Download the PHP package gpoehl/phpreport without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package gpoehl/phpreport. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package phpreport


phpReport is a modern PHP library to handle almost all commonly tasks for applications working with data groups.

Reports are the most typical kind of such apps but usage of phpReport is not limited to them. Even the most challenging programs can substantially simplified with the help of phpReport.

phpReport integrates seamless into your environment. It's designed to supplement the tools or framework you're already using.

So there is for instance no feature which reads data. That let's you access all kind of data from any source without any limitation.

phpReport can iterate over your data, control group changes, calculate totals and subtotals, handle counters and much more.

The most important part is the way of interaction with your application. Whenever an event (like a group change) occurs one or more user defined action(s) will be invoked. An action is an object which usually calls a method in your application but can do any other stuff.

This concept makes sure that there's never a situation which could stop your developement process. You always have full power of whatever php itself has to offer.

Documentation can be viewed at


Official installation method is via composer and its packagist package gpoehl/phpreport.


phpReport runs out of the box and can also be used with any php framework without configuration.

Nevertheless phpReport is highly configurable. It let's you alter the default actions to be invoked on events as well as the rules how method names are build to reflect naming conventions used in your organisation. See the config.php file for system wide settings. The configuration might also altered for each phpReport instance by passing parameters the class constructor.


To create a new phpReport object call

The first parameter refers to the object which has the methods to be called on event actions. More parameters can be used to configure the current phpReport instance.


With just four declaration methods you'll setup the skeleton of your application.

The group() method declares a new data group and instantiates a group counter. phpReport will then compare group values between data rows, execute actions mapped to the group header and footer events and increments the group counter.

The compute() method lets phpReport know that you want use aggregate functions like sum(), min(), max() or that you'll ask for not null and not zero counters.

The sheet() method lets you compute multiple values in a spreadsheet like format. Sheets can have a fixed number of columns indexed by pre-declared column names or a variable number of columns based on data values.

With the join() method multiple data sources will be combined. Call the other declaration methods after the join() method when they belong to the joined data.

All aggregate functions and counters are available on each declared group level over all data sources.

Data input

Data input is completely decoupled from your application. Use your own data access methods, data models and components as well as data access features from any PHP framework or ORM (Object Relation Mapper).

phpReport accepts data rows being an array, on object or even a string. These data rows can be passed to phpReport all at once, row by row or in batches of any size. This gives greatest flexibility and more control over memory usage when working with large amount of data.

Choose the access strategy which seems most suitable for your current application and change this strategy on demand without touching the application.

Between reading and feeding data to phpReport you can modify or filter the input. So it's easy to work with any data format (like csv files, excel sheets and json strings).

Joining data

Joining data in phpReport can be used for different purposes.

First you can join any data row with any other source. Data sources don't have to be the same kind. So you can for example easily combine a row from a database with rows from an excel sheet. Use the same data input methods for joined data as for the primary data.

Another way to join data comes into place when your data row is a data model. This model usually has methods or properties providing related data. Declare the relationship by calling the join() method and phpReport will iterate over these related data.

To iterate over an multi-dimensional array the join() method is used to declare which array element holds the next dimension.

To the application joining data is largely invisible. Grouping and computing values behave like data would have been served as a flat record.

Data output

With the exception of prototyping phpReport doesn't generate any output for you. Actions are the place to define what has to happen. So you can write data to a database table, a file (eg. excel file), an HTML string, generate pdf documents or send emails. Of course you can do it all together.

To create an output string you can make usage of the output classes. The returned value from invoked actions will always be written to one of the output objects. The default object just appends the returned value to a variable. The more comfortabel one uses arrays and allows additional direct writing to one of the nine bands per group level. Bands usually have header, data and footer data as well as header, data and footer for summary data on top or at the end of a group. Methods like get() or pop() makes output handling very flexible.

Usage and prototyping

Prototyping is a way to simulate, replace or extend user actions with prototype actions during development.

Each prototype action generates a html table containing some interesting stuff about the current data row, data group values and computed values.

The following example for a medium complex application shows the usage of some basic features.

The example class above first instantiates a new phpReport object and holds the reference in a variable. The passed parameter is the object which implements action methods.

Next two groups named region and customer are declared. The related data will be taken out of the 'region' and the 'customerID' properties of the customer objects.

To join customer with orders the join method let's declare where to get them from. In this example we're going to call the getOrdersByDate method and pass an extra parameter to select only orders of the current year.

Note that 'getOrdersByDate' is wrapped in an array to differentiate property and method names.

Usually the called method will return related rows and phpReport will iterate over those rows.

The group('month') call shows how to use a closure to get a value out of a data row. We also group by orders by orderID.

We also want to compute the discount based on orders per month for a customer. Assume getting the discount value is very complex and we need or want to do the calculation ourselves. To do so we can call the compute method with parameter for the value source equals false. In this case only an calculator object will be instantiated and linked with the id 'discount' to the total collector. That's all we need to make sure that our discount will be cumulated by month, customer, region an to grand total.

The second join instructs to call the getOrderDetail method in the order class for each order.

The value of the 'amount' property will be computed using a calculator object linked with the id 'amount' to the total collector.

The setCallOption call activates the prototype function.

To start execution the run() method is called. Here we pass all customer objects at once to the report object.

Eventually we are echoing the collected return values from the action methods.

Complex computation of values

As mentioned above we want / need to calculate the monthly discount ourselves. The monthFooter method is called after all orders within a month are processed.

The first line shows how to gets the sum of the computed value 'amount' per month. The second line does a calculation which in reality will be much more complex. The calculator add method adds the discount value. The cumulated value is available at all group levels.

By implementing an action method the related prototype method will (dependent on the callOption parameter) no longer be called. You can call the prototype method yourself. No parameter is required as phpReport knows what's to do.

Data output

The program above is fully working. All you've to do is preparing the desired output. Implement only those action methods you really need. phpReport is smart enough to call only existing methods unless you really ask for.

This is also the time to uncomment the two prototype calls made above.


The only requirement for phpReport is PHP 8.0 or later.

Support us

If this library is valuable for your consider supporting development of phpReport with a donation.

Unit Testing

Unit testing for phpReport is done using PHPUnit.

To execute tests, run vendor\bin\phpunit from the command line while in the phpReport root directory.

All versions of phpreport with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.4
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package gpoehl/phpreport contains the following files

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