Download the PHP package molajo/fieldhandler without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package molajo/fieldhandler. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package fieldhandler

======= Molajo Fieldhandler [Alpha]

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Molajo Fieldhandler is an integrated data integrity assurance package for PHP applications. The approach validation and sanitation functionality very specifically as specialised tools. In unifying tool usage around a focus on field-level rule compliance, applications ensure data collection processes provide clean, verified, and useful information.

Mission critical applications rely on well designed and carefully implemented cleansing, formatting and verification routines. The goal of the Molajo Fieldhandler is to make it easier for PHP developers not only to accomplish this goal but as importantly to be able to communicate exactly how the application enforcing integrity constraints in terms that the client can understand.

Overview of the Methodology

At the most basic level, constraints define data collection and usage rules by describing qualities of the data. These rules might include specifications about the minimum and maximum values, number of occurrences for an array, whether or not a field is required or if there is a list or data range that can be used to confirm data values.

A critical step in application development associates specific integrity constraints with each field in the collection. It is simply not possible to ensure clean data if the rules defining that state are not articulated.

Define Integrity Constraints

As an example, assume these constraints for the password field:

  1. Passwords can contain alphanumeric characters, the underscore (_), dollar sign ($), and pound sign (#).
  2. Passwords must be from 8 to 30 characters in length.
  3. Passwords expire every 90 days.
  4. The new password cannot match the existing value.
  5. Passwords should never be displayed and must be masked as asterisks.

Design enforcement strategy

Review the existing Molajo Fieldhandler Constraint classes to define enforcement. Custom Constraints can be created when delivered constraints are not enough.

  1. Validate the password 'last change date' using the Date Constraint to verify the date is not over 90 days previous.
  2. Validate the field data using the Alphanumeric Constraint and values (_), ($), and (#).
  3. Validate the field data using the Length Constraint to ensure a length of 8 to 30 characters.
  4. Escape the password using the Password Constraint class to replace password values with asterisks.

Write code to deploy enforcement strategy

Example: Verbose

This is a verbose example for purposes of learning where each constraint is specifically enforced.

Example: Field Collection

While the previous example showed how to perform each test, one at a time, it is also possible to group constraints for each field:

Example: Data Collection

If you define which fields belong to a data collection and what constraints apply to each field, Molajo Fieldhandler can manage constraint verification quite simply, as this example shows.

Creating Custom Constraints




Package Constraints

The examples in this section assume the Fieldhandler has been instantiated, as follows:


Each character in the alias URL slug must be alphanumeric or a dash.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Converts the value to a usable URL slug. In this example, $field_value will contain jack-and-jill.


For alias, the format method produces the same results as sanitize.


Each character in the alias URL slug must be alphabetic. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain Pat Nelson.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Each character in the alias URL slug must be a character or a digit. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain 4 dogs and 3 cats.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Must be an array. Optionally, if $options['valid_values_array'] is provided, array values must match a value in the valid array. Optionally, if $options['array_minimum'] is specified, array entries must not be less than that value. Optionally, if $options['array_maximum'] is specified, array entries must not be exceed that value.


Verifies value (or array of values) against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

In this example, $response->getValidateResponse() is TRUE since b and c are in the valid array of a, b, c and because there are two entries in the input array which is more than the minimum value allowed of 1.


Returns null if the array does not meet the constraint definition.

In this example, $field_value is NULL since b and c are not in the valid array values.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Character must be true or false or NULL. (Use Default and/or Required if NULL is not allowed.)


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Sanitizes for true or false, else returns NULL.


Not implemented. Value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Enables use of a custom callable function or method to sanitize, filter and format data.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

In this example, the data value 'hello' is input to the callback 'strtoupper' and the result 'HELLO' is compared to the original value. Since the values are different, false is returned.


Executes the callable against the data value to produce a sanitized result.

In this example, $field_value will result in HELLO.


For callback, the format method produces the same results as sanitize. It can be used to format data, as needed.


Within the string, a specified value exists.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

In this example, the response is false since the string does not contain the value specified.


Sets field to null if the value specified does not exist in the string.

In this example, the $field_value is NULL.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Each character must be a control character (ex. line feed, tab, escape). To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain \n \r \t.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Must be a valid formatted date.


Verifies the date according to the format defined in $options['create_from_format'], returning true if valid or false and error messages if not valid.


Validates the date and returns null for $field_value if the date does not conform to the constraint.


Formats a date according to the format defined in $options['display_as_format'];


Applies default value for sanitize and verifies if the value requires a default for validate.


Verifies if the value is null, if so, returns a FALSE that a default has not been applied. If the field has a value, validate returns TRUE.


Applies the default value defined in the $options array to the value, if the value is NULL.


Not implemented. Value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Each character must be a numeric digit. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain 1 2 3 4 5.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Only letters, digits and !#$%&'*+-/=?^_{|}~@.[]`


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

This example returns true.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will result in NULL.


Format returns an obfuscated email address.


URL-encode string, optionally strip or encode special characters.

The following flags can be applied by adding to the options array (see examples):


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages. For Encoded, the original value is compared to a sanitized value. If those values match, true is returned. Otherwise, the response is false and an error message is available.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint.

In this example, the input URL is something.php?text=unknown values here. The resulting value is unknown%20values%20here.


Format is not implemented for this constraint.


Tests that a value is equal to a specified value.


Value must conform to one of the values defined within the $valid_values_array.

To override, send in an options entry of the values desired:


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Returns null if value is not defined within the $valid_values_array.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Value must conform to one of the values defined within the $valid_values_array.

To override, send in an options entry of the values desired:


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Returns null if value is not defined within the $valid_values_array.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Remove all characters except digits, +- and optionally .,eE.

Can be used with the following flags by defining $option entries for each flag desired:


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

This example returns true.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will result in NULL.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Uses the database connection defined in $options['database'] to execute a query that verifies there is a row for the table named in $options['table'] with a field named $options['key'] with a value of $field_value.


Verifies that the $field_value is greater than the From value and less than the To value.


Convert special characters to HTML entities:

'&' (ampersand) becomes '&' '"' (double quote) becomes '"' when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set. "'" (single quote) becomes ''' (or ') only when ENT_QUOTES is set. '<' (less than) becomes '<' '>' (greater than) becomes '>'

Encoding quotes can be disabled by:


Not implemented. Will always return false.


Convert special characters to HTML entities:


Not implemented. The value sent in is returned unchanged.


Each character must be a visible, printable character. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain This is visible..


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Each character must be a numeric digit. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain 1 2 3 4 5.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


add whitelist description Escapes HTML entities. Equivalent to htmlspecialchars with with ENT_QUOTES set.


Tests that the value is an image.


Includes only digits, plus and minus sign.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

This example returns true.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will result in NULL.


Not implemented, simply returns the value sent in.


Tests that the value is an IP Address.


Each character must be an lowercase character. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

This example returns false due to the inclusion of non lowercase characters.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will only contain the lowercase letter his is lower since the T and . are not lowercase.


Lowercase all character values. In this example, $field_value will contain this is lower..


Validates or filters/escapes numeric value to not exceed the maximum.


Value must conform to one of the values defined within the $valid_values_array.

To override, send in an options entry of the values desired:


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Returns null if value is not defined within the $valid_values_array.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Validates or filters/escapes numeric value to not exceed the maximum.


Tests that a value is not equal to a specified value.


Value must not be a null value.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Not useful. (Can only return a NULL value if it is NULL.)


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Value must conform to one of the values defined within the $valid_values_array.

To override, send in an options entry of the values desired:


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Returns null if value is not defined within the $valid_values_array.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Value must be null.


Verifies that value is NULL.


Returns null if value is not not null. =)


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Characters must be numeric.


Verifies if the value is numeric.


Returns null if value is not numeric.


Not implemented. Value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Must be an object.


Verifies if the value is an object.


Returns null if value is not an object.


Not implemented. Value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Do nothing, optionally strip or encode special characters. FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH, FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW, FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH, FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_AMP. See sanitize filters.


Each character must be a printable character.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

This example returns false due to the inclusion of control characters which cannot be displayed.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain asdf.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.

Punctuation Constraint

Each character must be a punctuation character. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain * & $ ( ).


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Performs regex checking against the input value for the regex sent in.


Value must not be a null value.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Not useful. (Can only return a NULL value if it is NULL.)


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Value must not be one of the values defined within the $valid_values_array.

To override, send in an options entry of the values desired:


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Returns null if value is defined within the $valid_values_array.


Tests that the value is a string.


Tests that the length of the string is from a specific value and to a second value. From and To testing includes the from and to values.

Space Constraint

Each character must be a whitespace character. Besides the blank character this also includes tab, vertical tab, line feed, carriage return and form feed characters.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will contain \n \r \t.


For this constraint, the format method is not implemented. The value sent in is not evaluated or changed.


Tests that the value is a string.


Must be a valid formatted time.


Verifies the time according to the format defined in $options['create_from_time_format'], returning true if valid or false and error messages if not valid.


Validate the time and returns null for $field_value if the time does not conform to the constraint.


Formats a time according to the format defined in $options['display_as_time_format'];


The text must not have spaces before or after the last visible character.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

This example returns false due to the inclusion of spaces before and after the text string.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will result in 'This is trimmed.' and the spaces preceding and following the text literal will be removed.


Performs sanitize.


Value must conform to one of the values defined within the $valid_values_array.

To override, send in an options entry of the values desired:


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages


Returns null if value is not defined within the $valid_values_array.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.


Each character must be an lowercase character. To allow the 'space character', use the allow_space_character $option.


Verifies value against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

This example returns false due to the inclusion of non uppercase characters.


Removes characters not conforming to the definition of the constraint. In this example, $field_value will only contain the uppercase letter T since no other characters meet the constraint definition.


Uppercase all character values. In this example, $field_value will contain THIS IS UPPER..


Tests that a value is a valid email address. When invalid, validate throws exception while Filter and Escape return null.


Value (or array of values) must be defined within the $options['valid_values_array'] array.


Verifies value (or array of values) against constraint, returning a TRUE or FALSE result and error messages

In this example, $response->getValidateResponse() is TRUE since a is in the array a, b, c.


Returns null if value (or array of values) is not defined within the $options['valid_values_array'].

In this example, $field_value is NULL since z is not a, b or c.


Not implemented. Value sent in is returned unchanged.

Requirements and Compliance

All versions of fieldhandler with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.4
commonapi/model Version dev-master
commonapi/exception Version dev-master
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

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