Download the PHP package kimai/api-php without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package kimai/api-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package api-php

Kimai API

JSON API for the Kimai time-tracking software: API documentation

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer:

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /

Class Method HTTP request Description
AbsenceApi deleteDeleteAbsence DELETE /api/absences/{id} Delete an absence
AbsenceApi deleteDeletePublicHoliday DELETE /api/public-holidays/{id} Delete a public holiday
AbsenceApi deleteDeletePublicHolidayGroup DELETE /api/public-holidays/group/{id} Delete a public holiday group
AbsenceApi getGetAbsences GET /api/absences Returns a collection of absences (sickness, vacation, time-off, other).
AbsenceApi getGetAbsencesCalendar GET /api/absences/calendar Returns a collection of absences (sickness, vacation, time-off, other) for calendar integration.
AbsenceApi getGetPublicHolidays GET /api/public-holidays Returns a collection of public holidays.
AbsenceApi getGetPublicHolidaysCalendar GET /api/public-holidays/calendar Returns a collection of public holidays for calendar integration.
AbsenceApi getKimaipluginWorkcontractApiAbsenceGetabsencetypes GET /api/absences/types Returns a collection of absences (sickness, vacation, time-off, other).
AbsenceApi patchConfirmApprovalAbsence PATCH /api/absences/{id}/confirm Confirm an approval request
AbsenceApi patchRejectApprovalAbsence PATCH /api/absences/{id}/reject Reject an approval request
AbsenceApi patchRequestApprovalAbsence PATCH /api/absences/{id}/request Request an approval
ActionsApi getGetActivityActions GET /api/actions/activity/{id}/{view}/{locale} Get all item actions for the given Activity [for internal use]
ActionsApi getGetCustomerActions GET /api/actions/customer/{id}/{view}/{locale} Get all item actions for the given Customer [for internal use]
ActionsApi getGetProjectActions GET /api/actions/project/{id}/{view}/{locale} Get all item actions for the given Project [for internal use]
ActionsApi getGetTimesheetActions GET /api/actions/timesheet/{id}/{view}/{locale} Get all item actions for the given Timesheet [for internal use]
ActivityApi deleteDeleteActivity DELETE /api/activities/{id} Delete an existing activity
ActivityApi deleteDeleteActivityRate DELETE /api/activities/{id}/rates/{rateId} Deletes one rate for an activity
ActivityApi getGetActivities GET /api/activities Returns a collection of activities (which are visible to the user)
ActivityApi getGetActivity GET /api/activities/{id} Returns one activity
ActivityApi getGetActivityRates GET /api/activities/{id}/rates Returns a collection of all rates for one activity
ActivityApi patchAppApiActivityMeta PATCH /api/activities/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing activity
ActivityApi patchPatchActivity PATCH /api/activities/{id} Update an existing activity
ActivityApi postPostActivity POST /api/activities Creates a new activity
ActivityApi postPostActivityRate POST /api/activities/{id}/rates Adds a new rate to an activity
ApprovalBundleApiApi getKimaipluginApprovalApiApprovalovertimeOvertimeforyearuntil GET /api/overtime_year
ApprovalBundleApiApi getKimaipluginApprovalApiApprovalovertimeweeklyWeeklyovertime GET /api/weekly_overtime
ApprovalBundleApiApi postKimaipluginApprovalApiApprovalbundleapiSubmitweek POST /api/add_to_approve
ApprovalNextWeekApiApi getKimaipluginApprovalApiApprovalnextweekapiNextweek GET /api/next-week
ApprovalStatusApiApi getKimaipluginApprovalApiApprovalstatusapiSubmitweek GET /api/week-status
CustomerApi deleteDeleteCustomer DELETE /api/customers/{id} Delete an existing customer
CustomerApi deleteDeleteCustomerRate DELETE /api/customers/{id}/rates/{rateId} Deletes one rate for a customer
CustomerApi getGetCustomer GET /api/customers/{id} Returns one customer
CustomerApi getGetCustomerRates GET /api/customers/{id}/rates Returns a collection of all rates for one customer
CustomerApi getGetCustomers GET /api/customers Returns a collection of customers (which are visible to the user)
CustomerApi patchAppApiCustomerMeta PATCH /api/customers/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing customer
CustomerApi patchPatchCustomer PATCH /api/customers/{id} Update an existing customer
CustomerApi postPostCustomer POST /api/customers Creates a new customer
CustomerApi postPostCustomerRate POST /api/customers/{id}/rates Adds a new rate to a customer
DefaultApi getAppApiConfigurationColorconfig GET /api/config/colors Returns the configured color codes and names
DefaultApi getAppApiConfigurationTimesheetconfig GET /api/config/timesheet Returns the timesheet configuration
DefaultApi getAppApiStatusPing GET /api/ping A testing route for the API
DefaultApi getAppApiStatusPlugin GET /api/plugins Returns information about installed Plugins
DefaultApi getAppApiStatusVersion GET /api/version Returns information about the Kimai release
DemoApi getKimaipluginDemoApiDemoCget GET /api/demos Returns a collection of demo entities
DemoApi getKimaipluginDemoApiDemoGet GET /api/demos/{id} Returns one demo entity
ExpenseApi deleteDeleteExpense DELETE /api/expenses/{id} Delete an existing expense record
ExpenseApi getGetExpense GET /api/expenses/{id} Returns one expense
ExpenseApi getGetExpenseCategories GET /api/expenses/categories Get all visible expense categories (requires \"manage_expense_category\" permission)
ExpenseApi getGetExpenses GET /api/expenses Returns a collection of expenses
ExpenseApi patchDuplicateExpense PATCH /api/expenses/{id}/duplicate Duplicates an existing expense record
ExpenseApi patchKimaipluginExpensesApiExpenseMeta PATCH /api/expenses/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing expense
ExpenseApi patchPatchExpense PATCH /api/expenses/{id} Update an existing expense
ExpenseApi postPostExpense POST /api/expenses Creates a new expense
InvoiceApi getGetInvoice GET /api/invoices/{id} Returns one invoice.
InvoiceApi getGetInvoices GET /api/invoices Returns a paginated collection of invoices.
KioskApi getApiKioskGetUserauthByUser GET /api/kiosk/codes/{id} Returns one UserAuthCodes entity
KioskApi getApiKioskGetUserauths GET /api/kiosk/codes Returns a collection of UserAuthCodes objects
MetaFieldApi getKimaipluginMetafieldsApiMetafieldsCget GET /api/metafields Returns a collection of meta-fields
ProjectApi deleteDeleteProject DELETE /api/projects/{id} Delete an existing project
ProjectApi deleteDeleteProjectRate DELETE /api/projects/{id}/rates/{rateId} Deletes one rate for a project
ProjectApi getGetProject GET /api/projects/{id} Returns one project
ProjectApi getGetProjectRates GET /api/projects/{id}/rates Returns a collection of all rates for one project
ProjectApi getGetProjects GET /api/projects Returns a collection of projects (which are visible to the user)
ProjectApi patchAppApiProjectMeta PATCH /api/projects/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing project
ProjectApi patchPatchProject PATCH /api/projects/{id} Update an existing project
ProjectApi postPostProject POST /api/projects Creates a new project
ProjectApi postPostProjectRate POST /api/projects/{id}/rates Adds a new rate to a project
TagApi deleteDeleteTag DELETE /api/tags/{id} Delete a tag
TagApi getGetTags GET /api/tags Deprecated: Fetch tags by filter as string collection
TagApi getGetTagsFull GET /api/tags/find Fetch tags by filter (as full entities)
TagApi postPostTag POST /api/tags Creates a new tag
TaskApi deleteDeleteTask DELETE /api/tasks/{id} Delete an existing task record
TaskApi getGetTask GET /api/tasks/{id} Returns one task
TaskApi getGetTasks GET /api/tasks Returns a collection of tasks
TaskApi getTasksTimesheets GET /api/tasks/{id}/timesheets Returns a collection of timesheets for one task
TaskApi patchAssignTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/assign Assign a task to the current user
TaskApi patchCloseTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/close Close a task for the current user
TaskApi patchKimaipluginTaskmanagementApiTaskMeta PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing task
TaskApi patchLogTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/log Logs work for a task record
TaskApi patchPatchTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id} Update an existing task
TaskApi patchReopenTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/reopen Reopens a task for the current user
TaskApi patchStartTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/start Start working on a task
TaskApi patchStopTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/stop Stops a task record for the current user
TaskApi patchUnassignTask PATCH /api/tasks/{id}/unassign Unassign a task from the current user
TaskApi postPostTask POST /api/tasks Creates a new Task
TeamApi deleteDeleteTeam DELETE /api/teams/{id} Delete a team
TeamApi deleteDeleteTeamActivity DELETE /api/teams/{id}/activities/{activityId} Revokes access for an activity from a team
TeamApi deleteDeleteTeamCustomer DELETE /api/teams/{id}/customers/{customerId} Revokes access for a customer from a team
TeamApi deleteDeleteTeamMember DELETE /api/teams/{id}/members/{userId} Removes a member from the team
TeamApi deleteDeleteTeamProject DELETE /api/teams/{id}/projects/{projectId} Revokes access for a project from a team
TeamApi getGetTeam GET /api/teams/{id} Returns one team
TeamApi getGetTeams GET /api/teams Fetch all existing teams (which are visible to the user)
TeamApi patchPatchTeam PATCH /api/teams/{id} Update an existing team
TeamApi postPostTeam POST /api/teams Creates a new team
TeamApi postPostTeamActivity POST /api/teams/{id}/activities/{activityId} Grant the team access to an activity
TeamApi postPostTeamCustomer POST /api/teams/{id}/customers/{customerId} Grant the team access to a customer
TeamApi postPostTeamMember POST /api/teams/{id}/members/{userId} Add a new member to a team
TeamApi postPostTeamProject POST /api/teams/{id}/projects/{projectId} Grant the team access to a project
TimesheetApi deleteDeleteTimesheet DELETE /api/timesheets/{id} Delete an existing timesheet record
TimesheetApi getActiveTimesheet GET /api/timesheets/active Returns the collection of active timesheet records
TimesheetApi getGetTimesheet GET /api/timesheets/{id} Returns one timesheet record
TimesheetApi getGetTimesheets GET /api/timesheets Returns a collection of timesheet records (which are visible to the user)
TimesheetApi getRecentTimesheet GET /api/timesheets/recent Returns the collection of recent user activities
TimesheetApi getRestartTimesheetGet GET /api/timesheets/{id}/restart Restarts a previously stopped timesheet record for the current user
TimesheetApi getStopTimesheetGet GET /api/timesheets/{id}/stop Stops an active timesheet record.
TimesheetApi patchAppApiTimesheetMeta PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing timesheet.
TimesheetApi patchDuplicateTimesheet PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/duplicate Duplicates an existing timesheet record
TimesheetApi patchExportTimesheet PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/export Switch the export state of a timesheet record to (un-)lock it
TimesheetApi patchPatchTimesheet PATCH /api/timesheets/{id} Update an existing timesheet record
TimesheetApi patchRestartTimesheet PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/restart Restarts a previously stopped timesheet record for the current user
TimesheetApi patchStopTimesheet PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/stop Stops an active timesheet record.
TimesheetApi postPostTimesheet POST /api/timesheets Creates a new timesheet record
UserApi deleteDeleteApiToken DELETE /api/users/api-token/{id} Delete an API token for the current user
UserApi getGetUser GET /api/users/{id} Return one user entity
UserApi getGetUsers GET /api/users Returns the collection of users (which are visible to the user)
UserApi getMeUser GET /api/users/me Return the current user entity
UserApi patchPatchUser PATCH /api/users/{id} Update an existing user
UserApi postPostUser POST /api/users Creates a new user

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization



All versions of api-php with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^7.4 || ^8.0
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^1.7 || ^2.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package kimai/api-php contains the following files

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