PHP code example of jbzoo / data

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jbzoo/data library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jbzoo / data example snippets

$json = json('{ "some": "thing", "number": 42 }');
// [
//     "some" => "string",
//     "number" => "int"
// ]

use function JBZoo\Data\data;
use function JBZoo\Data\ini;
use function JBZoo\Data\json;
use function JBZoo\Data\phpArray;
use function JBZoo\Data\yml;

$config = data([/* Assoc Array */]);       // Any PHP-array or simple object, serialized data
$config = ini('./configs/some.ini');       // Load configs from ini file (or string, or simple array)
$config = yml('./configs/some.yml');       // Yml (or string, or simple array). Parsed with Symfony/Yaml Component.
$config = json('./configs/some.json');     // JSON File (or string, or simple array)
$config = phpArray('./configs/some.php');  // PHP-file that must return array

// Read
$config->get('key', 42);                   // Returns value if it exists oR returns default value
$config['key'];                            // As regular array
$config->key;                              // As regular object

// Read nested values without PHP errors
$config->find('deep.config.key', 42);      // Gets `$config['very']['deep']['config']['key']` OR returns default value

// Write
$config->set('key', 42);
$config['key'] = 42;
$config->key = 42;

// Isset

// Unset

$config->get('key', 42, 'int');         // Smart converting to integer
$config->find('key', 42, 'float');      // To float
$config->find('no', 'yes', 'bool');     // Smart converting popular word to boolean value
$config->get('key', 42, 'strip, trim'); // Chain of filters

// Your custom handler
$config->get('key', 42, function($value) {
    return (float)str_replace(',', '.', $value);

$config->search($needle);       // Find a value also in nested arrays/objects
$config->flattenRecursive();    // Return flattened array copy. Keys are <b>NOT</b> preserved.

echo $config;

$result = '' . $config;
$result = (string)$config;
$result = $config->__toString();

return array(
    'empty' => '',
    'zero' => '0',
    'string' => ' ',
    'tag' => '<a href=""></a>',
    'array1' => array(
        0 => '1',
        1 => '2',
    'section' => array(
        'array2' => array(
            0 => '1',
            12 => '2',
            3 => '3',
    'section.nested' => array(
        'array3' => array(
            '00' => '0',
            '01' => '1',