a configuration file for a custom response wrapper object.

You can then use your custom response wrapper object by specifying the full class namespace in the configuration key 'response.wrapper' of a given configured action as follows:


Calling a configured action

Once that you have configured all the required actions and that you have created an API class that extends the base abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Api\AbstractHostApi', you are ready to launch requests.

To do that, you have to use the method execute() of your custom API class, which requires the following parameters:

The first parameter $actionName corresponds to a string obtained by the concatenation of the two configuration levels (separated by '.') of the desired action, as configured in the sub-element actions of the general configuration array.

For example, let's consider the following configuration:

In order to send a request for the action configured by the following sub-array

you will have to pass the following string as the first parameter of the execute() method:


So, to call the action example-api.script-list with the default parameters (as configured in the general configuration array), you will have to use the following line in our code:

Calling a configured action with some specific parameters

If you need to call a given configured action with some specific parameters, then you have to put these values in associative array and pass it as the second parameter of the function execute(), as shown here below:

Calling a configured action with some specific body content

If you need to call a given configured action with some specific body content, then you have to pass such content as the third parameter of the function execute(), as shown here below:

Calling a configured action with some url adds on

If you need to call a given configured action with some specific body content, then you have to pass such content as the third parameter of the function execute(), as shown here below:

Calling a configured action with some specific header values

If you need to call a given configured action with some specific body content, then you have to pass such content as the third parameter of the function execute(), as shown here below:

The GoogleApi implementation example

For a full example of how to use this library, please refer to the repository 'mslib/directions-demo', which implements an API connector layer for Google Maps API.

Here follows a quick description of the example repository just mentioned.

Let's suppose that you want to implement a class that wraps all Google API calls. To do that, you need to create a class that extends the base abstract class 'Msl\RemoteHost\Api\AbstractHostApi' and define a configuration for it.

Let's start with the implementation of the Google API function 'directions' as documented at the following url:


Let's suppose that you want to implement a call to the 'directions' Google API with the following configuration:

A request url example is the following: []

The configuration for such a call would be as follows:

API Class

Now that you have prepared the configuration for the 'destinations' API call, you need to implement our API Class, that will be in charge of connecting to remote API and send a request to it.

To do that, you should implement a class called 'GoogleApi' that extends the base 'Msl\RemoteHost\Api\AbstractHostApi' abstract class as follows:

Note that:

API Methods

The last step is to define a method in the 'GoogleApi' class, so that you can wrap the call to the configured action 'google-json.driving-directions' in a method. To do that, you should add a method 'getRoutes()' as here below:

As you can see, this method has three parameters: origin, destination and sensor. These parameters corresponds to the required Google API call parameter origin, destination and sensor as explained in Google API documentation for the action 'directions'.

All versions of remote-host with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires zendframework/zend-http Version 2.*
zendframework/zend-config Version 2.*
zendframework/zend-json Version 2.*
zendframework/zend-uri Version 2.*
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package mslib/remote-host contains the following files

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