Download the PHP package iidestiny/spreedly without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package iidestiny/spreedly. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download iidestiny/spreedly
More information about iidestiny/spreedly
Files in iidestiny/spreedly
Informations about the package spreedly
changelog !! As of the 2.0 release the amount must be an integer as required by Spreedly. E.g., 1098 for \$10.98 !!
Getting Started
Install through Composer.
Laravel 4 or 5 Setup
Next, update app/config/app.php to include a reference to this package's service provider in the providers array and the facade in the aliases array.
Login to your Spreedly account to retrieve your api credentials. You can set your default gateway once you've created your first gateway.
Add to app/config/services.php config file.
Default Setup (Non Laravel)
Example response handling
More Docs
Payment Methods
Quick list of all methods
NOTE: Many of the methods below return multiple tokens. Be sure when storing tokens, you store the correct ones for later use.
Clone the repo and run npm install
. This will composer install
Tests are in the spec directory. They are written with phpspec.
To run your tests, simply do npm test
. If you don't want to use npm, that's fine, simply run vendor/bin/phpspec run
Please ensure you have added proper test coverage for each Pull Request.
See releases page
- added support for laravel 5.4
- added ability to merge configs.
- changed default timeout from 15 seconds to 64 seconds as recommended by Spreedly.
- added timeout method to change timeout per api call. E.g.,
. - added new
for catching timeouts.
- amount is no longer converted to cents.
- the amount must be an integer as required by Spreedly. E.g., 1098 for \$10.98
- switched from Spreedly xml api to json api.
- renamed
method to->message()