Download the PHP package jbzoo/data without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package jbzoo/data. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package data

JBZoo / Data

CI Coverage Status Psalm Coverage Psalm Level CodeFactor
Stable Version Total Downloads Dependents GitHub License

An extended version of the ArrayObject object for working with system settings or just for working with data arrays.

It provides a short syntax for daily routine, eliminates common mistakes. Allows you to work with various line and file formats - JSON, Yml, Ini, PHP arrays and simple objects.



Comparison with pure PHP

Action JBZoo/Data Pure PHP way
Create $d = data($someData) $ar = [/* ... */];
Supported formats Array, Object, ArrayObject, JSON, INI, Yml Array
Load form file .php, .ini, .yml, .json, serialized -
Get value or default $d->get('key', 42) $ar['key'] ?? 42
Get undefined #1 $d->get('undefined') (no any notice) $ar['undefined'] ?? null
Get undefined #2 $d->find('undefined') $ar['und'] ?? null
Get undefined #3 $d->undefined === null (no any notice) -
Get undefined #4 $d['undefined'] === null (no any notice) -
Get undefined #5 $d['undef']['undef'] === null (no any notice) -
Comparing #1 $d->get('key') === $someVar $ar['key'] === $someVar
Comparing #2 $d->is('key', $someVar) -
Comparing #3 $d->is('key', $someVar, true) (strict) -
Like array $d['key'] $ar['key']
Like object #1 $d->key -
Like object #2 $d->get('key') -
Like object #3 $d->find('key') -
Like object #4 $d->offsetGet('key') -
Isset #1 isset($d['key']) isset($ar['key'])
Isset #2 isset($d->key) array_key_exists('key', $ar)
Isset #3 $d->has('key') -
Nested key #1 $d->find('inner.inner.prop', $default) $ar['inner']['inner']['prop'] (error?)
Nested key #2 $d->inner['inner']['prop'] -
Nested key #3 $d['inner']['inner']['prop'] -
Export to Serialized echo data([/* ... */]) echo serialize([/* ... */])
Export to JSON echo (json([/* ... */])) (readable) echo json_encode([/* ... */])
Export to Yml echo yml([/* ... */]) (readable) -
Export to Ini echo ini([/* ... */]) (readable) -
Export to PHP Code echo phpArray([/* ... */]) (readable) -
JSON + -
Filters + -
Search + -
Flatten Recursive + -
Set Value $d['value'] = 42 $ar['value'] = 42
Set Nested Value $d->set('q.w.e.r.t.y') = 42 $ar['q']['w']['e']['r']['t']['y'] = 42
Set Nested Value (if it's undefined) $d->set('q.w.e.r.t.y') = 42 PHP Notice errors...

Know your data


Filter values (required JBZoo/Utils)

List of filters - JBZoo/Utils/Filter

Utility methods

Export to pretty-print format

Example of serializing the JSON object

Example of serializing the PHPArray object

Example of serializing the Yml object

Example of serializing the Ini object

Example of serializing the Data object

Summary benchmark info (execution time) PHP v7.4

All benchmark tests are executing without xdebug and with a huge random array and 100.000 iterations.

Benchmark tests based on the tool phpbench/phpbench. See details here.

Please, pay attention - 1μs = 1/1.000.000 of second!

benchmark: CreateObject subject groups its revs mean stdev rstdev mem_real diff
benchArrayObjectOrig Native,ArrayObject 3 100000 7.30μs 0.01μs 0.18% 8,388,608b 1.00x
benchArrayObjectExtOrig Native,ArrayObject,Extended 3 100000 7.43μs 0.05μs 0.66% 8,388,608b 1.02x
benchJson JSON 3 100000 7.55μs 0.01μs 0.15% 8,388,608b 1.03x
benchIni Ini 3 100000 7.55μs 0.01μs 0.15% 8,388,608b 1.03x
benchData Data 3 100000 7.57μs 0.03μs 0.41% 8,388,608b 1.04x
benchIniFunc Ini,Func 3 100000 7.62μs 0.01μs 0.10% 8,388,608b 1.04x
benchDataFunc Data,Func 3 100000 7.63μs 0.01μs 0.19% 8,388,608b 1.05x
benchYml Yml 3 100000 7.63μs 0.10μs 1.36% 8,388,608b 1.05x
benchJsonFunc JSON,Func 3 100000 7.64μs 0.01μs 0.11% 8,388,608b 1.05x
benchPhpArray PhpArray 3 100000 7.65μs 0.03μs 0.44% 8,388,608b 1.05x
benchYmlFunc Yml,Func 3 100000 7.70μs 0.05μs 0.60% 8,388,608b 1.05x
benchPhpArrayFunc PhpArray,Func 3 100000 7.75μs 0.06μs 0.72% 8,388,608b 1.06x
benchmark: GetUndefinedValue subject groups its revs mean stdev rstdev mem_real diff
benchArrayIsset Native,Array,Undefined 3 1000000 0.04μs 0.00μs 1.48% 8,388,608b 1.00x
benchDataOffsetGet Data,Undefined 3 1000000 0.11μs 0.00μs 0.41% 8,388,608b 2.88x
benchDataGet Data,Undefined 3 1000000 0.14μs 0.00μs 0.39% 8,388,608b 3.56x
benchDataArray Data,Undefined 3 1000000 0.14μs 0.00μs 0.08% 8,388,608b 3.72x
benchDataArrow Data,Undefined 3 1000000 0.15μs 0.00μs 0.34% 8,388,608b 3.86x
benchArrayRegularMuted Native,Array,Undefined 3 1000000 0.19μs 0.00μs 0.04% 8,388,608b 4.99x
benchDataFind Data,Undefined 3 1000000 0.37μs 0.00μs 0.11% 8,388,608b 9.69x
benchDataFindInner Data,Undefined 3 1000000 0.41μs 0.00μs 0.14% 8,388,608b 10.86x
benchmark: GetValue subject groups its revs mean stdev rstdev mem_real diff
benchArrayRegular Native,Array 3 1000000 0.04μs 0.00μs 5.02% 8,388,608b 1.00x
benchArrayRegularMuted Native,Array 3 1000000 0.04μs 0.00μs 1.40% 8,388,608b 1.06x
benchArrayIsset Native,Array 3 1000000 0.04μs 0.00μs 2.04% 8,388,608b 1.07x
benchArrayObjectArray Native,ArrayObject 3 1000000 0.05μs 0.00μs 1.07% 8,388,608b 1.14x
benchArrayObjectArrayExt Native,ArrayObject,Extended 3 1000000 0.05μs 0.00μs 0.24% 8,388,608b 1.19x
benchArrayObjectOffsetGet Native,ArrayObject 3 1000000 0.07μs 0.00μs 1.35% 8,388,608b 1.77x
benchArrayObjectExtOffsetGet Native,ArrayObject,Extended 3 1000000 0.08μs 0.00μs 0.23% 8,388,608b 1.86x
benchDataOffsetGet Data 3 1000000 0.16μs 0.00μs 0.28% 8,388,608b 4.01x
benchDataArray Data 3 1000000 0.20μs 0.00μs 0.17% 8,388,608b 4.96x
benchDataArrow Data 3 1000000 0.21μs 0.00μs 0.21% 8,388,608b 5.07x
benchDataGet Data 3 1000000 0.28μs 0.00μs 0.21% 8,388,608b 6.95x
benchDataFind Data 3 1000000 0.35μs 0.00μs 0.65% 8,388,608b 8.52x
benchmark: GetValueInner subject groups its revs mean stdev rstdev mem_real diff
benchArrayRegular Native,Array 3 1000000 0.05μs 0.00μs 0.23% 8,388,608b 1.00x
benchArrayRegularMuted Native,Array 3 1000000 0.06μs 0.00μs 0.86% 8,388,608b 1.06x
benchArrayIsset Native,Array 3 1000000 0.06μs 0.00μs 0.27% 8,388,608b 1.08x
benchArrayObjectArrayExt Native,ArrayObject,Extended 3 1000000 0.06μs 0.00μs 0.76% 8,388,608b 1.14x
benchArrayObjectArray Native,ArrayObject 3 1000000 0.07μs 0.00μs 1.39% 8,388,608b 1.22x
benchDataFind Data 3 1000000 0.81μs 0.01μs 1.06% 8,388,608b 15.22x

Unit tests and check code style



See Also

All versions of data with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.1
ext-json Version *
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package jbzoo/data contains the following files

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