Download the PHP package mittax/wsse-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package mittax/wsse-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download mittax/wsse-bundle
More information about mittax/wsse-bundle
Files in mittax/wsse-bundle
Package wsse-bundle
Short Description A Symfony bundle to secure API Calls with Webservice Security Standard. Ported from SOAP. Mittax WSSE Bundle is a Wrapper on Symfonies WSSE Authprovider. (
License MIT
Informations about the package wsse-bundle
- php >=5.5.9
- symfony 3.1.x (see composer.json for details)
- linux based OS
- mysql >=5.5
- apache / nginx
Register bundle app/AppKernel.php
running unit / functional tests.
the package comes with functionaltests on its own apimethod. Under vendor/mittax/wsse-bundle/controllers there is a defaultcontroller with a apimethod to generate wsse headers. To get that tests running a testuser is needed. If you want to use the tests, add a user "mittax" to your database or change the user to your testuser:
Consume a WSSE secured api method.
After installation all defined firewallrules requests are secured with a X-WSSE Header. To consume a firewall secured api path we need to generate a X-WSSE Header, wich has to be sended for each request. Here is the samplecode how to use the wsse client, provided by this package:
Ofcourse you can generate a wsse headerstring via commandline. MittaxWsseBunde provides a cli extension for that.
generate a wsse header directly on a commandline
open a terminal to your projectroot
This will output your headerstring like that.
Put that headerstring with a headervariable X-WSSE on your request (Postman for instance)
define firewall rules
By default FOS_Userbundle is used with following configuration:
You can define your routes in the securitysection
configure your security wsse layer.
All versions of wsse-bundle with dependencies
symfony/symfony Version 3.3.*
doctrine/orm Version ^2.5
doctrine/doctrine-bundle Version ^1.6
doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle Version ^1.2
symfony/monolog-bundle Version ^3.0
sensio/distribution-bundle Version ^5.0
sensio/framework-extra-bundle Version ^3.0.2
incenteev/composer-parameter-handler Version ^2.0
friendsofsymfony/user-bundle Version ~2.0@dev
jms/serializer-bundle Version ^1.1
friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle Version ^1.7
nelmio/api-doc-bundle Version ^2.12
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version *