PHP code example of gpoehl / phpreport

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gpoehl/phpreport library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gpoehl / phpreport example snippets

$rep = new Report($this);

use gpoehl\phpreport\Report;

class FirstExample{

    public Report $rep;

    /** @var Customers[] Array of customer objects. /*
    public function __construct(array $customers){
        $this->rep  = (new Report($this))
        ->group ('region')
        ->group('customer', 'customerID')
        ->join (['getOrdersByDate'] ,null, null, null, date("Y"))
        ->group ('month', fn($order)=> substr($order->orderDate, 5, 2))
        ->compute ('discount', false)
        ->join (['getOrderDetails'])
        ->compute ('amount')
        echo $this->rep->out->get();


    public function monthFooter($month, $order){
        $amount = $this->rep->total->amount->sum();
        $discount = $amount * (($amount < 1000) ? 0.02 : 0.03);      // That's the complicated formula. :))

    public function customerHeader($customerID, $customer){
            $customer->adress' .
            '<br>Dear ' . $customer->name;

    public function customerFooter($customerID, $customer){
           "You placed {$this->rep->gc->orders->sum()} orders".
            . " with an total amount of {$this->rep->total->amount->sum()}." ;
            "Therefore you receive a total discount of {$this->rep->total->discount->sum()}." ;

    // Default method called when no data is found for first data dimension (orders)
     public function noDataDim1($dimID){
                "You haven't placed any order lately. We hope to see you soon again.";

    public function totalFooter(){
            "<h1>Summary page</h1> .
            "<br>Total sales: " . $this->rep->total->sales->sum() .
            "<br>Total number of customers: " . $this->rep->gc->customer->sum() .
            "<br>Total number of orders: " . $this->rep->gc->order->sum() .
            "<br>Total number of rows: " . $this->rep->rc->sum();