Download the PHP package g-portal/lago-php-client without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package g-portal/lago-php-client. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in g-portal/lago-php-client
Package lago-php-client
Short Description Lago API allows your application to push customer information and metrics (events) from your application to the billing application.
License unlicense
Informations about the package lago-php-client
Lago API allows your application to push customer information and metrics (events) from your application to the billing application.
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AddOnsApi | applyAddOn | POST /applied_add_ons | Apply an add-on to a customer |
AddOnsApi | createAddOn | POST /add_ons | Create a new add-on |
AddOnsApi | destroyAddOn | DELETE /add_ons/{code} | Delete an add-on |
AddOnsApi | findAddOn | GET /add_ons/{code} | Find add-on by code |
AddOnsApi | findAllAddOns | GET /add_ons | Find add-ons |
AddOnsApi | updateAddOn | PUT /add_ons/{code} | Update an existing add-on |
BillableMetricsApi | createBillableMetric | POST /billable_metrics | Create a billable metric |
BillableMetricsApi | destroyBillableMetric | DELETE /billable_metrics/{code} | Delete a billable metric |
BillableMetricsApi | findAllBillableMetricGroups | GET /billable_metrics/{code}/groups | Find a billable metric's groups |
BillableMetricsApi | findAllBillableMetrics | GET /billable_metrics | List all billable metrics |
BillableMetricsApi | findBillableMetric | GET /billable_metrics/{code} | Retrieve a billable metric |
BillableMetricsApi | updateBillableMetric | PUT /billable_metrics/{code} | Update a billable metric |
CouponsApi | applyCoupon | POST /applied_coupons | Apply a coupon to a customer |
CouponsApi | createCoupon | POST /coupons | Create a new coupon |
CouponsApi | destroyCoupon | DELETE /coupons/{code} | Delete a coupon |
CouponsApi | findAllAppliedCoupons | GET /applied_coupons | Find Applied Coupons |
CouponsApi | findAllCoupons | GET /coupons | Find Coupons |
CouponsApi | findCoupon | GET /coupons/{code} | Find coupon by code |
CouponsApi | updateCoupon | PUT /coupons/{code} | Update an existing coupon |
CreditNotesApi | createCreditNote | POST /credit_notes | Create a new Credit note |
CreditNotesApi | downloadCreditNote | POST /credit_notes/{id}/download | Download an existing credit note |
CreditNotesApi | findAllCreditNotes | GET /credit_notes | Find Credit notes |
CreditNotesApi | findCreditNote | GET /credit_notes/{id} | Find credit note |
CreditNotesApi | updateCreditNote | PUT /credit_notes/{id} | Update an existing credit note |
CreditNotesApi | voidCreditNote | PUT /credit_notes/{id}/void | Void existing credit note |
CustomersApi | createCustomer | POST /customers | Create a customer |
CustomersApi | deleteAppliedCoupon | DELETE /customers/{external_customer_id}/applied_coupons/{applied_coupon_id} | Delete customer's appplied coupon |
CustomersApi | destroyCustomer | DELETE /customers/{external_id} | Delete a customer |
CustomersApi | findAllCustomers | GET /customers | List all customers |
CustomersApi | findCustomer | GET /customers/{external_id} | Retrieve a customer |
CustomersApi | findCustomerCurrentUsage | GET /customers/{external_customer_id}/current_usage | Retrieve customer current usage |
CustomersApi | getCustomerPortalUrl | GET /customers/{external_customer_id}/portal_url | Get a customer portal URL |
EventsApi | createBatchEvents | POST /events/batch | Batch multiple events |
EventsApi | createEvent | POST /events | Send usage events |
EventsApi | eventEstimateFees | POST /events/estimate_fees | Estimate fees for an pay in advance charge |
EventsApi | findEvent | GET /events/{transaction_id} | Retrieve a specific event |
FeesApi | findAllFees | GET /fees | Find all fees |
FeesApi | findFee | GET /fees/{id} | Find fee by ID |
FeesApi | updateFee | PUT /fees/{id} | Update an existing fee |
InvoicesApi | createInvoice | POST /invoices | Create a new invoice |
InvoicesApi | downloadInvoice | POST /invoices/{id}/download | Download an existing invoice |
InvoicesApi | finalizeInvoice | PUT /invoices/{id}/finalize | Finalize a draft invoice |
InvoicesApi | findAllInvoices | GET /invoices | Find all invoices |
InvoicesApi | findInvoice | GET /invoices/{id} | Find invoice by ID |
InvoicesApi | refreshInvoice | PUT /invoices/{id}/refresh | Refresh a draft invoice |
InvoicesApi | retryPayment | POST /invoices/{id}/retry_payment | Retry invoice payment |
InvoicesApi | updateInvoice | PUT /invoices/{id} | Update an existing invoice status |
OrganizationsApi | updateOrganization | PUT /organizations | Update an existing Organization |
PlansApi | createPlan | POST /plans | Create a new plan |
PlansApi | destroyPlan | DELETE /plans/{code} | Delete a plan |
PlansApi | findAllPlans | GET /plans | Find plans |
PlansApi | findPlan | GET /plans/{code} | Find plan by code |
PlansApi | updatePlan | PUT /plans/{code} | Update an existing plan |
SubscriptionsApi | createSubscription | POST /subscriptions | Assign a plan to a customer |
SubscriptionsApi | destroySubscription | DELETE /subscriptions/{external_id} | Terminate a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | findAllSubscriptions | GET /subscriptions | List all subscriptions |
SubscriptionsApi | updateSubscription | PUT /subscriptions/{external_id} | Update a subscription |
WalletsApi | createWallet | POST /wallets | Create a new wallet |
WalletsApi | createWalletTransaction | POST /wallet_transactions | Create a new wallet transaction |
WalletsApi | destroyWallet | DELETE /wallets/{id} | Delete a wallet |
WalletsApi | findAllWalletTransactions | GET /wallets/{id}/wallet_transactions | Find wallet transactions |
WalletsApi | findAllWallets | GET /wallets | Find wallets |
WalletsApi | findWallet | GET /wallets/{id} | Find wallet |
WalletsApi | updateWallet | PUT /wallets/{id} | Update an existing wallet |
WebhooksApi | fetchPublicKey | GET /webhooks/public_key | Fetch webhook public key |
- AddOn
- AddOnInput
- AddOnInputAddOn
- AddOnObject
- AddOnsPaginated
- ApiErrorBadRequest
- ApiErrorForbidden
- ApiErrorNotAllowed
- ApiErrorNotFound
- ApiErrorUnauthorized
- ApiErrorUnprocessableEntity
- AppliedAddOn
- AppliedAddOnInput
- AppliedAddOnInputAppliedAddOn
- AppliedAddOnObject
- AppliedCoupon
- AppliedCouponInput
- AppliedCouponInputAppliedCoupon
- AppliedCouponObject
- AppliedCouponObjectExtended
- AppliedCouponsPaginated
- BillableMetric
- BillableMetricBaseInput
- BillableMetricCreateInput
- BillableMetricCreateInputBillableMetric
- BillableMetricGroup
- BillableMetricGroupValuesInner
- BillableMetricGroupValuesInnerOneOf
- BillableMetricObject
- BillableMetricUpdateInput
- BillableMetricsPaginated
- BillingConfigurationOrganization
- ChargeObject
- Coupon
- CouponInput
- CouponInputCoupon
- CouponInputCouponAppliesTo
- CouponObject
- CouponsPaginated
- CreditNote
- CreditNoteInput
- CreditNoteInputCreditNote
- CreditNoteInputCreditNoteItemsInner
- CreditNoteItemObject
- CreditNoteObject
- CreditNoteUpdateInput
- CreditNoteUpdateInputCreditNote
- CreditNotes
- CreditObject
- CreditObjectInvoice
- CreditObjectItem
- Currency
- Customer
- CustomerBillingConfiguration
- CustomerChargeUsageObject
- CustomerChargeUsageObjectBillableMetric
- CustomerChargeUsageObjectCharge
- CustomerChargeUsageObjectGroupsInner
- CustomerCreateInput
- CustomerCreateInputCustomer
- CustomerCreateInputCustomerMetadataInner
- CustomerMetadata
- CustomerObject
- CustomerUsage
- CustomerUsageObject
- CustomersPaginated
- Event
- EventBatchInput
- EventBatchInputEvent
- EventBatchInputEventProperties
- EventEstimateFeesInput
- EventEstimateFeesInputEvent
- EventInput
- EventInputEvent
- EventObject
- FeeObject
- FeeObjectItem
- FeeUpdateInput
- FeeUpdateInputInvoice
- Fees
- FeesPaginated
- GetCustomerPortalUrl200Response
- GetCustomerPortalUrl200ResponseCustomer
- GroupObject
- GroupPropertiesObject
- GroupsPaginated
- Invoice
- InvoiceInput
- InvoiceInputInvoice
- InvoiceInputInvoiceMetadataInner
- InvoiceMetadataObject
- InvoiceObject
- InvoiceObjectExtended
- InvoiceOneOffInput
- InvoiceOneOffInputInvoice
- InvoiceOneOffInputInvoiceFeesInner
- InvoicesPaginated
- Organization
- OrganizationInput
- OrganizationInputOrganization
- OrganizationObject
- PaginationMeta
- Plan
- PlanInput
- PlanInputPlan
- PlanInputPlanChargesInner
- PlanInputPlanChargesInnerGroupPropertiesInner
- PlanObject
- PlansPaginated
- Subscription
- SubscriptionCreateInput
- SubscriptionCreateInputSubscription
- SubscriptionObject
- SubscriptionUpdateInput
- SubscriptionUpdateInputSubscription
- SubscriptionsPaginated
- Timezone
- Wallet
- WalletInput
- WalletInputWallet
- WalletObject
- WalletTransactionInput
- WalletTransactionInputWalletTransaction
- WalletTransactionObject
- WalletTransactions
- WalletTransactionsPaginated
- WalletUpdateInput
- WalletUpdateInputWallet
- WalletsPaginated
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication
To run the tests, use:
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Build package:
All versions of lago-php-client with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^1.7 || ^2.0