Download the PHP package gtfs/rest-api without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package gtfs/rest-api. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package rest-api


A simple REST API for GTFS (General Transfer Feed Specification) based on Slim Framework and Atlas.ORM

General Information

This project provides a REST API with full support for GTFS static. What you need is only a GTFS feed transformed into a SQLite 3 database and a web server. You can find a template for a valid database in the data folder.

Installation / Configuration

To install simply type

or clone this GitHub repository and type

If you want to use another file than /data/GTFS.db3 as database, you must change the database name in the /config/constants.php file. Change the constant APP_DATABASE to the relative name without file extension.

You should also make sure, that your APP_DEBUG constant is set to false if you want to use the REST API in a production environment.

After installing all dependencies and configurations, you can upload the whole project into your desired directory at your web server.


The endpoint is {yourdomain}/api/v1/{resource}/{selector} in general. The {resource} and the {selector} parts describe what you want to get as result and how you want to get it. If you omit the {selector}, the REST API retrieves all objects of a given {resource}.

There's a limit of 100 objects delivered by the REST API by default using the request method GET. This ensures that the amount of data delivered is not too high. You can modify the limit by appending the GET parameter limit to your API request, or you can set the offset GET parameter to retrieve the next results starting by offset.

Note: raising the limit too high might lead to errors using the REST API!

Resources & Selectors

You can find the following resources in the REST API:

Resource Description
stops Stop objects and information according to them
routes Route objects for delimiting a search request
trips Trip objects an stop times, frequencies, ...
fares Fare objects based on fare rules
attributions Attributions according to agencies, routes or trips
realtime Receive realtime data about trips

Each resource has different possible selectors and parameters, which are described in this section.


Delivers a stop by its stop ID. Further information such as subordinate stops, levels, transfers ans pathways are included.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/stops/byStopId?stopId={STOP_ID}


Delivers a selection of stops by their latitude and longitude in WGS 84 format. You can set a maximum distance in KMs optionally (default is 10km)

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/stops/byLatLon?stopLat={LATITUDE}&stopLon={LONGITUDE}[&stopDistance={DISTANCE/KMs}]


Delivers a selection of stops by their stop name.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/stops/byStopName?stopName={STOP_NAME}


Delivers a route by its route ID. Further information such as the parent agency are included.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/routes/byRouteId?routeId={ROUTE_ID}


Delivers a selection of routes by their short or long name. Further information such as the parent agency are included.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/routes/byRouteName?routeName={ROUTE_NAME}


Delivers a trip by its trip ID. Further information such as the parent route and agency, stop times with stops, frequencies, shapes and calendar are included.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/trips/byTripId={TRIP_ID}


Delivers a selection of trips by their route ID. Further information like parent route and agency, stop times with stops and frequencies are included. You can set a date and a time optionally.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/trips/byRouteId?routeId={ROUTE_ID}[&date={YYYYMMDD}][&time={HH:MM:SS}]


Delivers a selection of trips by their block ID. Further information like parent route and agency, stop times with stops and frequencies are included. You can set a date and a time optionally.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/trips/byBlockId?blockId={BLOCK_ID}[&date={YYYYMMDD}][&time={HH:MM:SS}]


Delivers a selection of trips by a stop ID. This can be the ID of a particular stop or of a parent station. Further information like parent route and agency, stop times with stops and frequencies are included. You can set a date and a time optionally.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/trips/byStopId?stopId={STOP_ID}[&date={YYYYMMDD}][&time={HH:MM:SS}]


Delivers a trip wich is currently served by a certain vehicle. Note: This selector works only with GTFS-realtime data available!

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/trips/byVehicleId?vehicleId={VEHICLE_ID}


Delivers a fare by its fare IT. Further information like fare rules are included.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/fares/byFareId?fareId={FARE_ID}


Delivers a selection of fares by their origin and destination zone ID. Further information like the fare rules leaded to matching are included. You can set an agency ID optionally.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/fares/byZoneId?originZoneId{ORIGIN_ID}&destinationZoneId={DESTINATION_ID}[&agencyId={AGENCY_ID}]


Delivers a selection of fares by their route ID. Further information like the fare rules leaded to matching are included.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/fares/byRouteId?routeId={ROUTE_ID}


Delivers a selection of attributions by their agency ID.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/attributions/byAgencyId?agencyId={AGENCY_ID}


Delivers a selection of attributions by their route ID.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/attributions/byRouteId?routeId={ROUTE_ID}


Delivers a selection of attributions by their trip ID.

URL: [GET] {yourdomain}/api/v1/attributions/byTripId?tripId={TRIP_ID}


Posts a GTFS-realtme feed message containing service alerts into the database.

URL: [POST] {yourdomain}/api/v1/realtime/alerts

Deletes a certain GTFS-realtime service alert by its alert ID.

URL: [DELETE] {yourdomain}/api/v1/realtime/alerts?alertId={ALERT_ID}


Posts a GTFS-realtime feed message containing trip updates into the database.

URL: [POST] {yourdomain}/api/v1/realtime/tripUpdates

Deletes trip updates for a certain trip identified by its trip and route ID. Optionally a trip start date and trip start time can be passed.

URL: [DELETE] {yourdomain}/api/v1/realtime/tripUpdates?tripId={TRIP_ID}&routeId={ROUTE_ID}[&tripStartDate={TRIP_START_DATE}][&tripStartTime={TRIP_START_TIME}]


Posts a GTFS-realtime feed message containing vehicle positions into the database.

URL: [POST] {yourdomain}/api/v1/realtime/vehiclePositions

Deletes vehicle positions for a certain vehicle identified by its vehicle ID. Optionally a vehicle label and a license plate can be passed.

URL: [DELETE] {yourdomain}/api/v1/realtime/vehiclePositions?vehicleId={VEHICLE_ID}[&vehicleLabel={VEHICLE_LABEL}][&vehicleLicensePlate={VEHICLE_LICENSE_PLATE}]


Sometimes trip updates and vehicle positions got stuck due to an application error. To remove them securely from your realtime data, you should call the garbage collector method periodically. This call removes all stuck trip updates and vehicle positions which are updated before a time offset of 300 seconds (5 minutes) last time. You can pass a custom time offset in seconds optionally.

URL: [DELETE] {yourdomain}/api/v1/realtime/garbageCollector[?timeOffset={TIME_OFFSET_SECONDS}]

Currently Not Supported

There're are some features, which are currently not supported in this version:

Latest Changes

See CHANGELOG for a overview about the latest changes.

Extending & Contribution

The REST API is designed for easy extending by your own resources and selectors.


To provide your own resource type, you simply have to create a controller class in the /src/Controller directory. The name convention for the controller class is {ResourceName}Controller. (Note the singular spelling!) To run your own controller, your controller class must extend the BaseController class and override the getAll(...) selector method.

You can create your own selector methods by adding any method with ne name convention get{byYourSelector} - The controller will be available at {yourdomain}/api/v1/resourceName/byYourSelector.

If your controller needs to receive data from the body transmitted using the POST method, your selector method must start with post. Thus any POST request will be dispatched to a corresponding controller method post{yourSelector} if existing. You can also use request method DELETE to perform delete actions on your controller. The corresponding controller method must be named like delete{yourSelector}.


If you want to contribute this project by adding a basic functionality, you're welcome! Please take a look into existing code to adapt your coding style to the existing one. A well-documented source code is also more easy to read and review ;-)


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

All versions of rest-api with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires slim/slim Version 4.0
slim/psr7 Version ^1.0
slim/http Version ^1.0
php-di/php-di Version ^6.0
atlas/orm Version ^3.1
gtfs/csa-php Version ^1.0
gtfs/realtime-php Version ^1.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package gtfs/rest-api contains the following files

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