Download the PHP package liveintent/sdk-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package liveintent/sdk-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about liveintent/sdk-php
Files in liveintent/sdk-php
Informations about the package sdk-php
LiveIntent SDK PHP
The LiveIntent PHP SDK provides a convenient way to interact with the LiveIntent API in PHP applications.
This document describes how to develop the SDK itself. For usage documentation and examples see usage.
Getting started
First clone the repository. Then, run cp .env.example .env
to create the env file.
Finally install the dependencies via:
To run the unit tests
When testing you often want to mock external api calls, but you also want to be confident that those api calls will work in the real world.
To solve this, you may instruct the client to record the request/response pairs it makes. This allows you to run your tests against a live version of the api when necessary, and to reuse those same responses when mocking is acceptable for faster, more predictable and reliable tests.
Test in record mode
To run the tests against a live api connection and record the results run:
By default recordings will be saved in the file tests/__snapshots__/snapshot
Test using recorded responses
To run the tests against a live api connection and record the results run:
Alternative methods of mocking
The LiveIntent client inherits from Laravel's Http Client. Therefore, all the methods available to that client are also be available.
For detailed documentation see here.
The installed linter will auto-format your code to comply with our agreed php coding standard.
To run the linter
All versions of sdk-php with dependencies
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
illuminate/collections Version ^9.2
illuminate/contracts Version ^9.2
illuminate/http Version ^9.2
illuminate/support Version ^9.2
nesbot/carbon Version ^2.46