PHP code example of molajo / fieldhandler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download molajo/fieldhandler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


molajo / fieldhandler example snippets

// 1. Instantiate the Molajo Fieldhandler and inject $fieldhandler into class

$fieldhandler = new Molajo\Fieldhandler\Request();

// 2. Verify the password is still valid

$results = $request->validate('Last Changed', $last_changed, 'Date', array('LT' => 91, 'Context' => 'Days');
if ($results->getValidateResponse() === false) {
    // deal with the problem
    $messages = $results->getValidateMessages();

// 3. Verify data values using the *Alphanumeric Constraint* and values (_), ($), and (#).

$results = $request->validate('Password', $password, 'Alphanumeric', array('special_characters' => '-, $, #');
if ($results->getValidateResponse() === false) {
    // deal with the problem
    $messages = $results->getValidateMessages();

// 4. Passwords must be from 8 to 30 characters in length.

$results = $request->validate('Password', $password, 'Length', array('minimum' => 8, 'maximum' => 30);
if ($results->getValidateResponse() === false) {
    // deal with the problem
    $messages = $results->getValidateMessages();

// 5. Display Password

$results = $request->escaoe('Password', $display_password, 'Password';
if ($results->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $display_password = $results->getFieldValue();

// 1. Instantiate the Molajo Fieldhandler and inject $fieldhandler into class

$fieldhandler = new Molajo\Fieldhandler\Request();

// 2. Enforce Password Constraints using a terse syntax

$results = $request->ensureFieldConstraints(
    'Display Password', $display_password,
    array('verify' => 'date', 'verify' => 'Alphanumeric', 'verify' => 'Length', 'escape' => 'Password'),
    array('LT' => 91, 'Context' => 'Days', 'special_characters' => '-, $, #' );

if ($results->getSuccessIndicator() === false) {
    $field->messages = $results->getValidateMessages();

} elseif ($results->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field->value = $results->getFieldValue();

// 1. Instantiate the Molajo Fieldhandler and inject $fieldhandler into class

$fieldhandler = new Molajo\Fieldhandler\Request();

// 2. Process all fields in a loop

foreach ($data_object as $field) {

    $results = $request->ensureFieldConstraints(

    if ($results->getSuccessIndicator() === false) {
        $field->messages = $results->getValidateMessages();

    } elseif ($results->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
        $field->value = $results->getFieldValue();

    $fieldhandler = new Molajo/Fieldhandler/Driver();

$response = $request->validate('alias_field', 'This will not validate', 'Alias');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->sanitize('alias_field', 'Jack and Jill', 'Alias');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('employee_name', 'Pat 3Nelson', 'Alpha', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
   foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
      echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('employee_name', 'Pat 3Nelson', 'Alpha');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
   $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('description', '4 dogs and #3 cats', 'Alphanumeric', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
   foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
      echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('description', '4 dogs and #3 cats', 'Alphanumeric', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
   $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$options['array_minimum'] = 1;
$response = $request->validate('array_field', array('b', 'c'), 'Array', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = array('x', 'y', 'z');
$response = $request->validate('array_field', array('b', 'c'), 'Array', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('boolean_field', true, 'Boolean');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('boolean_field', 'dog', 'Boolean');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options             = array();
$options['callback'] = 'strtoupper';
$response = $request->validate('callback_field', 'hello', 'Callback', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options             = array();
$options['callback'] = 'strtoupper';
$response = $request->sanitize('callback_field', 'hello', 'Callback', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['contains'] = 'dog';
$response = $request->validate('field_name', 'The cat meows.', 'Contains', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['contains'] = 'dog';
$response = $request->validate('field_name', 'The cat meows.', 'Contains', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('text_field', '\n\r\t', 'Controlcharacters', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
   foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
      echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('text_field', 'N\n \r \t', 'Alpha');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
   $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['create_from_format'] = 'Y-m-d';
$response = $request->sanitize('date_field', '2013-12-31', 'Date', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['create_from_format'] = 'Y-m-d';
$response = $request->sanitize('date_field', '2013-12-31', 'Date', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['create_from_format'] = 'Y-m-d';
$options['display_as_format'] = 'd/m/Y';
$response = $request->sanitize('date_field', '2013-12-31', 'Date', $options);

echo $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('any_field', null, 'Default');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['default_value'] = $default;
$response = $request->validate('any_field', NULL, 'Default');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('digit_fieldname', '1 2 3 4 5', 'Digit', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('text_field', '1x 2x 3x 4x 5x', 'Digit');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('email_field', '[email protected]', 'Email');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->sanitize('email_field', 'not a valid email', 'Email');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['obfuscate_email'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('email_field', '[email protected]', 'Email', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('encode_field', '[email protected]', 'Encode');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->sanitize('encode_field', 'unknown values here', 'Encode');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    // The value of field `field1` is 'dog' and is tested to see if it matches 'dog'.
    $results = $request->sanitize('field1', 'dog', 'Equal');

$valid_values_array = array(false, 0, 'no', 'off');
$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = $valid_values_array;

$response = $request->validate('false_only_field', $value, 'False');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('false_only_field', $value, 'False');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$valid_values_array = array('gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'pdf', 'odt', 'txt', 'rtf', 'mp3');
$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = $valid_values_array;

$response = $request->validate('file_extension_field', '.pdf', 'Fileextension');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('file_extension_field', '.pdf', 'Fileextension');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options[FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION]   = true;
$options[FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND]   = true;

$options = array();
$options[FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION]   = true;
$response = $request->validate('float_field', 0.2345, 'Float');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->sanitize('float_field', 'Dog', 'Float');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    $field_name              = 'my_foreign_key';
    $field_value             = 1;
    $constraint = 'Foreignkey';
    $options                 = array();
    $options['database']     = $database;
    $options['table']        = 'molajo_actions';
    $options['key']          = 'id';

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint, $options);

    $field_name              = 'my_field';
    $field_value             = 5;
    $constraint = 'Fromto';
    $options                 = array();
    $options['from']         = 0;
    $options['to']           = 10;

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint, $options);

$options = array();
$options[FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES]   = true;

$response = $request->validate('text_field', $data_value, 'Fullspecialchars');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('space_field', 'This is visible.\n\r\t', 'Graph', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('space_field', 'This is visible.\n\r\t', 'Graph', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('digit_fieldname', '1 2 3 4 5', 'Digit', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('text_field', '1x 2x 3x 4x 5x', 'Digit');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    $field_name              = 'my_field';
    $field_value             = '&';
    $constraint = 'Html';
    $options                 = array();

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint, $options);

    // The value of field `numeric_field` is 'ABC123'. The filtered and escaped values will be 0.
    // For 'validate', an exception is thrown. The following will return 123.

    $results = $request->sanitize('numeric_field', '123', 'Int');

$response = $request->validate('integer_field', 100, 'Integer');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->sanitize('integer_field', '[email protected]', 'Integer');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    // The value of field `input_field` is ''.
    // Validate, filtered and escaped values will return the same.
    $results = $request->sanitize('input_field', '', 'Ip');

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('lower_field', 'This is lower', 'Lower');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('lower_field', 'This is lower.', 'Lower');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->format('lower_field', 'This is lower.', 'Lower');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    // The value of field `input_field` is 10. Maximum is 3. Validate will fail.
    // Filtered and escaped values will return 3.
    $field_name              = 'my_field';
    $field_value             = 10;
    $constraint = 'Maximum';
    $options                 = array();
    $options['maximum']      = 3;

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint, $options);

$valid_values_array = array(
$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = $valid_values_array;

$response = $request->validate('Mimetype', 'application/pdf', 'Mimetypes');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('mimetype_field', 'application/pdf', 'Mimetypes');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    // The value of field `input_field` is 10. Minimum is 3.
    // Validate, filtered and escaped values will return 10.
    $field_name              = 'my_field';
    $field_value             = 10;
    $constraint = 'Minimum';
    $options                 = array();
    $options['minimum']      = 3;

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint, $options);

    // The value of field `field1` is 'dog' and is tested to ensure it is NOT equal to 'dog'.
    $results = $request->sanitize('field1', 'dog', 'Notequal');

$response = $request->validate('random_field', $value, 'Notnull');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$valid_values_array = array(false, 0, ' ', NULL);
$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = $valid_values_array;

$response = $request->validate('random_field', $value, 'Nothing');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('random_field', $value, 'Nothing');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('Null_only_field', $value, 'Null');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('Null_only_field', $value, 'Null');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('any_field', 234, 'Numeric');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('any_field', 'dog', 'Numeric');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('any_field', $data_value, 'Object');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('any_field', $data_value, 'Object');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    // The value of field `input_field` is 10. Minimum is 3.
    // Validate, filtered and escaped values will return 10.
    $field_name              = 'my_field';
    $field_value             = 'Me & You';  //returns 'Me &amp; You'
    $constraint = 'Raw';
    $options                 = array();
    $options[FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_AMP]      = true;

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint, $options);

$response = $request->validate('printable_field', 'asdf\n\r\t', 'Printable');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->sanitize('printable_field', 'asdf\n\r\t', 'Printable');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('punctuation_field', 'ABasdk! @ ! $ #', 'Punctuation', $options);
if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('punctuation_field', '* & $ ( )ABC', 'Punctuation', $options);
if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    // The value of field `input_field` may not be null
    $field_name              = 'my_field';
    $field_value             = [email protected];
    $constraint = 'Regex';
    $options                 = array();
    $options['regex']      = $regex_expression;

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint);

$response = $request->validate('random_field', $value, 'Notnull');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$valid_values_array = array(false, 0, ' ', NULL);
$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = $valid_values_array;

$response = $request->validate('random_field', $value, 'Something');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('random_field', $value, 'Something');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    // The value of field `input_field` may not be null
    $field_name              = 'my_field';
    $field_value             = 'Lots of stuff in here that is stringy.';
    $constraint = 'String';

    $results = $request->validate($field_name, $field_value, $constraint);

    // The value of field `input_field` may not be null
    $options                 = array();
    $options['from']         = 5;
    $options['to']           = 10;

    $results = $request->validate('My Field Name', $field_to_measure, 'Stringlength', $options);

$response = $request->validate('space_field', '\n \r \t', 'Space');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->sanitize('space_field', '*\n \r \t', 'Space');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['create_from_time_format'] = 'H:i:s';
$response = $request->sanitize('time_field', '12:30:00', 'time', $options);

if ($response->getValitimeResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValitimeMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['create_from_time_format'] = 'Y-m-d';
$response = $request->sanitize('time_field', '2013-12-31', 'time', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['create_from_time_format'] = 'Y-m-d';
$options['display_as_time_format'] = 'd/m/Y';
$response = $request->sanitize('time_field', '2013-12-31', 'time', $options);

echo $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->validate('upper_field', ' This is not trimmed. ', 'Upper');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('upper_field', ' This is trimmed. ', 'Upper');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$valid_values_array = array(true, 1, 'yes', 'on');
$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = $valid_values_array;

$response = $request->validate('true_only_field', $value, 'True');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$response = $request->validate('true_only_field', $value, 'True');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->validate('upper_field', 'This is upper', 'Upper');

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['allow_space_character'] = true;
$response = $request->sanitize('upper_field', 'This is upper.', 'Upper');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

$response = $request->format('upper_field', 'This is upper.', 'Upper');

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();

    $results = $request->validate('url_field', '', 'Url');

$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$response = $request->validate('random_field', 'a', 'Values', $options);

if ($response->getValidateResponse() === true) {
    // all is well
} else {
    foreach ($response->getValidateMessages as $code => $message) {
        echo $code . ': ' . $message . '/n';

$options = array();
$options['valid_values_array'] = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$response = $request->validate('random_field', 'z', 'Values', $options);

if ($response->getChangeIndicator() === true) {
    $field_value = $response->getFieldValue();