Download the PHP package jozenetoz/filament-ptbr-form-fields without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package jozenetoz/filament-ptbr-form-fields. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package filament-ptbr-form-fields
Short Description Brazilian pt-BR form fields.
License MIT
Informations about the package filament-ptbr-form-fields
Brazilian pt-BR form fields.
This package provides custom form fields for Filament that are commonly used in Brazilian web applications, such as CPF/CNPJ validation, phone number formatting, money with currency symbol, and CEP integration with ViaCep.
This package uses LaravelLegends/pt-br-validator to validate Brazilian Portuguese fields.
You can install the package via Composer:
To create a dynamic input that accepts either CPF or CNPJ, use:
If you want to create an input that only accepts CPF or only accepts CNPJ, use:
If you want to use a custom mask for the input, use the cpf() or cnpj() method with a string argument representing the desired mask:
uses LaravelLegends/pt-br-validator to validate Brazilian Portuguese fields by default - cpf_ou_cnpj
| cpf
| cnpj
You can disable validation using the validation(false)
Phone number
To create a dynamic input that formats phone numbers with DDD, use:
If you want to use a custom phone number format, use the `mask() method with a string argument representing the desired format:
To create a money input field, use the following syntax:
This is suitable for use with decimal
or float
data types.
Using Integer Values
If you prefer to work with integer values, you can format the money input using the intFormat()
Getting the Raw State
To retrieve the raw state of the field, you can use the `dehydratedMask() method:
If you need to remove the prefix from the money input, simply pass null to the prefix()
Currency Formatting
This package leverages the archtechx/money
package under the hood. By default, it uses the BRL
(Brazilian Real) format for currency values.
If you want to switch to the USD
(United States Dollar) format, you can do so with the following code:
You can also define custom currencies to suit your specific needs:
To integrate with the ViaCep API for CEP validation and address autofill, use:
The mode parameter specifies whether the search action should be appended to or prepended to the CEP field, using the values suffix or prefix. Alternatively, you can use the none value with the ->live(onBlur: true)
method to indicate that the other address fields will be automatically filled only when the CEP field loses focus.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
- Leandro Costa Ferreira
- All Contributors
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
All versions of filament-ptbr-form-fields with dependencies
archtechx/money Version ^0.5.1
filament/filament Version ^3.0
illuminate/contracts Version ^10.0 || ^11.0
laravellegends/pt-br-validator Version ^10.0 || ^11.0
moneyphp/money Version ^4.5
spatie/laravel-package-tools Version ^1.14.0