Download the PHP package helgesverre/extractor without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package helgesverre/extractor. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package extractor

Extractor: AI-Powered Data Extraction Library for Laravel.

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads

Effortlessly extract structured data from various sources, including images, PDFs, and emails, using OpenAI within your Laravel application.



Example code


Install the package via composer:

Publish the configuration file:

You can find all the configuration options in the configuration file.

Since this package relies on the OpenAI Laravel Package, you also need to publish their configuration and add the OPENAI_API_KEY to your .env file:


Extracting plain text from documents

Description Method
Extract text from a plain text, useful if you need trim/normalize whitespace in a string. Text::text
Extract text from a PDF file, uses smalot/pdfparser Text::pdf
Extract text with AWS Textract by sending the content as a base64 encoded string (faster, but has limitations Text::textract
Extract text with AWS Textract by uploading file to S3 and polling for completion (handles larger files and multi-page PDFs) Text::textractUsingS3Upload
Extract plain text from a Word document (Uses simple xml parsing and unzipping) Text::word
Fetches HTML from an URL via HTTP, strip all HTML tags, squish and trim all whitespace. Text::web
Extract text from an HTML file (same, but for HTML content) Text::html

Extracting structured data

The Extractor package includes a set of pre-built extractors designed to simplify the extraction of structured data from various types of text. Each extractor is optimized for specific data formats, making it easy to process different types of information. Below is a list of the included extractors along with brief descriptions and convenient shortened methods for each:

Example Extractor Description
Extractor::extract(Contacts::class, $text); Contacts Extracts a list of contacts (name, title, email, phone).
Extractor::extract(Receipt::class, $text); Receipt Extracts common Receipt data, See receipt-scanner for details.
Extractor::fields($text, fields: ["name","address", "phone"]); Fields Extracts arbitrary fields provided as an array of output key, and optional description, also supports nested fields

These extractors are provided out of the box and offer a convenient way to extract specific types of structured data from text. You can use the shortened methods to easily access the functionality of each extractor.

Using the Field extractor

The field extractor is great if you don't need much custom logic or validation and just want to extract out some structured data from a piece of text.

Here is an example of extracting information from a CV, note that providing a description to guide the AI model is supported, as well as nested items (which is useful for lists of sub-items, like work history, line items, comments on a product etc )

Using GPT-4-Vision with Extractor

Note: This feature is still WIP.

The Extractor package also integrates with OpenAI's new Vision API, leveraging the powerful gpt-4o model to extract structured data from images. This feature enables you to analyze and interpret visual content with ease, whether it's reading text from images, extracting data from charts, or understanding complex visual scenarios.

How to Use OpenAI's Vision API with ImageContent

To use the Vision features in Extractor, you need to provide an image as input. This can be done in a few different ways:

  1. Using a File Path: Load an image from a file path.
  2. Using Raw Image Data: Use the raw data of an image, for example, from an uploaded file.
  3. Using an Image URL: Load an image directly from a URL.

Here's how you can use each method:

Using a File Path

Using Raw Image Data

Using an Image URL

Extracting Data from Images with OpenAI's Vision API

After preparing your ImageContent object, you can pass it to the Extractor::fields method to extract structured data using OpenAI's Vision API. For example:

Creating Custom Extractors

Custom extractors in Extractor allow for tailored data extraction to meet specific needs. Here's how you can create and use a custom extractor, using the example of a Job Posting Extractor.

Implementing a Custom Extractor

Create a new class for your custom extractor by extending the Extractor class. In this example, we'll create a JobPostingExtractor to extract key information from job postings:

Note: Adding an instruction on which $outputKey key to nest the data under is recommended, as the JsonMode response from OpenAI end to want to put everything under a root key, by overriding the expectedOutputKey() method, it will tell the base Extractor class which key to pull the data from.

Registering the Custom Extractor

After defining your custom extractor, register it with the main Extractor class using the extend method:

Using the Custom Extractor

Once registered, you can use your custom extractor just like the built-in ones. Here's an example of how to use the JobPostingExtractor:

With the JobPostingExtractor, you can efficiently parse and extract key information from job postings, structuring it in a way that's easy to manage and use within your Laravel application.

Adding Validation to the Job Posting Extractor

To ensure the integrity of the extracted data, you can add validation rules to your Job Posting Extractor. This is done by using the HasValidation trait and defining validation rules in the rules method:

This will ensure that each key field in the job posting data meets the specified criteria, enhancing the reliability of your data extraction.

Extracting Data into a DTO

Extractor can integrate with spatie/data to cast the extracted data into a Data Transfer Object (DTO) of your choosing. To do this, add the HasDto trait to your extractor and specify the DTO class in the dataClass method:

OCR Configuration with AWS Textract

To use AWS Textract for extracting text from large images and multi-page PDFs, the package needs to upload the file to S3 and pass the s3 object location along to the textract service.

So you need to configure your AWS Credentials in the config/extractor.php file as follows:

You also need to configure a seperate Textract disk where the files will be stored, open your config/filesystems.php configuration file and add the following:

Ensure the textract_disk setting in config/extractor.php is the same as your disk name in the filesystems.php config, you can change it with the .env value TEXTRACT_DISK.


Delete the files after processing them with Textract

Using S3 Lifecycle Rules

You can configure a lifecycle rule on your S3 bucket to delete the files after a certain amount of time, see the AWS docs for more info:

Using the cleanupFileUsing hook

By default, the package will NOT delete the files that has been uploaded in the textract S3 bucket, if you want to delete these files, you can implement this using the TextractUsingS3Upload::cleanupFileUsing(Closure) hook.


Textract is not available in all regions:

Q: In which AWS regions is Amazon Textract available? Amazon Textract is currently available in the US East (Northern Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), US West ( N. California), AWS GovCloud (US-West), AWS GovCloud (US-East), Canada (Central), EU (Ireland), EU (London), EU ( Frankfurt), EU (Paris), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Asia Pacific ( Mumbai) Regions.


All Parameters and Their Functions

$input (TextContent|string)

The input text or data that needs to be processed. It accepts either a TextContent object or a string.

$model (Model)

This parameter specifies the OpenAI model used for the extraction process.

It accepts a string value. Different models have different speed/accuracy characteristics and use cases, for convenience, most of the accepted models are provided as constants on the Engine class.

Available Models:

Model Identifier Model Note
Engine::GPT_4_OMNI_MINI 'gpt-4o-mini' Optimized version of GPT-4 with enhanced JSON mode capabilities
Engine::GPT_4_OMNI 'gpt-4o' Enhanced GPT-4 model with improved JSON mode and vision capabilities
Engine::GPT_4_TURBO 'gpt-4-turbo' Latest GPT-4 model optimized for performance and efficiency
Engine::GPT_4_1106_PREVIEW 'gpt-4-1106-preview' GPT-4 Turbo, featuring improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling. Maximum 4,096 output tokens. Preview model, not yet for production traffic.
Engine::GPT_3_TURBO_1106 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106' Updated GPT-3.5 Turbo, with improvements similar to GPT-4 Turbo. Returns up to 4,096 output tokens.
Engine::GPT_O1_MINI 'o1-mini' Specialized model optimized for specific tasks
Engine::GPT_O1_PREVIEW 'o1-preview' Preview version of the O1 model with enhanced capabilities
Engine::GPT_4 'gpt-4' Large multimodal model, capable of solving complex problems with greater accuracy
Engine::GPT4_32K 'gpt-4-32k' Extended version of GPT-4 with a larger context window of 32,768 tokens
Engine::GPT_3_TURBO_INSTRUCT 'gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct' Similar to text-davinci-003, optimized for legacy Completions endpoint
Engine::GPT_3_TURBO_16K 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k' Extended version of GPT-3.5 Turbo, supporting a larger context window of 16,385 tokens
Engine::GPT_3_TURBO 'gpt-3.5-turbo' Optimized for chat using the Chat Completions API
Engine::TEXT_DAVINCI_003 'text-davinci-003' DEPRECATED - Legacy model, no longer operational
Engine::TEXT_DAVINCI_002 'text-davinci-002' DEPRECATED - Legacy model, no longer operational
Engine::GPT_4_VISION 'gpt-4-vision-preview' DEPRECATED Multimodal model capable of processing both text and images

$maxTokens (int)

The maximum number of tokens that the model will process. The default value is 2000, and adjusting this value may be necessary for very long text. A value of 2000 is usually sufficient.

$temperature (float)

Controls the randomness/creativity of the model's output.

A higher value (e.g., 0.8) makes the output more random, which is usually not desired in this context. A recommended value is 0.1 or 0.2; anything over 0.5 tends to be less useful. The default is 0.1.


This package is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, refer to the License File.

All versions of extractor with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.2
ext-zip Version *
aws/aws-sdk-php Version ^3.281
illuminate/contracts Version ^10.0|^11.0|^12.0
jstewmc/rtf Version ^0.5.2
league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 Version ^3.22.0
openai-php/laravel Version ^v0.10.2|^0.11
smalot/pdfparser Version ^2.10
spatie/laravel-data Version ^3|^4
spatie/laravel-package-tools Version ^1.16.2
symfony/dom-crawler Version ^7.0.0
brandembassy/file-type-detector Version ^2.3.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package helgesverre/extractor contains the following files

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