Download the PHP package ferotres/redsys-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package ferotres/redsys-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package redsys-bundle
Short Description The FerotresRedsysBundle adds support for manage payments in redsys platform for Symfony4.
License MIT
Informations about the package redsys-bundle
FerotresRedsysBundle Documentation
The FerotresRedsysBundle adds support for manage payments in redsys platform for Symfony4.
Features include:
- Multi currency | Language
- Multi shops
- Create Payment
- Create Payment Authorization
- Confirm Payment Authorization
- Cancel Payment Authorization
- Payment response validators
- OpenSSL
- HMAC_SHA256_V1
- Unit tested
Note: This bundle does not provide entities for manage payments.
Download FerotresRedsysBundle.
Add routing resource.
Configure the FerotresRedsysBundle.
You can configure the bundle for each environment.
Terminal configuration (All params is mandatory)
- secret: is a key provided by redsys.
- ces: set to true if terminal is configured for secure payments.
- num: Is a terminal number provided by redsys.
- iso_currency: ISO Currency code with 3 digits.
Valid ISO Currencies
- EUR: Euro
- USD: Dollar
- AUD: Australian Dollar
- GBP: Pound
- JPY: Yen
- CAD: Canada Dollar
- ARS: Peso Argentino
- INR: Rupia
- MXN: Peso Mexicano
- PEN: Sol Peruano
- CHF: Franco suizo
- BRL: Real Brasileño
- VEF: Bolivar Venezolano
- TRY: Lira Turca
Create Payment
Transaction type 0
Create a action method.
Create a template for autosubmited form (This is a sample, the required part is include payment form)
Manage autosubmit of form in js.
Create Payment Authorization
Is equals to payment only change the method executed. For use this payment method, the terminals must be allow transaction type O.
Create Payment Confirmation
Is similar to payment, all params must be the same as authorization. For use this payment method, the terminals must be allow transaction type P.
Create Payment Cancellation
Is similar to confirmation, all params must be the same as authorization. For use this payment method, the terminals must be allow transaction type Q.
Handle success and error callbacks
Handle redsys notification response
For handle the notification you can use event listener or a eventSubscriber, in this case i use a event listener.
Event Listener
Config event Listener
This bundle is under the MIT license.
All versions of redsys-bundle with dependencies
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ~6.0
symfony/config Version ^4.2
symfony/dependency-injection Version ^4.2
symfony/http-kernel Version ^4.2
symfony/framework-bundle Version ^4.2