Download the PHP package maartenpaauw/laravel-charts-css without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package maartenpaauw/laravel-charts-css. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
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Informations about the package laravel-charts-css

Laravel component to create gorgeous Charts.css charts.

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This package will help you generate CSS only charts based on the Charts.css library.


You can install the package via composer:


Here's how you can create a chart:

This will generate a chart component within the View/Components namespace.

To display your chart it is as easily as adding the following blade component:

Make sure you import the css library as well. There is a helper component available for it!


See all Charts.css documentation examples within the src/Examples directory or read all the advanced documentation below to learn more.


It is possible to configure a tooltip for each entry like this:

Single dataset

The default generated chart component shows you how you can provide multiple datasets. If you only want to show a single dataset, you still need to wrap in within a datasets instance. This is because axes must be provided. The only difference is you need to provide the data axis via the entry and give a global description via the axes.

Hiding a specific label

You can hide an entry's label by calling the hideLabel() method on a dataset.

Alignment of a specific label

You can align an entry's label by calling the alignLabel() method on a dataset with start, center or end as parameter.

Multiple datasets

Hiding a specific label

You can hide a dataset's label by calling the hideLabel() method on a dataset.

Hiding a specific label

You can align a dataset's label by calling the alignLabel() method on a dataset with start, center or end as parameter.

Stacked datasets

If you want your chart data to be stacked, you can wrap the datasets instance within a SimpleStackedDatasets or a PercentageStackedDatasets decorator. The smart configuration will automatically add the Stacked modification.


Warning! Make sure you insert this component within your base layout template where your chart is not directly used. Otherwise a custom defined colorscheme won't be pushed to the CSS stack.

Charts.css host the production CSS file on two difference CDN's: jsdelivr and unpkg. You can import the stylesheet by adding the following component to the head within your blade file.

If you add your CSS by using a different way, for example a package manager, you can leave out the cdn attribute. Then this component will only be used to render the colorscheme definitions.


At the moment there is support for 4 types of charts:

By default, each generated chart is a Column chart. If you want to change the chart type you can overwrite the type method, or you can inherit the AreaChart, BarChart or LineChart class instead of the Chart class.

When using an area or line chart, you must determine the start of the chart by calling the start method on the first entry like this:


By default, no legend is being generated and shown. You can change this behaviour by simply overwriting the legend() method. By calling the withLabel() or withLabels() method on a Legend instance you can add a label. By default, the legend is displayed vertically. You can change it to horizontally by chaining the inline() method.

The labels do not have any style by default. You can change the shape by calling one of the following methods:

By default the HTML tag ul is used to display the legend on the screen. If you prefer an ol HTML tag chain the ordered() method.


Warning! Do not forget to add the <x-charts-css-stylesheet /> to your layout's head.

The framework has a set of 10 default color repeating themselves. You can change it by overwriting the colorscheme() method.

If you only add one color, all the data entries will get the same color. You can add up to 10 colors by calling the add() method on the colorscheme.

It is also possible to return a new instance of Colorscheme and given an array with colors as the first constructor parameter.

Specific color for one entry

Want to change a specific data entry's color? This can be done by chaining the color method.


By overwriting the modifications() method you can add multiple modifications.

Out of the box the ShowHeading modification will be applied when the heading is present and the modifications Multiple and ShowLabels are applied when there are multiple datasets configured.

All modifications can be found within the Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Appearance namespace.

Data(sets) spacing

By adding DatasetsSpacing or DataSpacing you can configure the space between the data entries. Both constructors accept a number between 1 and 20 defining the amount of space.

Hide data

The HideData modification will hide the display value of each entry. The value will still be printed to the screen, but it is hidden by CSS. This will respect screenreaders.

Show data on hover

The ShowDataOnHover modification will hide the data the same way as the HideData modification. The big difference is it will show the data when you hover it.

Label alignment

You can configure the label alignment by adding one of the following modifications: LabelsAlignStart, LabelsAlignCenter or LabelsAlignRight.



When displaying multiple datasets the modification Multiple needs to be added. Out of the box it is automatically added if there are multiple datasets.


If you want to reverse the data, datasets or the orientation you can add the modifications: ReverseData, ReverseDatasets or/and ReverseOrientation.


By default, no axes are shown. You can show the primary axis by adding the ShowPrimaryAxis. Same goes for the ShowDataAxes.

To display the secondary axes you can add the ShowSecondaryAxes modification. The constructor accepts the amount of axes (with a limit of 10) as the first parameter.

Show heading


The heading (table caption) will always be printed to the screen to respect screenreaders, but it will be hidden with CSS by default. If you want to display the heading you need to add the ShowHeading modification. This modification will be added automatically when the heading is present.

Show labels


The labels will always be printed to the screen to respect screenreaders, but they are hidden with CSS by default. If you want to display the labels you need to add the ShowLabels modification.



If you want to stack multiple datasets you can add the Stacked modification. This is done automatically (via the smart configuration) if you wrapped your datasets instance within a SimpleStackedDatasets or PercentageStackedDatasets decorator

Did I miss adding a modification?


Feel free to create a pull request or submitting an issue. In the meanwhile you can add it easily by adding a CustomModification.


As mentioned before, the configuration is pretty smart. It adds a ShowHeading modification if a heading is present, adds the modifications Multiple when multiple datasets are present, it adds the ShowLabels modification when there are dataset or entry labels defined, and it uses the configured data axes as legend labels when none has been specified.

If you wrap your datasets instance within a SimpleStackedDatasets or PercentageStackedDatasets decorator, it will automatically add the Stacked modification.

This is done by wrapping the configuration within a SmartConfiguration decorator. If you do not want this behaviour you can overwrite the configuration method and build the configuration by yourself.


Wrapper div

If a legend is configured the chart will be wrapped in a div. If you want to change the HTML tag you can overwrite the tag() method.



Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

All versions of laravel-charts-css with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.0
illuminate/contracts Version ^8.37|^9.6
maartenpaauw/laravel-specification-pattern Version ^1.1
spatie/laravel-package-tools Version ^1.11
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package maartenpaauw/laravel-charts-css contains the following files

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