Download the PHP package kruegge82/billbee-php-sdk-api without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package kruegge82/billbee-php-sdk-api. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package billbee-php-sdk-api
Short Description Documentation of the Billbee REST API to connect a Billbee account to external aplications. ## Endpoint The Billbee API endpoint base url is ## Activation You have to enable the API in the settings of your Billbee account. In addition you need a Billbee API Key identifying the application you develop. To get an API key, send a mail to [email protected] and send us a short note about what you are building. ## Authorization & security Because you can access private data with the Billbee API, every request has to be sent over https and must * Contain a valid API Key identifying the application/developer. It has to be sent as the HTTP header X-Billbee-Api-Key * Contain a valid user login with billbee username and api password in form of a basic auth HTTP header ## Throttling 50 calls per second for each API Key. 10 calls per second for each API Key in combination with Billbee user. Besides that each endpoint has a throttle of max 2 requests per second per combination of API Key and Billbee user. When you exceed the throttle threshold, the API will return a HTTP 429 status code and a Retry-After-Header indicating how many seconds you will have to wait before you can call the API again.
License unlicense
Informations about the package billbee-php-sdk-api
Documentation of the Billbee REST API to connect a Billbee account to external aplications.
The Billbee API endpoint base url is
You have to enable the API in the settings of your Billbee account. In addition you need a Billbee API Key identifying the application you develop. To get an API key, send a mail to [email protected] and send us a short note about what you are building.
Authorization & security
Because you can access private data with the Billbee API, every request has to be sent over https and must
- Contain a valid API Key identifying the application/developer. It has to be sent as the HTTP header X-Billbee-Api-Key
- Contain a valid user login with billbee username and api password in form of a basic auth HTTP header
50 calls per second for each API Key.
10 calls per second for each API Key in combination with Billbee user.
Besides that each endpoint has a throttle of max 2 requests per second per combination of API Key and Billbee user.
When you exceed the throttle threshold, the API will return a HTTP 429 status code and a Retry-After-Header indicating how many seconds you will have to wait before you can call the API again.
For more information, please visit
Installation & Usage
PHP 8.1 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CloudStorageApi | cloudStorageApiGetList | GET /api/v1/cloudstorages | Gets a list of all connected cloud storage devices |
CustomerAddressesApi | customerAddressesCreate | POST /api/v1/customer-addresses | Creates a new customer address |
CustomerAddressesApi | customerAddressesGetAll | GET /api/v1/customer-addresses | Get a list of all customer addresses |
CustomerAddressesApi | customerAddressesGetOne | GET /api/v1/customer-addresses/{id} | Queries a single customer address by id |
CustomerAddressesApi | customerAddressesUpdate | PUT /api/v1/customer-addresses/{id} | Updates a customer address by id |
CustomersApi | customerAddCustomerAddress | POST /api/v1/customers/{id}/addresses | Adds a new address to a customer |
CustomersApi | customerCreate | POST /api/v1/customers | Creates a new customer |
CustomersApi | customerGetAll | GET /api/v1/customers | Get a list of all customers |
CustomersApi | customerGetCustomerAddress | GET /api/v1/customers/addresses/{id} | Queries a single address from a customer |
CustomersApi | customerGetCustomerAddresses | GET /api/v1/customers/{id}/addresses | Queries a list of addresses from a customer |
CustomersApi | customerGetCustomerOrders | GET /api/v1/customers/{id}/orders | Queries a list of orders from a customer |
CustomersApi | customerGetOne | GET /api/v1/customers/{id} | Queries a single customer by id |
CustomersApi | customerPatchAddress | PATCH /api/v1/customers/addresses/{id} | Updates one or more fields of an address |
CustomersApi | customerUpdate | PUT /api/v1/customers/{id} | Updates a customer by id |
CustomersApi | customerUpdateAddress | PUT /api/v1/customers/addresses/{id} | Updates all fields of an address |
CustomersApi | searchSearch | POST /api/v1/search | Search for products, customers and orders. Type can be \"order\", \"product\" and / or \"customer\" Term can contain lucene query syntax |
DeliveryNoteApi | orderApiCreateDeliveryNote | POST /api/v1/orders/CreateDeliveryNote/{id} | Create an delivery note for an existing order. This request is extra throttled by order and api key to a maximum of 1 per 5 minutes. |
EnumApiApi | enumApiGetAccountSyncState | GET /api/v1/enums/accountsyncstate | Returns a list with all defined account sync states |
EnumApiApi | enumApiGetOrderStates | GET /api/v1/enums/orderstates | Returns a list with all defined orderstates |
EnumApiApi | enumApiGetPaymentTypes | GET /api/v1/enums/paymenttypes | Returns a list with all defined paymenttypes |
EnumApiApi | enumApiGetShipmentTypes | GET /api/v1/enums/shipmenttypes | Returns a list with all defined shipmenttypes |
EnumApiApi | enumApiGetShippingCarriers | GET /api/v1/enums/shippingcarriers | Returns a list with all defined shippingcarriers |
EnumApiApi | enumApiGetShopAccountType | GET /api/v1/enums/shopaccounttype | Returns a list with all defined account types |
EventsApi | eventApiGetList | GET /api/v1/events | Get a list of all events optionally filtered by date. This request is extra throttled to 2 calls per page per hour. |
InvoiceApi | orderApiCreateInvoice | POST /api/v1/orders/CreateInvoice/{id} | Create an invoice for an existing order. This request is extra throttled by order and api key to a maximum of 1 per 5 minutes. |
InvoiceApi | orderApiGetInvoiceList | GET /api/v1/orders/invoices | Get a list of all invoices optionally filtered by date. This request ist throttled to 1 per 1 minute for same page and minInvoiceDate |
OrdersApi | layoutApiGetList | GET /api/v1/layouts | |
OrdersApi | orderApiAddShipment | POST /api/v1/orders/{id}/shipment | Add a shipment to a given order |
OrdersApi | orderApiCreateDeliveryNote | POST /api/v1/orders/CreateDeliveryNote/{id} | Create an delivery note for an existing order. This request is extra throttled by order and api key to a maximum of 1 per 5 minutes. |
OrdersApi | orderApiCreateInvoice | POST /api/v1/orders/CreateInvoice/{id} | Create an invoice for an existing order. This request is extra throttled by order and api key to a maximum of 1 per 5 minutes. |
OrdersApi | orderApiFind | GET /api/v1/orders/find/{id}/{partner} | Find a single order by its external id (order number) |
OrdersApi | orderApiGet | GET /api/v1/orders/{id} | Get a single order by its internal billbee id. This request is throttled to 6 calls per order in one minute |
OrdersApi | orderApiGetByExtRef | GET /api/v1/orders/findbyextref/{extRef} | Get a single order by its external order number |
OrdersApi | orderApiGetInvoiceList | GET /api/v1/orders/invoices | Get a list of all invoices optionally filtered by date. This request ist throttled to 1 per 1 minute for same page and minInvoiceDate |
OrdersApi | orderApiGetList | GET /api/v1/orders | Get a list of all orders optionally filtered by date |
OrdersApi | orderApiGetPatchableFields | GET /api/v1/orders/PatchableFields | Returns a list of fields which can be updated with the orders/{id} patch call |
OrdersApi | orderApiMessage | POST /api/v1/orders/{id}/message | Adds a message to the order |
OrdersApi | orderApiParsePlaceholders | POST /api/v1/orders/{id}/parse-placeholders | Parses a text and replaces all placeholders |
OrdersApi | orderApiPatchOrder | PATCH /api/v1/orders/{id} | Updates one or more fields of an order |
OrdersApi | orderApiPostNewOrder | POST /api/v1/orders | Creates a new order in the Billbee account |
OrdersApi | orderApiSendMessage | POST /api/v1/orders/{id}/send-message | Sends a message to the buyer |
OrdersApi | orderApiTagsCreate | POST /api/v1/orders/{id}/tags | Attach one or more tags to an order |
OrdersApi | orderApiTagsUpdate | PUT /api/v1/orders/{id}/tags | Sets the tags attached to an order |
OrdersApi | orderApiTriggerEvent | POST /api/v1/orders/{id}/trigger-event | Triggers a rule event |
OrdersApi | orderApiUpdateState | PUT /api/v1/orders/{id}/orderstate | Changes the main state of a single order |
OrdersApi | searchSearch | POST /api/v1/search | Search for products, customers and orders. Type can be \"order\", \"product\" and / or \"customer\" Term can contain lucene query syntax |
ProductsApi | articleCreateArticle | POST /api/v1/products | Creates a new product |
ProductsApi | articleDeleteArticle | DELETE /api/v1/products/{id} | Deletes a product |
ProductsApi | articleDeleteImage | DELETE /api/v1/products/images/{imageId} | Deletes a single image by id |
ProductsApi | articleDeleteImageFromProduct | DELETE /api/v1/products/{productId}/images/{imageId} | Deletes a single image from a product |
ProductsApi | articleDeleteImages | POST /api/v1/products/images/delete | |
ProductsApi | articleGetArticle | GET /api/v1/products/{id} | Queries a single article by id or by sku |
ProductsApi | articleGetCategory | GET /api/v1/products/category | GEts a list of all defined categories |
ProductsApi | articleGetCustomField | GET /api/v1/products/custom-fields/{id} | Queries a single custom field |
ProductsApi | articleGetCustomFields | GET /api/v1/products/custom-fields | Queries a list of all custom fields |
ProductsApi | articleGetImage | GET /api/v1/products/images/{imageId} | Returns a single image by id |
ProductsApi | articleGetImageFromProduct | GET /api/v1/products/{productId}/images/{imageId} | Returns a single image by id |
ProductsApi | articleGetImages | GET /api/v1/products/{productId}/images | Returns a list of all images of the product |
ProductsApi | articleGetList | GET /api/v1/products | Get a list of all products |
ProductsApi | articleGetPatchableFields | GET /api/v1/products/PatchableFields | Returns a list of fields which can be updated with the patch call |
ProductsApi | articleGetReservedAmount | GET /api/v1/products/reservedamount | Queries the reserved amount for a single article by id or by sku |
ProductsApi | articleGetStocks | GET /api/v1/products/stocks | Query all defined stock locations |
ProductsApi | articlePatchArticle | PATCH /api/v1/products/{id} | Updates one or more fields of a product |
ProductsApi | articlePutImage | PUT /api/v1/products/{productId}/images/{imageId} | Add or update an existing image of a product |
ProductsApi | articlePutImages | PUT /api/v1/products/{productId}/images | Add multiple images to a product or replace the product images by the given images |
ProductsApi | articleUpdateStock | POST /api/v1/products/updatestock | Update the stock qty of an article |
ProductsApi | articleUpdateStockCode | POST /api/v1/products/updatestockcode | Update the stock code of an article |
ProductsApi | articleUpdateStockMultiple | POST /api/v1/products/updatestockmultiple | Update the stock qty for multiple articles at once |
ProductsApi | searchSearch | POST /api/v1/search | Search for products, customers and orders. Type can be \"order\", \"product\" and / or \"customer\" Term can contain lucene query syntax |
ProvisioningApi | automaticProvisioningCreateAccount | POST /api/v1/automaticprovision/createaccount | Creates a new Billbee user account with the data passed |
ProvisioningApi | automaticProvisioningTermsInfo | GET /api/v1/automaticprovision/termsinfo | Returns infos about Billbee terms and conditions |
ShipmentsApi | shipmentGetList | GET /api/v1/shipment/shipments | Get a list of all shipments optionally filtered by date. All parameters are optional. |
ShipmentsApi | shipmentGetPing | GET /api/v1/shipment/ping | |
ShipmentsApi | shipmentGetShippingCarrier | GET /api/v1/shipment/shippingcarriers | Queries the currently available shipping carriers. |
ShipmentsApi | shipmentGetShippingproviders | GET /api/v1/shipment/shippingproviders | Query all defined shipping providers |
ShipmentsApi | shipmentPostShipment | POST /api/v1/shipment/shipment | Creates a new shipment with the selected Shippingprovider |
ShipmentsApi | shipmentShipWithLabel | POST /api/v1/shipment/shipwithlabel | Creates a shipment for an order in billbee |
ShopAccountsApi | shopAccountQueryShopAccounts | GET /api/v1/shopaccounts | Queries a list of avaible shop accounts |
WebhooksApi | webHookManagementDelete | DELETE /api/v1/webhooks/{id} | Deletes an existing WebHook registration. |
WebhooksApi | webHookManagementDeleteAll | DELETE /api/v1/webhooks | Deletes all existing WebHook registrations. |
WebhooksApi | webHookManagementGet | GET /api/v1/webhooks | Gets all registered WebHooks for a given user. |
WebhooksApi | webHookManagementGetFilters | GET /api/v1/webhooks/filters | Returns a list of all known filters you can use to register webhooks |
WebhooksApi | webHookManagementLookup | GET /api/v1/webhooks/{id} | Looks up a registered WebHook with the given {id} for a given user. |
WebhooksApi | webHookManagementPost | POST /api/v1/webhooks | Registers a new WebHook for a given user. |
WebhooksApi | webHookManagementPut | PUT /api/v1/webhooks/{id} | Updates an existing WebHook registration. |
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelAdditionalFeeApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiCustomFieldDefinitionModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiCustomFieldValueModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleCategoryApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleImageRelationApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleSourceApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelBomSubArticleApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCloudStorageApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCommentApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCreateCustomerApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCreateShipmentApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerAddressApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelDeletedImagesModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelGetReservedAmountResponseData
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelInvoiceApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelInvoiceApiPositionApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrder
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrderAddressApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrderItem
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrderItemAttribute
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrderUser
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelProductImage
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelShipment
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelShipmentAddressApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelSoldProduct
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelStockArticleApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelStockResponseData
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelUpdateStockApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelUpdateStockCodeApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelUpdateStockResponseData
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelsCustomerMetaDataApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelsLayoutTemplate
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelsOrderPayment
- BillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIShopAccountReadApiModel
- BillbeeInterfacesOrderHistoryEntry
- BillbeeInterfacesOrderMultiLanguageString
- BillbeeInterfacesOrderVatDetailsRecognizedHistoryEntryVatDetectionFlags
- BillbeeInterfacesShippingProductService
- BillbeeInterfacesShippingShipmentDataDimensions
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiAddShipmentToOrderModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiCustomFieldDefinitionModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerAddressApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelInvoiceApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrder
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelShipment
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIShopAccountReadApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfRechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrder
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiCustomFieldDefinitionModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerAddressApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelInvoiceApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrder
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelShipment
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIShopAccountReadApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiPagedResultPagingInformationOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfRechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrder
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiCustomFieldDefinitionModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleImageRelationApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerAddressApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCustomerApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelDeletedImagesModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelGetReservedAmountResponseData
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelOrder
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelUpdateStockCodeResponseData
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelUpdateStockResponseData
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfRechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiInvoice
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfRechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiSearchControllerSearchResultsModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfRechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiShipmentWithLabelResult
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelArticleImageRelationApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelCloudStorageApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelStockResponseData
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiApiResultOfSystemCollectionsGenericListOfBillbeeInterfacesBillbeeAPIModelsLayoutTemplate
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiAutomaticProvisioningControllerCreateAccountContainer
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiAutomaticProvisioningControllerCreateAccountContainerUserAddress
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiInvoice
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrder
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrderApiControllerParseTextContainer
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrderApiControllerSendMessageModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrderApiControllerTriggerEventContainer
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrderStateUpdate
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiOrderTagCreate
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiSearchControllerCustomerResult
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiSearchControllerOrderResult
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiSearchControllerProductResult
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiSearchControllerSearchModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiSearchControllerSearchResultsModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiShipmentWithLabel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiShipmentWithLabelResult
- RechnungsdruckWebAppControllersApiWebHookApiModel
- RechnungsdruckWebAppModelApiOrderMessageModel
- SystemCollectionsGenericKeyValuePairOfSystemInt32AndSystemString
- SystemCollectionsGenericKeyValuePairOfSystemStringAndSystemCollectionsGenericListOfSystemCollectionsGenericKeyValuePairOfSystemInt32AndSystemString
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Billbee-Api-Key
- Location: HTTP header
To run the tests, use:
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Generator version:
- Generator version:
- Build package:
All versions of billbee-php-sdk-api with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.4.5
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^2.0