Download the PHP package fingerprint/fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package fingerprint/fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Table of contents
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Download fingerprint/fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk
More information about fingerprint/fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk
Files in fingerprint/fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk
Vendor fingerprint
Package fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk
Short Description Fingerprint Pro Server API provides a way for validating visitors’ data issued by Fingerprint Pro.
License MIT
Package fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk
Short Description Fingerprint Pro Server API provides a way for validating visitors’ data issued by Fingerprint Pro.
License MIT
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Informations about the package fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk
# Fingerprint Pro Server API PHP SDK
**Fingerprint Pro Server API allows you to get information about visitors and about individual events in a server environment. It can be used for data exports, decision-making, and data analysis scenarios. Server API is intended for server-side usage, it's not intended to be used from the client side, whether it's a browser or a mobile device.**
This PHP package is automatically generated by the [Swagger Codegen]( project:
- API version: 3
- Package version: 6.1.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen
## Requirements
This library supports the following PHP implementations:
- PHP 8.1
- PHP 8.2
- PHP 8.3
- PHP 8.4
We currently don't support external PHP Runtimes like:
- Bref
- ReactPHP
## Installation & Usage
### Composer
To install the bindings via [Composer](, add the following to `composer.json`:
Then run `composer install`.
Or you can just run this command on your terminal:
`composer require fingerprint/fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk`
## Getting Started
Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:
> ⚠️ Warning It's not possible to update events older than 10 days.
> ⚠️ If you are interested in using `deleteVisitorData` API, please [contact our support team]( to enable it for you. Otherwise, you will receive a 403.
## Sealed results
This SDK provides utility methods for decoding [sealed results](
To learn more, refer to example located in [sealed_results_example.php](sealed_results_example.php).
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to your region's base URL.
| Region | BasePath |
| US / Global | |
| Europe | |
| Asia | |
## Webhook Signing
This SDK provides utility method for verifying the HMAC signature of the incoming webhook request.
You can use below code to verify signature:
## Endpoints
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*FingerprintApi* | [**deleteVisitorData**](docs/Api/ | **DELETE** /visitors/{visitor_id} | Delete data by visitor ID
*FingerprintApi* | [**getEvent**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /events/{request_id} | Get event by request ID
*FingerprintApi* | [**getVisits**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /visitors/{visitor_id} | Get visits by visitor ID
*FingerprintApi* | [**updateEvent**](docs/Api/ | **PUT** /events/{request_id} | Update an event with a given request ID
## Documentation for Models
- [Botd](docs/Model/
- [BotdBot](docs/Model/
- [BotdBotResult](docs/Model/
- [BrowserDetails](docs/Model/
- [ClonedApp](docs/Model/
- [DeprecatedGeolocation](docs/Model/
- [DeveloperTools](docs/Model/
- [Emulator](docs/Model/
- [Error](docs/Model/
- [ErrorCode](docs/Model/
- [ErrorPlainResponse](docs/Model/
- [ErrorResponse](docs/Model/
- [EventsGetResponse](docs/Model/
- [EventsUpdateRequest](docs/Model/
- [FactoryReset](docs/Model/
- [Frida](docs/Model/
- [Geolocation](docs/Model/
- [GeolocationCity](docs/Model/
- [GeolocationContinent](docs/Model/
- [GeolocationCountry](docs/Model/
- [GeolocationSubdivision](docs/Model/
- [GeolocationSubdivisions](docs/Model/
- [HighActivity](docs/Model/
- [IPBlocklist](docs/Model/
- [IPBlocklistDetails](docs/Model/
- [IPInfo](docs/Model/
- [IPInfoASN](docs/Model/
- [IPInfoDataCenter](docs/Model/
- [IPInfoV4](docs/Model/
- [IPInfoV6](docs/Model/
- [Identification](docs/Model/
- [IdentificationConfidence](docs/Model/
- [IdentificationSeenAt](docs/Model/
- [Incognito](docs/Model/
- [Jailbroken](docs/Model/
- [LocationSpoofing](docs/Model/
- [PrivacySettings](docs/Model/
- [ProductBotd](docs/Model/
- [ProductClonedApp](docs/Model/
- [ProductDeveloperTools](docs/Model/
- [ProductEmulator](docs/Model/
- [ProductFactoryReset](docs/Model/
- [ProductFrida](docs/Model/
- [ProductHighActivity](docs/Model/
- [ProductIPBlocklist](docs/Model/
- [ProductIPInfo](docs/Model/
- [ProductIdentification](docs/Model/
- [ProductIncognito](docs/Model/
- [ProductJailbroken](docs/Model/
- [ProductLocationSpoofing](docs/Model/
- [ProductPrivacySettings](docs/Model/
- [ProductProxy](docs/Model/
- [ProductRawDeviceAttributes](docs/Model/
- [ProductRemoteControl](docs/Model/
- [ProductRootApps](docs/Model/
- [ProductSuspectScore](docs/Model/
- [ProductTampering](docs/Model/
- [ProductTor](docs/Model/
- [ProductVPN](docs/Model/
- [ProductVelocity](docs/Model/
- [ProductVirtualMachine](docs/Model/
- [Products](docs/Model/
- [Proxy](docs/Model/
- [RemoteControl](docs/Model/
- [RootApps](docs/Model/
- [SuspectScore](docs/Model/
- [Tampering](docs/Model/
- [Tor](docs/Model/
- [VPN](docs/Model/
- [VPNConfidence](docs/Model/
- [VPNMethods](docs/Model/
- [Velocity](docs/Model/
- [VelocityData](docs/Model/
- [VelocityIntervals](docs/Model/
- [VirtualMachine](docs/Model/
- [Visit](docs/Model/
- [VisitorsGetResponse](docs/Model/
- [Webhook](docs/Model/
- [WebhookClonedApp](docs/Model/
- [WebhookDeveloperTools](docs/Model/
- [WebhookEmulator](docs/Model/
- [WebhookFactoryReset](docs/Model/
- [WebhookFrida](docs/Model/
- [WebhookHighActivity](docs/Model/
- [WebhookIPBlocklist](docs/Model/
- [WebhookIPInfo](docs/Model/
- [WebhookJailbroken](docs/Model/
- [WebhookLocationSpoofing](docs/Model/
- [WebhookPrivacySettings](docs/Model/
- [WebhookProxy](docs/Model/
- [WebhookRemoteControl](docs/Model/
- [WebhookRootApps](docs/Model/
- [WebhookSuspectScore](docs/Model/
- [WebhookTampering](docs/Model/
- [WebhookTor](docs/Model/
- [WebhookVPN](docs/Model/
- [WebhookVelocity](docs/Model/
- [WebhookVirtualMachine](docs/Model/
## Documentation for Authorization
## ApiKeyHeader
- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: Auth-API-Key
- **Location**: HTTP header
## ApiKeyQuery
- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: api_key
- **Location**: URL query string
## Documentation for sealed results
- [Sealed](docs/Sealed/
- [DecryptionKey](docs/Sealed/
## Documentation for webhooks
- [Webhook](docs/
## Tests
To run the unit tests:
## Support
To report problems, ask questions or provide feedback, please use [Issues](
If you need private support, you can email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
## License
This project is licensed under the [MIT License](
All versions of fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
php Version
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ~7.2
ext-zlib Version *
ext-openssl Version *
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ~7.2
ext-zlib Version *
ext-openssl Version *
The package fingerprint/fingerprint-pro-server-api-sdk contains the following files
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